Inverse Sword God - Chapter 2804

Chapter 2804

This scene made Yinhua frighten his soul. She performed mystery again, burning blood and escaping quickly,

Lin Xuan also started the formation, and the two flew in the sky, one after the other.

There are a lot of people in front of them. They are twinkling. They are human warriors who are ready to come and watch the war.

Yinhua didn't know that she thought these people were calling Lin Xuan to prepare to besiege her.

So she screamed, **** humans, let me die!

With a roar, the terrible blood turned into a blood sword, rushed up and chopped forward.

For a moment. The void ahead shattered.

Many human warriors were instantly killed. Among them are several invincible kings,

Seeing this scene, the remaining warriors around were screaming madly,

Damn it, demon, he's a demon ~

Is it possible for a man to kill several invincible kings with so much power?

The strong people of the ancient peoples are really terrifying!

Damn, is Lin Xuan fighting such a person?

What about others?

Could it be that he has been killed?

No, are you saying that the Emperor Lin Xuan has fallen? These people are shocked.

Many of them are jealous.

Indeed, in this way, the Taikoo strongmen have exceeded their tolerance, and it is estimated that they cannot even compete with each other.

Lin Xuan fought with such a person, it must be that there are many evils.

Yin and Yang, those in the mop family, sneered,

If Lin Xuan is really killed, it would be great. It is something to celebrate.

But soon, they froze, and even became extremely ugly, with deep fear in their eyes,


Because the void was not far away, two figures came out, just Lin Xuan and the dark red dragon.

As soon as Lin Xuan came out, he slashed forward, I see where you fled!

Seeing that the other party was chasing again, Yinhua pointed out the sound of screaming, and turned into waves of blood, rolling away.

Damn boy, you wait, I won't let you go! She screamed while running,

Lin Xuan and the Dark Red Divine Dragon chased quickly.

The human warriors around them were stuck in place, their brains were blank, and they couldn't believe the scene in front of them.

What did they see? Lin Xuan is hunting down a Taikoo strongman!

And this too ancient strong, can easily kill several invincible kings.

God, how is this possible, am I not dreaming?

When was Lin Xuan already so powerful? These people are crazy.

Especially those sages and virgins are trembling with fear.

Before, they thought that Lin Xuan was beheaded, but no matter where they thought, things were not what they thought.

It is Lin Xuan, who is hunting down the powerful people of Taikoo.

This scene is really shocking.

Lin Xuan is extremely powerful. The silver flower chased down has no road to heaven and no door to the ground.

Finally, at 9 million miles, Lin Xuan caught up with the other side, using the Dragon Soul of the Dragon, and the God of Eye God to kill the other side's soul.

Peng ~

The two halves fell to the ground, sinking the earth, and the sea of blood raged around it.

A radius of 5 million miles. Broken directly, nothing can exist and no way, this is the blood of the ancient strong.

Contains extremely terrifying energy, every drop is terrible.

Boy, do n't waste this blood, it 's good for us. The Dark Red Dragon began to arrange the formation.

Large bursts of rotation. Collecting the surrounding blood, Lin Xuan nodded, which can be used to train Jiuyang **** body,


He entered the formation, and the endless blood of the ancient strong drowned them both.

Among these blood, with a monstrous murderous power and terrible energy, he constantly bombarded Lin Xuan's body.

Lin Xuan's body cracked, and he began to cultivate according to the cultivation method of Jiuyang deity.

This scene is terrible.

The monstrous blood flew into the clouds, and the breath of breath was so dare that even the invincible king dare not step in easily,

Therefore, the human warriors around did not dare to approach, and could only look outside, this horrible scene.

They all speculated, I wonder if the Archaic powerhouse has fallen?

And no one dared to watch it.

After all, that level of power is not enough to look at even invincible kings.

Amidst the mountains, a group of people came down. These people were strangely dressed and weird, with scary patterns on their bodies.

Obviously, they are not humans. These are the people of the archaic devil.

After they left, after the imperial capital, they came to this mountain, looking for the 8,000-year-old elixir.

The place where this elixir is located is a broken ruin, which should be left by the ancient strongmen,

So there are terrible remnants of formation.

There are even a few terrible demon kings around, guarding here.

After all, the elixir of the 8,000-year-old flames is not only wanted by these ancient creatures, but also by the powerful demon kings.

The young souls of the archaic demon spider family, the Four Souls, took these men with them and began to break through.

Moreover, they also killed two powerful demon kings.

Bang Bang Bang ~

Suddenly, the ground trembled, and the surrounding mountains collapsed, as if an earthquake had occurred. It's shaking.

What happened and what happened? Is it possible that another demon king is here?

Those who were too strong in the archaic demon spider family were puzzled, and the four souls frowned, and the eyes burst into horror, sweeping in all directions.

However, he didn't find any powerful demon king. The next moment, he looked up at the sky, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Because the sky at this moment is dyed red, and the boundless breath of breath converges towards this side,

So terrible, what is this? Other archaic demon spider creatures also saw this scene.

They rose into the air and looked into the distance,

So terrible blood, has any peerless power fallen?

Or are you practicing something strange?

They looked into the distance and exclaimed.

The monstrous energy contained in this sea of blood is really terrible ~ ~ How do I feel that this blood is so familiar that the blood contains the extremely terrible lightning power, which will not be the power of the silver electric tribe Right blood? "

A archaic creature muttered softly.

As soon as this word came out, the faces of several others changed dramatically: "Don't talk nonsense, how could the strong of the silver and electric tribe fall?"

"Although three geniuses have fallen, but the younger generation, the blood of the three people is not so terrible."

"This is definitely a timeless powerhouse. Who can kill such a powerhouse?"

"Who dares to kill?"

These archaic creatures were in doubt, and the four souls frowned.

"The situation is not simple, maybe some terrible masters have shot!" The four souls are also dignified.

He said: "Don't worry about these gossips. The affairs of the silver electricity group have nothing to do with me. Quickly break the array and get the 8,000-year elixir!"