Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1645

Chapter 1645

Next, everyone rested in the valley, waiting for the first level to come.

Through Yu Jian, Lin Xuan already knows the content of this first level, it is a team game.

Everyone will form different teams and enter the Moon Forest together.

Each small group can only have a maximum of three persons and at least one person can act.

Under normal circumstances, no one will act alone, because this situation can easily be eliminated.

Of course, there are exceptions, like Dan Feng and Ding Peng, I'm afraid to disdain teaming with others.

For others, it is estimated that they will form a three-man squad, and the worst will be a two-man squad.

Each team will be divided into half a piece of jade.

What these teams have to do is to **** other people's jade in the forest to form a complete piece.

Only within the specified time, a complete jade pendant is assembled and delivered to the designated place.

This is the content of the first level, it looks very simple.

But there are hidden pitfalls.

One of them is that apart from the team itself, no one knows which half of the jade was received by the other teams.

For this, the warrior needs to find out by himself.

And, more importantly, this first pass is very easy to eliminate people.

Because there will be masters, carry out a large cleaning inside.

Those people are powerful and have completed the complete jade pendant, but they will not stop.

Instead, they will attack other people crazy and eliminate others.

It can be said that it is very cruel.

The next step is to combine the teams.

Basically, there is a combination of local disciples in their respective sects, and there are very few combinations among sects.

"Lin Xuan, let's combine into a team." Just then, Chu Yu walked with a smile.

However, before waiting for Lin Xuan to say anything, there were a few handsome young men next to him, walking towards Chu Yu.

And smiled and said, "Sister Chu, shall we be together?"

"Yes, sister, we can protect you."

"Boy, you can go. There is nothing for you here."

Several people looked at Lin Xuan coldly.

The surrounding martial arts were also whispering and could not help but distance themselves.

Because he dared to form a team with Chu Yu, he must be a personal disciple.

Ordinary core disciples have no chance at all.

And this kind of personal disciple, ordinary people dare not provoke.

"Two brothers, don't say that, Brother Lin is very good. Chu Yu hastened to make a round."


After listening to the two self-disciplined disciples, a scorn appeared in the corners of their mouths.

In the late period of a two-star king, where can it be great?

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes.

However, he did not do it, but said to Chu Yu: "You and their team, I have other options."

Say, Lin Xuan turned and left.

He really wanted to team up with Chu Yu before, because of the entire Danzong, he only knew Chu Yu.

But now he will choose to act alone.

Because being alone is more suitable for him!

Seeing Lin Xuan's departure, Chu Yu also sighed.

But this is also good, so that Lin Xuan and his disciples can avoid conflict.

She knew, however, that the pro-disciples around her were very scary.

If Lin Xuan is here, then the two sides will definitely conflict, and it will be Lin who suffers at that time.

This is not what Chu Yu wants to see.

"Well, two brothers, let's team up." Chu Yu sighed.

At the same time, everyone else is teaming up quickly.

Most of them are three-man teams, but there are also some two-man teams.

At this time, Lin Xuan seemed very weird.

Because there were no other disciples around him, but he was alone.

This independent action immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding martial arts, and even many disciples showed sneer.

"On his strength, still want to act alone? I really don't know how to write dead words."

"This entry is the existence of cannon fodder, ignore him."

Disciples sneered, and Lin Xuan didn't look at them at all.

Lin Xuan was calm, because he was very confident in himself.

In addition to Lin Xuan, Dan Zong has another person acting alone, that is, a personal disciple, Dan Feng.

She also did not find someone to team up.

Xiao Cheng of Ling Xuzong and Ding Peng in Ziyang acted alone.

Soon, each group started to go forward to collect half a piece of jade.

Lin Xuan also got a half piece of jade pendant, full of palms and exquisite inscriptions carved on it.

He held Yu Pei in his hands and narrowed his eyes.

Because from his arrival to Yupei, countless unwelcome gazes came around all of a sudden.

Obviously, these people are working on his idea.

Suddenly, Lin Xuan sneered.

If these people don't open their eyes, he doesn't mind sending them out.

However, the first level of the game was fair, and it was not that these people entered the Moon Forest directly.

Instead, a huge teleportation matrix is used to transmit randomly.

In this way, you can avoid the end where someone is staring up.

All the disciples stood on the huge formation, and the light flashed under their feet.

In front, the middle-aged man in the red robe shook the Holy Land, said loudly.

"This first pass takes seven days."

"In these seven days, you will not only successfully seize others' tokens, and form a complete pair of jade pendants."

"And we need to send Jade to that mountain on the seventh day."

Say, he points to the distance.

In that vast forest, there is a very tall mountain range.

Like Tianzhu, it is as high as a thousand feet and it is very eye-catching.

Want to come, that is the final place.

Okay, you already understand the rules, now the first level test begins.

With an order, the whole array of valleys lit up with the light of formation.

Subsequently, all the disciples were teleported away and entered the Youyue Forest.

When the light faded, Lin Xuan appeared in Youyue Forest.

Changshengjue works, and the dizziness caused by teleportation soon disappears.

He then began to look around the Quartet.

There is a virgin forest around with lush vegetation, and there are many monsters around it.

In other words, in addition to being wary of other warriors here, beware of monsters.

Through the dense forest, Lin Xuan found that in the distance, there was a blurry mountain shadow.

That is the final place.

It seems that we must gather the entire jade pen before we can do other things.

Lin Xuan looked at the half piece of jade pendant in his hand, and then prepared to set off.


Just then ~ ~ A cyan cheetah burst out from the tree.

It is only over two meters long and looks small, but its power is extremely horrible.

The monstrous murderous force distorts the entire void.

Two claws wave, tearing the void easily.

This turned out to be a demon king, and very powerful!


Lin Xuan snorted and waved.

Above the fist, with the cold black dragon breath.

Bang Peng!

A low voice sounded, the wind was sweeping around, and the surrounding trees were cut off by the waist.

The demon king also screamed and flew out.