Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1644

Chapter 1644

Lin Xuan condensed the medicine formed by the purple elixir and did not immediately discharge it.

But it was not absorbed.

Ahead, Dan Chenzi saw that all the core disciples had taken the purple elixir and nodded with satisfaction.

"Okay, you go back and prepare, you will meet here in three days, and there will be elders to take you out.

"Yes, my disciples retire!"

All core disciples worshipped forward again.

Then, one by one, they rose up and returned to their own peaks.

Lin Xuan and Chu Yu bid farewell and left.

After returning to the mountain, Lin Xuan raised his hand and laid down a defensive formation to prevent others from exploring.

Then he opened his mouth and spit out the purple elixir.

"Fuck, it really has a problem!"

The Dark Red Dragon also jumped out, frowning: "Boy, do you want to participate in this holy place trial?"

"I think this Danzong is weird, I'm afraid it's trying to figure something out."

Hearing that, Lin Xuan also had a solemn expression: "Of course I have to participate."

"Exiting now, I'm afraid it will cause Danzong to hunt."

"Moreover, I think Danzong's secret is likely to erupt in the Holy Land Trials."

"At that time, I'm going to look at this, that Dan Chenzi, what are you trying to do!"

Three days later, Lin Xuan and others came to Danzong Square again.

This time, three elders led the team, plus a dozen deacons, and went together.

Among these three elders, one of them has a very strong breath. Lin Xuan estimates that he is still powerful.

That Danzong was powerful, waved his palm, and suddenly a huge spirit boat rose into the air.

Subsequently, Lin Xuan and other core disciples all boarded the spiritual boat and flew towards the distance.

The speed of the ghost boat is fast, like lightning.

Even so, it took ten days to reach their destination.

Youyue Forest is extremely vast.

Surrounded by mountains.

And this huge spirit boat is landing towards one of the valleys.

The valley is large, as seen from a high altitude, like a half-moon in the same round.

When we got closer, we noticed that there were many people in the valley at this moment.

The landing of Dan Zong's Spirit Boat naturally attracted attention.

Soon, a red light flew from the half-moon valley below.

"It was Danzong's Taoist friend." A laugh sounded.

The comer was a middle-aged man wearing a red robe with strong breath.

Reached the Six Star King.

"It was Han Daoyou."

Danzong Da Neng also smiled slightly, and then the other two elders around him, and a dozen deacon, also quickly met the middle age of the red robe.

Look at these people with a touch of respect and fear.

"Don't look at the other party as only the Six Star King, but our Danzong and two other Zongs are afraid to spread wild here."

Aside, Chu Yu said in a voice.

"Hee hee, guess what?"

Lin Xuan thought for a while and said, "Is the other person the one who shook the Holy Land?"

"Yes, the other person is the person who shook the Holy Land. Even if our Danzong's power is met, we dare not be irrational."

Heard that Lin Xuan took a deep breath.

He has seen the power of power. That kind of character can be said to be a hegemon on this eastern barren continent.

However, a six-star king who shook the Holy Land could scare the power, and I have to say that the strength of the Holy Land is really terrifying!

Ahead, several elders and the red robe middle-aged discussed.

Afterwards, Danzong Danmeng turned his head and said, "We are going to discuss the game, you can go below yourself."

"Talk to the other brothers and sisters of Zongmen."


Everyone promised, and then they all rose up and flew down.

The half-moon valley has beautiful scenery and abundant aura.

It is a good place to rest.

At this moment, the advent of disciples of Dan Zong and other Lin Zong naturally attracted the attention of Ziyang Zong and Ling Xuzong.

Among them, in the aspect of Danzong, the top ten core disciples stood in the forefront, landing strongly and bringing up numerous winds.

"It's Danzong!"

In the valley, the other two people in Zongmen also narrowed their eyes.

Each one looked dignified.

No way, this time it's not a tour of mountains and rivers, but a very fierce competition.

It can be said that everyone is their potential opponent.

"Oh, Danfeng, don't come here."

At this moment, a very handsome young man in white walked out and looked forward with a smile.

Although he didn't radiate any light, there was a breath that made everyone feel uncomfortable.

"Xiao Cheng!"

Dan Feng is a very beautiful woman. She is wearing a five-colored robe, with a dignified look on her beautiful face.

A pair of narrow eyes were twinkling bright light.

At the same time, on her body, there was a fiery red light and shadow diffused, overlapping, like a phoenix.

With a hot breath

Suddenly, the breath of the whole valley rose a lot,

"So powerful!"

The disciples around were shocked, and each one looked very dignified.

And the young man in white smiled: "Looks like, your phoenix is determined, and you have made a breakthrough."

"You are not bad, I am afraid that Ling Xujue has been trained to the sixth floor."

Dan Feng's voice was cold, but it was very nice.

"What am I? I'm afraid Ding Peng's guy is even more powerful. I heard that his Ziyang skill has broken through to the seventh floor."

"Seventh floor!"

Hearing that even Dan Feng frowned.

"Really a tough guy."

"Oh, Ding is honored to be praised by the fairy Dan Feng."

There was another laughter, and then a figure appeared in front of everyone.

It was a young man wearing a purple gown with a smile of evil charm on his face.

On him, there is purple air floating, very mysterious.

"Ding Peng."

Dan Zong also exclaimed, one by one, as the enemy.

Ding Peng! The true disciple in Ziyang. The horror is so powerful, I am afraid that no one is his opponent in the whole valley.

The only one who can fight against them is their master sister Dan Feng, and Ling Xuzong's personal disciple Xiao Cheng.

In the distance, Lin Xuan raised his eyes and kept looking at the three.

These three are the top Tianjiao of the three major gates.

"Yes, it's really strong. But it seems a little worse than that Wanlei Shengzi ~ ~"

Lin Xuan's eyes flickered and he kept comparing.

"How's it going?" Ding Pengli asked in a faint light.

"Forget it, there is no need for consultation. By the third level, one battle will be enough!"

Dan Feng shook her head slightly, then she shook her figure and came into the valley.

"I won't fight you."

On the other side, Xiao Cheng of Lingxu Zong also laughed.

"Recently, I am practicing a kind of peerless science, and I will make a breakthrough in these two days. I will definitely give you an unexpected surprise at that time!"

Speaking of it, he also fell into the body and mind.

"No matter what you cultivate, you are not my opponent."

Ding Peng shook his head slightly.