Inverse Sword God - Chapter 2382

Chapter 2382

Forget it, I won't make fun with them. Xingtian shook his head.

Don't look at him as young, but in fact, he does not belong to the younger generation.

To take a shot, it must be first. It is estimated that Hu Yidao can't match him.

But that way, it's useless.

He knew that the purpose of Lin Xuan was to stimulate these people through this hunting, this top-level reward!

These days, Lin Xuan's behavior shocked Xing Tian.

Although the young man in front of him is young, he is very powerful and the means are also excellent.

Just became the Lord of the Immortal Hall, but it is very close, without any shelf,

The scene of hunting now shows his magnificent atmosphere.

Great rewards!

This is the perfect image of the temple master in the hearts of everyone.

When everyone was excited, there was a sudden applause in the distance.

It is indeed the Lord of the New Hall. It is really a good way to attract people.

However, these people you convened are a bit wasteful, and they are all unnecessary for our Nine Hall entrance.

Our elite genius at the entrance of Nine Halls is not your small favor and can pull away.

As soon as the sound came out, everyone changed color.

The five hundred warriors recruited by Lin Xuan immediately became angry, staring at each other with anger, killing them.

The person at the entrance of Jiu Lobby is a facial expression.

Hou Yichen and others were even more entertaining.

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes, while Xing Tian and Hu Yidao frowned, looking at the sky.

What is it, who is it? Dare to make trouble here!

The dark red dragon was also gnashing his teeth. The next moment, they held their breath.

Before that, the murderous energies emitted by those five hundred people condense in an instant.

Because they found a figure coming from a distance.

The opponent was volleying, unusually tall, and looked like a demon.

Yang Jian.

Son of the Three Masters.

Moreover, its own strength is one of the top Tianjiao of Xiandian.

Therefore, the people below dare to be angry but not to speak.

Yang Jian! Hugh nonsense! Xingtian cold drink.

Nonsense? Wherever I am nonsense, everything I say is true.

Standing in the void, Yang Jian was very strong.

Those in Santangkou naturally sneered.

Among them, Pei Yuan and Shao Hui also hummed.

However, Hou Yichen and others did not agree.

Although they are all at the entrance of Jiuhai Hall, their relationship with Yang Jian is just average.

Moreover, Lin Xuan did not have any bad intentions to them. They felt that the new temple owner had a good attitude.

So at this moment, they don't help each other and look at the theater.

Yang Jian volleyed, looking down and seeing Lin Xuan, with a scorn in his eyes.

However, when he saw Lin Xuan behind Hu Xuan, it was a stun.

He didn't expect that Hu Yidao also appeared, and he was standing behind the other.

Damn it? what happened? Yang Jian was puzzled, because Hu Yidao was a very proud man, not even giving them the face of the 9th lobby.

Why are they standing behind each other?

Of course, he doesn't think that this is Lin Xuan's ability, but thinks that this is the arrangement of the old palace master.

So, Yang Jian sneered, why are you stubborn, and you are relying on each other? When did you get so bad?


Hu Yidao snorted and ignored him.

Lin Xuan narrowed her eyes. It seems that the other party is still arrogant as always.

But just right, just like him.

Originally hunting today was not his real purpose, and the reward was only casual.

His real purpose was Li Wei.

Originally he was still thinking, Yang Jian is not coming. Who are the better sons of the remaining sons?

But now, don't think about it.

The other party is here.

Yang is strong and powerful, and has a very high status, but he is extremely arrogant and is the best candidate to use it to establish a reputation!

The other party is so arrogant that he does not take him as the owner of the temple. It can be said that the following crimes have already touched the rules of Xiandian.

Not only that, but the other side also despised and humiliated the newly recruited warriors, which can be said to have aroused anger.

In other cases, it is estimated that only Shaohui and Pei Yuan support Yang Jian, which can be said to account for a minority.

So after a while, even if Lin Xuan started the operation, there would not be too many people supporting the other side.

After all, in terms of numbers and rules, the other party has no advantage.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan raised a smile.

He didn't do it immediately.

Because he felt that it was not the time.

At this time, Yang Jian spoke again in the sky. How about it, the new master, I'm not too late?

It's not too late. Lin Xuan nodded. Now that he is here, let's go down and get ready to hunt together. If you can get first, the reward is yours.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding warriors were uproar.

Among them, Pei Yuan sneered. Brother Yang cares about the reward?

Shao Hui even sneered. The owner of this temple was not embarrassed. It seems that Brother Yang is more majestic,

I think Brother Yang is more suitable as the new master of the temple.

Others are also talking.

Because they felt that Lin Xuan seemed a bit too tolerant, not even a trace of anger.

This shouldn't be true.

Even Hou Yichen frowned.

Young Master, should I teach him? To the rear, Xingtian asked quickly.

Aside, Hu Yidao was also puzzled.

Because he played against Lin Xuan, naturally knew that Lin Xuan's strength was very powerful. I'm afraid it should be above this Yang Jian.

But why should the other person swallow it?

Lin Xuan shook his head slightly, no need to clean up him later.

Start hunting.

Yes, I understand. Xing Tian retreated, and Lin Xuan looked forward, and said loudly, now, hunting begins!


Hearing this, everyone was excited and moved quickly.

Even the previous displeasure was forgotten.

The people rose up and flew in all directions.

This Qixia Mountain is very wide, millions of miles away, all at a glance, all are dense forests.

Towering trees followed one after another.

There are also many monsters inside, but at this moment, they are like frightening bow birds, fled quickly.

After all, this is just the periphery, all of them are little monsters.

Those people also flew into it quickly.

Haha, go, go hunting with me! They can't hit a single hair!

Yang Jian laughed and left Santangkou,

Beside him ~ ~ followed by Shaohui and Pei Yuan. They also brought people in their respective halls,

A large group of people formed a large force, just like the king of Foshan.

Let's go too.

Hou Yichen and others also laughed. Among them, Hou Yichen even took out a **** bow.

It's been a long time since I used my Niggao Tianshuang bow.

I go! You guy even brought this baby? Several people nearby were surprised that it was made from the bones of the 8-star demon king.

It can be said that it is a peerless treasure bow!

You are cheating.

Hehe, I also brought my flying leopard bow!

The sons of these tangles, took out their babies one after another.