Inverse Sword God - Chapter 2383

Chapter 2383

Hehe, I also brought my flying leopard bow!

The sons of these tangles, took out their babies one after another.

Let's go too.

Several people in Lin Xuan also rose into the sky, and the dark red Shenlong followed boringly.

From time to time, catch a few little monsters, spit out Long Yan, and then grill and eat.


Damn, why do rabbits also smell chicken? The Dark Red Divine Dragon spit drastically.

With the stimulation of Lin Xuan's reward, those warriors seemed to be beaten with chicken blood, and they were extremely excited.

With a radius of tens of thousands of miles, roars, vibrations, and the sky's rays came from time to time.

Of course, there are countless roars.

These are all roaring by monsters,


Ahead came a terrifying roar, shattering the clouds in the sky. Obviously, a powerful demon king was alarmed.


Everyone tried to kill the powerful demon king.

Boom boom!

This demon king is a giant python, standing thousands of feet tall, with a huge head that is very horrible and emits poisonous gas.

But the next moment, it exploded directly,

I saw Yang Jian holding a large purple bow in his hands, and his arrow flew out.

Killed this terrible demon king directly.

This scene is very shocking.

The sky's blood mist exploded, turned into blood rain, and fell into the forest.

Yang Jian, like a demon, stood in the void and laughed.

Yang Shaowei! Yang Shao is amazing! Congratulations to those martial artists at 3 Tangkou.

What the **** is this, a seven-star demon king, I will be able to cut and kill!

Yang Jian said disdainfully. Then, with a provocative look, he looked towards Lin Xuan.

However, to his disappointment, Lin Xuan's face was calm and there was no meaning of anger.

Originally, Yang Jian should be proud.

Because the new temple owner he had crushed to death, the other party didn't even dare to be angry.

But somehow, seeing Lin Xuan's calm eyes and look, Yang Jian had a fist hitting the cotton, unable to feel the strength.

Huh, pretend boy! I see when you can endure! Yang Jian snorted in his heart.

He decided that by increasing the provocation, he would not believe that the other party could be so calm.

So the next moment, Yang Jian did not set off again, but turned around and looked into the distance.

At the same time, he was full of strength, and said loudly, "Don't you, why don't you just look at it?"

Brothers also want to see, how is your skill?

As soon as this word came out, everyone looked towards this side.

Hu Yidao has left from Lin Xuan, hunting the powerful demon king.

At this moment, only Lin Xuan and Xing Tian were left beside Lin Xuan.

After listening, both of them looked gloomy.

Especially the dark red Shenlong, gnashing his teeth, can't wait to grab the other side, and grilled it directly.

Lin Xuan was calm, he smiled slightly, okay.

But what's the point of hunting monsters, why not, how about the two of us?

When this word came out, everyone around was surprised.

Yang Jian was also ecstatic. He was thinking about how to provoke the other party, but he did not expect the other party to say such a word.

Really life and death!

Although he didn't know how strong the opponent was.

However, he is very confident in his strength.

He is the top Tianjiao in Xiandian. There are few young men who can beat him.

What if the other party is the Lord of the Palace.

If the strength is not strong, it is useless!

Today, he is going to suppress the new hall owner in front of everyone and show everyone who is the real young Tianjiao!

OK, now that the Lord of the Palace has spoken, how dare I disobey!

Yang Jian laughed, and then flew forward with the billowing smoke.

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes too. He did this, naturally with his purpose.

Because he thought it was almost ready to go.

When the other party is so arrogant, he will let the other party know what it means to be sad.

His body was shaking, and Lin Xuan followed. He didn't pull out any weapons, but the whole body's spiritual power condensed to form a blue bow.

Compared to archery, Lin Xuan thinks that he does not admit defeat to anyone, even if the heavenly **** pupil is turned on, these people can't even hunt their root hairs.

However, he did not come to show his own archery.

Therefore, he now hides most of his strength, and his performance is ordinary, that is, the level of general genius.


In the distance, a roar appeared.

Immediately afterwards, a black demon rushed out.

Countless demons billowed, and a behemoth rose into the air, several kilometers long.

The wings spread like dark clouds, covering the whole world.

This is a **** eagle, very terrible, with two heads, and the wings are cast like black iron.

Very sharp.

Shaking gently, it shattered the void.

The big eagle was obviously irritated. At this moment, it stretched its arms and brought countless monster winds, sweeping in all directions.

No, run away!

Many warriors stepped back and hid their bows in the distance and attacked.

For a time, countless rays of light flew into the distance like meteors.

However, it was this black double-headed demon hawk that flew directly with wings. The feathers on it are extremely sharp, and ordinary attacks cannot be penetrated at all.

This is a seven-star top demon king, which is very scary. For a while, many people were busy and even injured.

Good stuff! Eat it, but Dabu! The Dark Red Dragon looked at the black two-headed demon eagle in the sky, drooling.

As soon as the tail of the dragon was swinging, he was about to vacate his shot.

However, it was held down by Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan said, Don't come here, I'm planning, don't destroy me.

Want to eat monsters is easy to handle, and get you dozens of them later.

Alright boy, this is what you said, you have to bake it yourself.

As for Lin Xuan's craftsmanship, the Dark Red Dragon is very memorable.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan was speechless and shook his head, but still said helplessly, okay, you'll be honest.

I will close the net soon.

It seems that someone is going to be unlucky. Dark Red Shenlong grinned and watched.

The two were rumors, so even if Xing Tian aside, he didn't know that Lin Xuan would make a big move next.

Lin Xuan also looked up, looking at the behemoth in the sky.


He stopped in shape ~ ~ and lifted his bow.

A cyan arrow flew out, like a meteor, into the sky.

Boom boom!

A fierce collision exploded on the behemoth.

The terrible air waves rolled, and there were thunders all around.

Boom boom!

This blow directly penetrated the wings of the two-headed demon eagle, and brought up a large blood mist.

Seeing this scene, those warriors in the fairy temple in the distance looked one after another.

When they saw that it was Lin Xuan's shot, they were shocked one by one.

The five hundred warriors were exclaimed.

This kid is pretty good. Hou Yichen and others also vacated the sky, and were very surprised to see this scene.