Inverse Sword God - Chapter 4719

Chapter 4719

Others were also exclaimed, because they also found out that the other party was still performing the genius of the wind clan, and even Lin Xuan sank.

Isn't this person really a wind clan person? He snorted, exhibited Wang Yin again, and shot it out.

The palms of both men form a seal of God, and they are constantly impacted.

Sky is falling apart.

After three bangs on each other, each backed up,

Su Cheng, standing there, the momentum of the whole person is getting stronger and stronger, endless Jianguang rushed out from him.

On the other side, the horrible storm on the man in the armor also swept away, as if turned into a **** of wind.

His expression was so dignified that he could block the seal of the wind.

But I don't know if you can stop the four strikes of Fengshen!

After speaking, he waved four palms in a row.

This time with an endless killing, there was only one target that swept between heaven and earth, that is, Lin Xuan's head,

It looks like he's going to kill.

Lin Xuan snorted, embracing his hands, and embracing the seal of the mountain, suppressing between heaven and earth.

At the same time, Ren Wangyin also sent out constantly,

He even created a Tai Chi map and rotated between heaven and earth.

He felt that the blow was really too powerful.

The power between the two sides erupted again, the ancient Demon Mountain was broken, and the king of the people resisted a palm.

In the end, the Taiji chart was rotated to block all power.

Lin Xuan's expression became dignified. This man is really strong and deserves his full output.

On the other hand, the people of the wind clan growled, **** it, this is impossible.

How did you get four blows?

Even Fenghuang is stunned. As her first genius in the family, she is not yet qualified to learn Fengshen.

Because in the family's plan, it will take her three years to learn,

Up to now, there is a person who has four blows from Fengshen.

What is going on here?

Who are you Several elders of the wind clan rushed up and stopped between heaven and earth.

They stared at the warframe man, Lin Xuan frowned, and it seemed that things were beyond their expectations.

Stupid things, the wind clan has fallen in your hands. The Warframe man shouted coldly.

The elders of Fengzu are crazy. Who are you? Are you our style clan?

Wind enchantment,

The three elders joined forces to create a terrible seal of enchantment and suppress the men in the warframe.

They want to ask clearly.

It's up to you? The speed of the end print is too slow. The speed of the Warframe man is very fast, and he rushed out of the enchantment in an instant.

Then one shot was taken towards everyone.

Four big palms, directly hit three people to fly,

The blood of the three elders bleed, and they shook each other so much,

The other party's familiarity with the wind heritage seems to surpass them.

how? No one in Fengzu remembers me? The Warframe man stood there with a negative hand, and seemed to be cut off from the world.

The people of Fengzu are stunned. Who is this guy?

At this moment, a living fossil of Fengzu shrank his pupils, exclaiming, it was you.

This is impossible, this is impossible.

What happened to the elders?

Yeah ancestor, countless people looked at the old man,

The old man was shocked. He looked forward to the Qingjia man who walked over and said excitedly, third brother, is it you?

what? Everyone froze,

Lin Xuan is also stunned, third brother? Isn't this guy a younger generation? It is an old monster who has lived endless years!

The people of the wind tribe are even more shocked. Can it be achieved? This is their old ancestor?

It seems that someone remembers me. The Warframe Man turned his head and said, Brother Five, you are really old.

Brother 3, is it really you? The living fossil was crying,

He really couldn't believe it, those other people were also shocked,

what happened? Is this really a living fossil-level figure?

But it shouldn't.

With the strength of the opponent, if it is the younger generation, peerless top,

However, if it is only living fossils, it will be too bad.

After all, this living fossil of the wind clan is already a great saint.

Those of the wind clan also asked, ancestor, who is he?

The living fossil took a deep breath, and then said: He is my third brother, and the wind is light.

Less wind, young Tianjiao!

The elders shrank their pupils, exclaiming one by one, this is impossible. The wind is light and light, isn't it dead then?

Those who are from other ancient families are also shocked. Looking at those young people, wondering,

An elder of the Guang clan said that the wind is light and light, the first genius of the wind clan five thousand years ago. Its strength is unparalleled,

Even more terrible than the current Fenghuang.

Everyone thinks that his future achievements are unparalleled, and even has the opportunity to impact the realm above the Great Holy One

However, in his heyday, he suddenly disappeared.

Some people say that the other party fell and was assassinated by other strong family members.

At that time, the wind clan was crazy, and launched countless search for the strong, and even had a world-fighting battle with other ancient families

But in the end, it was nothing.

No one ever saw Feng Shaoqing again, all thinking he was dead.

But I didn't expect him to come out now, and he looked so young.

After everyone listens ~ ~ Do you take a sigh of relief, anyone who was five thousand years ago? It's incredible.

Lin Xuan is also surprised. People who have met 5000 years ago have also met, such as Xiao Mu before,

That was also five thousand years ago,

But the wind in front of me is very light and completely different.

Xiao Mu is strong, but his blood is not so strong. After all, in the past five thousand years, the other party has suffered endless torture.

To be alive, it is already very bad.

However, the wind in front of me is light and light, Lin Xuan can feel the blood of the other party, very strong,

Like the same heaven and earth stove, it is even better than shaking light, Yuefei Yan, etc.

This is definitely young Tianjiao,

Is it possible for the other party to return to old age?

Those other people also looked one after another, shocked one by one,

Even those great saints are taking a breather. If the other party really has the secret to returning to old age, then they must ask them anyway.

The wind elders are also tight.

The grand saint of the Zhang Feng clan said directly, third brother, come back, the family will protect your family, and will use all resources to make you practice.

However, Feng Shaoqing said, no need. I'm in Zifu now and I'm doing fine.


Purple House!

Did Feng Shaoqing join the Purple House? Countless people are shocked.

They were so surprised, why did the other party join the Purple House?

And, more importantly, deal with why you are so young now!

Lin Xuan looked at this scene, frowning tightly,

It is incredible that Zifu had people who were five thousand years ago.

He always felt that the water in Zifu was too deep.

On the other side, Shen Jingqiu asked in a low voice, can he really return to his old age?

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