Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1563

Chapter 1563

Lin Xuan was not in the mood, so the group went back.

However, when he returned to Danzong, Lin Xuan's face was gloomy.

Because he found that most of his courtyard had been destroyed.

This made him extremely angry.

People around him saw pointers and talked when they saw Lin Xuan coming back.

Ahead, in the courtyard destroyed by Lin Xuan, there are also two young people sitting

Seeing Lin Xuan return at this moment, they suddenly opened their eyes.

"You are Lin Xuan?" The two stared at Lin Xuan, looking bad.

"Yes, it's me." Did you break my courtyard? Lin Xuan asked coldly.

"Well, what about breaking your courtyard! Don't you dare to resist?" The two sneered. "Dare to offend the party, I really don't know how to die!"

"Boy, I didn't expect you to be very lucky, and you will be back so soon. If you meet Fang Shao outside, you are absolutely dead!"

"Rest assured, we didn't meet Fang Shao, but we met us. We shot as hard as we could and learned from him."

"Let him know that some people can't mess with it!"

"Boy, I advise you to kneel down and apologize, otherwise you will die and look ugly."

"It's you who kneel and apologize!"

"Dare to break my courtyard, you are so brave!" Lin Xuan's voice was cold, and murderous eyes appeared.

"Dare to threaten me?"

After listening, the two youths sneered: "Boy, don't you see who you are?"

"You are just a newcomer who just entered the inner door, and dare to give us arrogance?"

"I'm from Fang Shao, and Fang Shao is the core disciple of Brother Liu!"

"You offended us and made you unable to hang around in this inner court in minutes."

Having said that, the two young men laughed wildly.

The people around were silent, because they knew that the other party was right.

"That Lin Xuan, it's dead."

"Yeah, it's not good to provoke anyone, but he should provoke Fang Li!"

"Too young and not sensible. I guess he will stay in the door for a while and he will know."

Hearing the sounds around him, the two Zhang Kuang disciples in front were even more proud.

"Boy, did you hear that, you're not saved."

"Knelt down and apologize to us. Maybe we are in a good mood and can let you go."

"Huh, I don't know if I live or die!"

Lin Xuan didn't make nonsense, lightning shot.

Like a ghost, he came to the two youths in a flash, raised his palms, and patted them forward.

Snapped! Snapped!

Two crisp voices sounded, and the two arrogant youths were slaped in the face.

"Look for death! How dare you hit us?"

The two were beaten and stunned for a moment before they roared angrily.

Crazy, they are so mad!

I think they usually brag about their inner world, how could anyone dare to bully them?

But now. A newcomer to the door. How dare you slap them? This makes them intolerable!

And the surrounding inner disciples, seeing this scene, have a blank brain, stinging in place.

They couldn't believe this happened.

However, Lin Xuan sneered, waving his palm and fanning again.

Snapped! Snapped!

The sound of crisp slaps sounded, and soon two arrogant youths were beaten into pigs.

The blood mixed with the teeth and all fell out.

Two crazy young men had swollen faces and blood flowing.

Their eyes were full of anger and mad roar, trying to dodge, but they couldn't avoid the palm at all.

Finally, a look of horror finally appeared in their eyes.

Because they found that although the other party only had a one-star king, their strength was too horrible and unfathomable, and it was not something they could provoke.

"No, don't hit me, I was wrong!"

"Brother, stop! Forgive us!" Two Zhang Kuang youths knelt on the ground, begging for mercy quickly.

The disciples around the door, when they saw this scene, all stared out.

They couldn't believe it, the two crazy men were kneeling at Lin Xuan!

"Cangtian, am I not dreaming?"

"Aren't they Fangli's men? They are usually arrogant? Why did they even counsel this time?"

"Who the **** is Lin Xuan and the means are so powerful?"

For a while, everyone talked.

Only a few people in Zhou Hai were calm, because what was this point, even their boss had been beheaded by Lin Xuan!

Of course, they wouldn't say it at all!

Lin Xuan retracted his palm, wiped his fingers, and then said, "You guys broke my courtyard. You should know what to do?"

"Know, brother. We'll fix it for you." The two set off quickly to repair the courtyard for Lin Xuan.

This scene is so weird that more and more inner disciples come to watch.

However, the two arrogant youths never dared to be arrogant anymore, but quickly lowered their heads to work.

Soon, the courtyard was repaired, and Lin Xuan did not embarrass them any more, and went directly to the two.

After the two had gone, the disciples inside the surrounding crowd also left.

But since then, I am afraid no one will dare to provoke Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan, however, entered the courtyard with a wave of his palm, and a formation method quickly formed, wrapping the courtyard.

He then sat down with his knees crossed and took out Fang Li's storage ring.

The contents are quite rich. There are dozens of sub-crystals, many elixir, and many spirits.

In addition, Lin Xuan also found some exercises, most of which he could not use, but one of them, called the fire control method, he was very interested.

As he became more and more familiar in the shattered world, Lin Xuan only knew that this time Shenjing, even here, was not unusual!

Therefore, there are dozens of Fang Li energy, which is already a lot.

Most of the ordinary disciples use high-quality spirits.

Putting away the dozens of eating **** crystals, Lin Xuan opened the fire control recipe.

This accused of fire tactics is about alchemy's control of flames. In some of these places, Lin Xuan was also exquisite, which inspired Lin Xuan a lot.

With a wave of his palm, Jiuyou Yan burst out quickly, beating between his fingers.

Then he performed the fire control method, and immediately those black flames mobilized to form a monster.

If you only look at ~ ~, you will find that Lin Xuan's monster formed with flames this time has become more real.

Even in some details, it is exactly the same as the real monster.

That power has improved a lot.

Lin Xuan nodded, setting fire control aside, Lin Xuan carefully explored the spirit grass and the elixir.

He put away all the useful things. As for the useless things, he planned to find a place to sell them.

There is also the purple Danding, which he cannot use. Otherwise, others will doubt him.

Next, Lin Xuan did not go out again, but closed the retreat, made a breakthrough, and tried to impact the two-star king.

After all, there is a core disciple Liu Chao behind this side.

If the other party finds out this situation, maybe he will do something to him.

He had to guard.