Inverse Sword God - Chapter 2803

Chapter 2803

But in the end, he survived.

When the storm in the sky disappeared and this palm fell to the ground, Lin Xuan had some scars on his body, but there was not much damage.

"Boy, do you have any ideas?" Dark Red Shenlong came to Lin Xuan, "or we should work together to promote the Dragon Sword."

Yes ~

Lin Xuan nodded. At present it seems that this can only be the case.

The blood of the dark red dragon was spit on the shadow of the dragon-shaped sword,


The dragon-shaped sword shadow trembled, as if coming alive, bursting into an incomparable light.

The light of nine days and ten places was completely penetrated by the sword air.

At this moment, the four archaic creatures knelt directly on the ground, trembling constantly, unable to lift their heads at all.

The silver flower in front also changed her face.

"Damn, this power, what the **** is this?"

With a dignified expression, she exaggerated the five-color **** Ray, and at the same time she took the lead in launching an attack.

Because she knew that this sword was enough to threaten her.

"Do it!"

Lin Xuan roared, and all his power was permeated into the dragon-shaped sword shadow. The same was true of the dark red dragon.

Longxing sword shadow roared, turned into a huge sword with a long shadow, cut off in the volley.

On the side of Yinhua, the same shot.

A pair of 5-color large palms, against the sky, blasted Lin Xuan and the dark red dragon.

But she was still one step behind.

The dragon-shaped sword shadow in the sky chopped down and collided with two large 5-color palms.

Between heaven and earth, the endless light flickers, and the radius of five million miles is completely shrouded in this terrible energy.

Bang Bang Bang ~

The earth cracked, the mountains fell, and the countless monsters below it were soaring in this energy.

This aftermath spreads around like a major earthquake.

Those warriors who came from the imperial capital could not be found, but now they felt this power, all changed their faces, and looked into the distance.

"What a terrible breath!"

In the distance, there is a sky of light flashing, like a sword of sky, and it has a five-color **** thunder, just like the sky.

"There, it should be the battle! Hurry up and see."

They set their direction and rushed quickly,

Between heaven and earth, fierce collisions occurred, and the dark red Shenlong and Lin Xuan kept backing.

The aftermath of this energy is causing too much damage.

The two of them went directly into the Black Earth.

The Black Earth kept rolling and colliding, but fortunately, it was extremely hard and not damaged.

The four archaic creatures, in this energy, directly died out, and there was no time to escape.

Silver Flower has also been hit hard.

This sword cut off the two big palms of five colors, and cut them directly on her, splitting the five-colored armor of her body again.

Not only that, the sword split her body in half.

Ah ~

The miserable sound of Yinhua sounded in the heavens and the earth, pierced through nine days and ten places.

Too miserable, her body was split open.

Two halves of the body float in the sky. Blood swelled around her, reddened into the void, and turned into a sea of blood.


Yinhua roared wildly, and the two halves of the body quickly healed together,

For a moment, however, it cracked again.

The breath of the big dragon sword soul at the rift above is really terrible. Even the late king of the nine stars, such as Yinhua, could not be completely eliminated.

Unless, it takes a long time.

But now, where is there so much time for him? On the other side, Lin Xuan and the dark red Shenlong stepped out again.


Lin Xuan snorted, and the Dark Red Dragon was exclaimed.

"It's worthy of being the Dragon Soul of the Dragon, and it is powerful enough! Such a terrible Taigu strong can kill with one sword!"

"Boy, what now?"

Looking at the silver flower that had been combined for more than ten times, the still-broken and cracked silver flower asked the dark red Shenlong with a smile,

The light erupted in Lin Xuan's eyes: "Nature has destroyed her soul,"

The other party wanted to kill him, how could he keep his hand.

Hearing the cold words, Yinhua's soul screamed, "Damn boy, dare you kill me?"

"I am the strongest of the Yindian clan, kill me, the Yindian clan will not let you go!"

"I've heard this three times, not only you, but the three arrogant."

"But I was killed!"

"So this threat is useless to me!"

"Want to threaten me, change something new." Lin Xuan sneered, the golden rune flashed in his eyes,

Soul Burning Mystery opens, Silver Flower's soul seems to be ignited, screaming wildly.

"Ah, **** it! Soul attack!"

"The power of the blood, gather me!"

Her frantic roar, the sea of blood around her soul, wrapped her frantically.

Although the body is gone, those seas of blood are regrouped to form a blood man, temporarily covering the soul.

Yinhua kept panting.

This blow just hurt her soul.

"Boy, you wait, I won't let you go." There was a body of blood, making a cold voice.

The next moment, a big **** hand waved, covering the two halves of the body, and then Yinhua controlled the blood of the sky and ran to the distance.

To be honest, she was so shocked.

The opponent's sword qi was too evil, and the broken body could not heal, which was something she had never met before.

So she has to leave quickly.

After returning to the clan, healed her body again, and recuperated, she killed the other party!

Now she wants to keep herself safe.

"Want to leave? Did you leave?"

Lin Xuan snorted, waved the dragon-shaped sword shadow again, and killed him.

Swords of qi, chopped on those blood. The blood was quickly worn away. In an instant, one-third of the blood was cut clean.

Yinhua screamed like crazy, she was really scared, the other party was too scary,

She didn't dare to say anything, but just ran away crazy.

She quickly seals, the blood burns, and the blood veins are formed.

"Not good, boy, she's performing blood mysteries and burning blood!"

"Hurry up!"

The dark red Shenlong exclaimed, Lin Xuan frowned,

Indeed, the other party was too fast, and no one was found in an instant.

He opened the heavenly **** pupil, a pair of golden eyes above his head, and looked down at the earth.

Soon, he discovered that millions of miles away ~ ~ has a monstrous **** atmosphere.

"found it."

Go ~

"Xun Zilong, use your formation!"

The two started the formation, also tore the void, and quickly chased past.

Ahead, after Yinhua performed mystery, she speeded up. Then she was relieved.

She swears that this feud will be reported back. She is going to seize these two hundreds of thousands of paragraphs.

Before long, however, she screamed.

It's almost scared.

Because she found that not far away, the space was cracking and the two figures came out again.

"Damn! Here it is! How is this possible?"

How did the other person find her?