Inverse Sword God - Chapter 2462

Chapter 2462

Ahead, the battle was fierce.

No one in the Palace of Five Elements or the Palace of the Demon King would give in. After all, the six patterns are too tempting to them, and they are really too confused.

For a moment, the sky glowed with horrible breath.

Various weapons collided in the sky, making intense sounds.

Every collision caused the sky to tear and a huge crack appeared.

The people passing by saw scalp numbness when they saw such a fierce battle.

Therefore, they did not know that there was a pair of six-patterned stone paintings.

Among them, the most fierce rivals are the Five Elements Saint and Huo Tiandu.

Both of them are sages and are very powerful. At this moment, they can definitely hit one side.

Those warriors near them exploded directly with blood mist.


An elder of the Five Elements Palace, unprepared for the situation, received the impact and half of his body cracked instantly.

She screamed, her scalp was numb, and she stepped back instantly.

His half body had been broken, and his internal organs had surfaced.


The elders of the Five Elements Palace cast a secret method, and the broken body heals quickly.

Soon, it resumed as before.

However, the old man's face was extremely pale.

Reaching their state, ordinary injuries can be recovered.

To the invincible king is even more powerful, as long as the soul does not die, you can be resurrected.

It is said that when it comes to the realm of saints, it is even more terrifying. Even if the body is destroyed and the soul is destroyed, as long as there is a drop of blood, it can be reborn.

Although they can't do this now, as long as it is not fatal, these people can still recover.

It's just that the consumption is relatively large.

The elder recovered, roared, and killed three young disciples again.

This time, they stared at Yan Ruyu.

Because they found that there was no one around him.


This old man is a peerless power, and the three young disciples behind him are also powerful geniuses.

At this moment the four were killed together, and the scene was terrifying.

In an instant, they tore the void and came to Yan Ruyu.

Yan Ruyu looked up at the sight, and raised a scorn in the corner of her mouth.


Countless energy gathering behind her. Form a pair of golden wings. Gently incite.


The sky's rays turned into golden swords, penetrating through the void.

Boom boom!

The golden sword of heaven filled the four.


Damn it!

The screams and roars sounded, and the old man in the Five Elements Palace flew upside down again. He inserted six gold excaliburs into his body and pierced his body.

The whole body was cracked and almost burst. The three disciples behind him were directly killed by one sword.

Damn, how could she be so powerful!

The elders of the Five Elements Palace are almost blindfolded. Who is this man? The maiden of the demon palace?

But it shouldn't be, even if it is a saint, it is impossible for him to be seriously injured in one stroke!

Others were stunned when they saw this scene.

The owner of the Five Star Palace looked at Yan Ruyu, and his scalp was numb.

Originally, they wanted to kill this peerless beauty, but now they never dare to do it again.

The strength of this woman is even more terrifying than Huo Tian.

In the distance, Lin Xuan and others hidden in the void were exclaimed when they saw this scene.

Lin Xuan's eyes flickered. I didn't expect Yan Ruyu's strength to be so powerful, I'm afraid that he surpassed the average sage and reached the level of the top sage.

This chick is so fierce! The Dark Red Dragon was also startled, and those golden holy swords trembled him.

It sensed it carefully, and then said, boy, this chick is not simple, the blood in her body is unusual.

I feel that her bloodline is even stronger than that of the demon son of the demon palace. But I don't really know what it is.

Murong Qingcheng and Shen Jingqiu are also dignified.

He suggested, Master, we better take a blitz and run away as soon as we grab something.

Can't entangle them.

He found that there are too many strong men in these two holy places, even if they are powerful, but if they are trapped, I am afraid it will be difficult to get out.

Okay, wait, they're almost there, we'll do it. Xun Zilong, wait for you to play first,

We people are united, don't separate, and take the treasure directly.

Immediately after taking it, use the matrix method to teleport.

Also, do n't show off your peerlessness in the Holy Land, do n't reveal our identity.

Got it. Everyone nodded.

I'm all excited about what you said. Dark Red Shenlong smiled, and caught five or six arrays in his hand. ,

Ahead, it's almost hit.

Lin Xuan said in a deep voice, and left.

The crowd turned into a torrent and rushed past.

The people in front of the Five Elements Palace and the Palace of the Demon King suddenly frowned, and their faces became extremely ugly.

Because they found that a powerful and violent force was coming towards this side.

damn it! not good! somebody is coming!

They wanted to fight back, but soon all of them were bombed and flew out.

Many people split directly.

The weak one, blasted into a blood mist directly, the strength is strong, but also injured.

For a moment, a vacuum appeared in the entire hall.

Damn it! Who is it

These people yelled, they couldn't think of it, and someone even dared to grab it.

It is unforgivable!

However, they couldn't see at all, and there were countless black gas surrounds in front of them, enveloping everything.

The souls and gazes of these elders couldn't even vomit.

Damn, get out of me!

Seeing the other party rushing over, a Qingfei rose over the Yaohuang Hall.

Behind him is a pair of thunder and lightning wings, all surrounded by thunder sea, with scales on his face. This is a thunder bird.

At this moment he killed towards the dark mist ahead.

Before he approached, his body made a crackling sound, countless thunder and lightning landed in all directions, the sky was directly smashed, and the violent thunder sea shrouded the black mist.

Humph! Let me die!

This thunderbird is also a powerful demon emperor temple Tianjiao, and has a bloodline of heaven and earth.

Boom boom!

A low voice sounded ~ ~ A palace appeared in the black mist, straight into the sky.

That temple was very hazy, like a magic temple, exuding a monstrous atmosphere.

When it appeared, it shattered the thunder sea and floated in the sky.

Damn, what is this?

The crowd was shocked, but in the black palace, a ray of light was sprinkled, hitting the lightning bird directly, bombing him.


The lightning bird spits blood and flew out, smashing the void,

Damn, how could this be so strong!

This is the magical power of Jiuxiao Holy Land!

Everyone looked at the black palace and frowned, especially those in the Five Elements Palace, and their faces were gloomy.

Damn, you are the people of Jiuxiao Holy Land! They screamed wildly,