Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1562

Chapter 1562

"court death!"

Seeing this, Fang Li was furious. He did not expect that the other party would dare to take the initiative to take the initiative, which was undoubtedly a provocation to him.

"Man Beast Boxing!"

With two fists waving, countless purple flames beating, forming millions of boxing shadows, killing Lin Xuan overwhelmingly.

Each fist, the size of a mountain, shattered the void with a mighty power.


The sword air fist shadow collided, the violent energy wiped out the entire sky.

However, Lin Xuan's sword qi was too powerful. The Nine Soul Sword fell, like a sickle of death, and instantly cut all the fists.

For a moment, the purple flames in the sky were wiped out and nothing was left.

However, the black sword qi flew towards Fang again.

The sword has not fallen, and the horrific killing intention has pierced the void.

"What? How is this possible!"

Seeing this scene, Fang Li was so frightened.

That's his stunt! It was broken so easily?

This made him unbelievable.

He felt his heart pounding when he felt the murderousness of that cricket.

At this moment, he finally knew that the opponent was stronger than him.

Therefore, he gritted his teeth and retreated quickly like a purple light.

"What? Retreat! Fang Li actually retreat!"

In the distance, Zhou Hai and others saw this scene with eyes widened and couldn't believe it.

Fang Li is the true King of Samsung. He is extremely powerful, and no one inside knows him.

Moreover, the flame of the opponent is even more terrifying, but it is of the demon king level.

But now, Fang Li has retired, and it looks like he's so embarrassed!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have believed it.

Fang Li's body plummeted, just like the purple Changhong, but the black sword gas was more violent and faster.

Not only that, the black sword qi has locked him firmly, like a black dragon, roaring at the temple in the air.

This makes Fang Li unable to escape at all.

At the moment of crisis, Fang Li gritted his teeth, quickly took out a purple danding, stood in front of him, and countered the black sword qi.


The sound of metal intersecting sounded, and the whole void cracked.

Although Fang Li blocked the sword with purple danding, the huge force still blasted him and smashed several mountains.

Blood fluttered, Fang Li screamed wildly.

"Impossible, this is impossible! Damn, how did you do that?"

He is crazy.

Beside him, a purple sea of fire formed the realm of kings, burning mountain peaks, trees, and forests.

His face was bleak, like a demon, and he couldn't believe it.

But Lin Xuan, like a glimmer of light, came to him instantly, and the magic sword in his hand was quickly stabbed.


Fang Li was blown out again, and the bones on his body did not know how many were broken.

This time, he received severe internal injuries and could barely climb.

However, when he saw Lin Xuan and walked towards him again, he suddenly screamed.

Because he found out that the other party really wanted to kill him.


"Damn! How dare you kill me? Do you know who I am?"

Fang Li screamed.

And Lin Xuan sneered: "Who are you, and what do you do with me?"

"I didn't know you, but you came to kill me for no reason?"

"Do you think I will let you go?"

On hearing that, Fang Li's face was ugly, and he quickly said, "I was wrong before. I apologize to you, can you let me go?"

In the distance, Zhou Hai and others couldn't believe their ears, and were so arrogant that they were asking for forgiveness?

This is so incredible!

However, Lin Xuan sneered: "I don't like leaving threats, so you must die!"

Having said that, he slowly raised the Nine Evil Sword.

"Boy, you're looking for death! Do you know, I'm Brother Liu Chao!"

"Dare you touch me, Brother Liu Chao will not let you go!"

Fang Li roared like crazy.

Hearing that Zhou Hai and others were shocked. They could not have imagined that Fang Li had climbed up to Liu Chao.

You know, Liu Chao is a core disciple, and Xiuwei has reached the four-star king.

If he is angry, he can slaughter any disciple in public without being punished by Zongmen.

It can be said that in their eyes, there is supreme existence.

Lin Xuan frowned, too. He had seen the means of the core disciple Liu Chao before.

Seeing Lin Xuan hesitant, Fang Li sneered again: "How about, kid, be afraid!"

"Now kneeling down and giving me a hoe, I may spare you!"

"Otherwise, when I tell Brother Liu Chao, it will be your death!"


Lin Xuan snorted, a long sword waved, and immediately chopped off the opponent's head.


Blood sprayed, Fang Li fell, and he did not believe that he would kill him.

Isn't he afraid of revenge from core disciples?

Lin Xuan said coldly, you don't need to threaten me. If he dares to come to my trouble, I will kill him together.

Say, with a wave of his palm, the black Nine Flames burst out, instantly burning the corpse on the ground.

However, a storage ring, as well as the purple Dan Ding, was put away by him.

Dan Ding can compete with his sword spirit, want to come to a high grade, and the other side as a powerful disciple, there should be many treasures in the storage ring.

On the other hand, Zhou Hai and others were stunned. They could not imagine that Lin Xuan really started.

Fang Li was killed, so they couldn't believe it.

"Brother Lin, you ..." Zhou Hai and others arrived, staring at the scene on the ground, stunned.

And Lin Xuan shook his head slightly: "I was forced to do nothing but not kill him, I'm afraid I didn't know when he would be killed?"

"Relax, Zongmen can't find it, because like he said, as long as you don't say it, no one knows it's my hand."

"I will definitely think that it is the hand of Wandumen."

"Relax, Brother Lin, we will never say that!" Zhou Hai swears.

"But you have to be careful Brother Liu Chao ~ ~ After all, the other party is a core disciple. If this matter is found out by him, I am afraid it will be troublesome.

"The core disciples have the power to kill and kill. They don't have to pass through the sects to do anything to the disciples inside."

Zhou Hai worried.

"Anyway, the four-star king is strong. I may not be able to play it now, but I still have the ability to protect myself."

Lin Xuan didn't say a lot, and his means were many, far from what Zhou Hai and others could imagine.

Later, a group left and left here.

Several people in Lin Xuan did not perform the task, but returned to Zongmen.

Because of the current strength of several people in Zhou Hai, it is impossible to fight against the people of Wandumen.

Lin Xuan was not in the mood, so the group went back.

However, when he returned to Danzong, Lin Xuan's face was gloomy.