Inverse Sword God - Chapter 2463

Chapter 2463

The people in the Five Elements Palace were even more gloomy.

Damn, you are the people of Jiuxiao Holy Land! They roared wildly and looked stunned.

However, there was a sneer in the black mist.

No one answered, the dark mist rushed towards the mural ahead faster.

The power was so terrible that it directly broke the void.

Damn, bad, his goal turned out to be stone painting! Everyone exclaimed, blocking one after another.

Soon, someone screamed.

Damn, what about the fragments of the two ancient treasures?

They broke into pieces and found the two fragments under the mural disappeared.

This drives them crazy.

After all, it is also an ancient treasure with a dow pattern!

They didn't know that it was snatched by Lin Xuan and others, thinking that some people on both sides secretly snatched it.

If they knew the truth, they would definitely vomit blood.

That's right, Lin Xuan and others are in this dark mist.

They did not perform their unique skills, but concealed their identities. Among them, Lin Xuan is more handy,

The dragon dragon soul simulates everything.

He has seen Jiuxiao Shengzi make a shot, so at this moment, he can naturally simulate some magical powers of Jiuxiao Holy Land.

Damn, get out of me!

Countless people attacked insanely, but terrible formations appeared in the black mist, covering these people around.

These were all terrible killings. Once they appeared, the flames of the sky, the thunder and lightning, and the storm all swept through.

Makes those who have never dodged and resisted.


For a moment, many people had no time to control the black mist,

However, there are also masters.

A man with a long elephant nose rushed over and punched.

At the same time, his elephant's nose rolled even more, the sky exploded, and terrible ocean storms swept across.

This is a troll, possessing the blood of the ancient giant Warcraft. At this moment, the power is unimaginable.

His strength reached the level of the quasi-son.

Unfortunately, this time he met Lin Xuan and others.

And not one person, three Tianjiao, two peerless powerhouses, shot together at this moment,


The body of the troll was blown apart in an instant.

What, the troll was killed!

The people at the demon king palace were shocked, how could this be possible!

Who is it?

Is it possible to be an invincible king?

You know, the troll is very powerful, even if the other party is a saint, an elder, it is impossible to kill them in one hand.

not good! They are not alone!

The elders of the Demon Emperor's Hall roared, and they found that the other party was powerful, but obviously not the same attribute.

Obviously, many people shot.

For a while. These elders also came forward to resist, and the people in the Five Elements Palace also shot.

The Five Elements Son and Huo Tiandu are also not shooting.

Both of them also intercepted.

Many experts blocked the black mist. Inside the black mist, Lin Xuan drank and started.

Xing Tian took the lead. He would move his fist, and the terrible light illuminated Tianyu.

With this punch, he is performing a thunderbolt.

Called Thunder Tiger Boxing.

The thunder and lightning in the sky were intertwined to form a thunder tiger, shattering the void, and the terrible light pierced the sky.

Lin Xuan also shot. He controlled the black palace in the sky and pressed down.

It was like a magic mountain that burst the void.

The blood and blood of those warriors rolled, and their internal organs were severely wounded.

too terrifying! Who the **** is this! They resisted madly.

At this time, the Dark Red Dragon had shot.

The blood of his whole body was violent, and a few pythons were transmuted. He did not turn into a dragon, because he wanted these people to think that it was the hand taught by Wandu.

Sure enough, this python, with his dragon Yan, is extremely corrosive.

So as soon as they appeared, they hit the people in the Five Elements Palace and the Demon Palace.

There were gurgling noises in those people.

Flesh and bones melted quickly, as if snow and ice met the sun.

These people screamed and rolled in the air. The others are roaring, damn, poisonous!

It is a person who teaches all drugs!

Did Wanduism and Jiuxiao Holy Land join forces?


Huo Tian gave a cold voice, his voice resounded through the sky like a thunder.

He patted it with one palm.

In that palm, countless magic patterns shone, as if the palm of a demon fell in the air.

Cover all the black mist completely.

Huo Tiandu is very terrible. As the prince of the demon emperor's palace, he is not only powerful, but also bears the top blood power.

Wuxing Shengzi also shot, he hit a mountain of five elements, and hit the magic palace in the sky.

Huo Tiandu confronted Xingtian, and the Five Elements Son confronted Lin Xuan.

The battle between the two was earth-shattering.

But so far, they still don't know, who is in the dark fog?

At this time, Murong Qingcheng and Shen Jingqiu also shot.

Two more violent energies poured out, and everyone changed his face.

Damn, how come there are so many masters?

These elders were stunned, and the Five Elements and Huotian were also gloomy.

Because they found that the two emerging forces were definitely not weaker than them.

At least the child level, or the peerless powerhouse.

How can there be so many strong opponents? United together!

Which Holy Lands have joined forces?

They don't know, they growl like crazy.

But just Lin Xuan and Xing Tian, they couldn't defeat, let alone attack Shen Jingqiu and Murong.

Coupled with the violent formation around it, the battle was fierce for a while.

However, although these people were angry, they were relieved.

Because they found that they stopped these people.

Although these people are strong, there are not many people

They both shot together enough to intercept each other. As long as they control the opponent and hold them back, they will slowly let the other person show the prototype.

But the idea was good, but they didn't see it.

Behind them, near the mural, a white light flashed.

Immediately afterwards, a little white monkey appeared in the air, and he looked at the mural in front and grinned.

The next moment, Xiaobai waved his paw ~ ~ and grabbed the carved picture. Then he forced it down from the wall.


It received the cornucopia.

The whole process is fast, plus everyone has never thought that someone will steal it secretly. So when they came back to God, they saw only a white light flashing.

what! **** it! That treasure was stolen!


After hearing this, the people in the Five Elements Palace and the Demon King's Palace were no longer attacking, and they all turned to look backwards.

Found the walls behind, empty. The treasure map with six patterns disappeared.

Damn, how could this be? Everyone growled wildly.


The Son of Five Elements snarled, black hair spread out, and the power of the Five Elements on his body soared to the sky, and the Mountain of Five Elements blasted the Quartet even more.