Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1406

Chapter 1406

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"What? All dead?" The two left and right eyes widened and couldn't believe it. Please search for the most complete! Newest Fastest Novel

This method is too scary.

Although the other side is trained to have only nine respects, this combat power is definitely not inferior to the two of them.

Thinking of this, the faces of the two messengers were very ugly, because their four major protection methods were all dead.

It is hard for them to imagine the loss.

Because there are not many mysterious spar in the Black Dragon Sect, it is difficult to create such a master.

Unless their leader can get a sub-crystal.

There was no difficulty in this matter, but now there is another king-level monster in the magic pit below, and it will not be so easy to get the second god.

Therefore, they were extremely angry.


With a roar, the two were so murderous that they quickly moved towards Lin Xuan.

The light shone like the sun in the same round, as if it were a powerful God of War.

"One person, hurry up!" Lin Xuan said to the dark red dragon beside her.

"A piece of cake."

The Dark Red Dragon has now resumed the half step King Xiuwei, with strong strength, coupled with his experience and skills, dealing with the half step King is no different from hanging.

Soon, the Dark Red Divine Dragon greeted the Green Emperor Zuo Shi.

Lin Xuan, on the other hand, was at ease.

The war broke out.

Xiaoyao Youshi did n't have the fog, raised his fist and waved, just like the resurrection of ancient Warcraft, with the power to tear the world apart.

That terrifying energy directly enveloped Lin Xuan.


A sword glowed, like a peerless sword, splitting the opponent's fist.

Then a sword like a dragon stabbed quickly.

"Happy palm!"

Xiaoyao gave a loud sigh, waving his palms, forming a huge white vortex.

The white vortex, like countless sky knife combinations, quickly spins in the air and wants to cut Lin Xuan in half.

Numerous cracks appeared in the void.

Lin Xuan gave a cold drink, his expression was dignified, and he quickly displayed the Star Warrior, covering his whole body.

Subsequently, his sword trembled, countless swords turned into a fiery Changhong, and quickly swept across.


Lin Xuan's sword light is too horrible. It contains the power of the Great Dragon Soul, and it is extremely powerful. It directly defeats Xiaoyao.

Xiaoyao turned his body backwards, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding.

He roared, and the whole man was completely violent, because he couldn't stand the injury of a ninefold respecter.


Lin Xuan also yelled and came up quickly with a long sword.

He is like killing a god. He is full of horrible sword awns, and he is vertical and horizontal. There are countless heavenly giant swords on the sky, and he keeps landing.

The scene was really horrible, Xiaoyao was shocked and angry, and he did not expect that the other party was so powerful that the combat power still surpassed him.

"Ah, impossible! I don't believe it! I don't believe you are better than me!"

If Xiaoyao is crazy, his whole body is full of light, and the whole person is like a peerless beast.

"Huh! It's just a waste product that was forcibly promoted by external forces. Do you really think you are invincible?"

"Tell you, in front of me, you are a cricket ant!" Lin Xuan's voice shouted, his warfare was vigorous, and the whole man exuded a strong warfare.

The next moment, he waved the Lone Star Sword in his hand and kept chopping off the opponent.

Lin Xuan's breath is really too strong, like killing the gods, waving the sword constantly, as if to cut the entire sky.

Xiaoyao Yousue vomited blood again and kept chasing backwards, a horror appeared in his eyes, and the momentum of the other side was too strong, far surpassing him.


He was afraid in his heart, and the other party was right. He just cultivated with external force, so his foundation was extremely unstable, and his combat power was lower than the normal half-step king.

In normal times, this kind of thing is okay, because few people in Tiannanyu practice more than him.

But now, facing Lin Xuan, all his disadvantages have been exposed.

It's like having powerful power, but it can't be shown 100%, because this is not the power he cultivated by himself.

Lin Xuan is different.

Every step of his practice was obtained on his own ground, and after a lot of battles, he could be said to be extremely powerful.

In his hands, he has multiple levels of martial arts. Once it erupts, it will be more than ten times stronger than itself.

Therefore, the two sides are not at all a strength class.

"Come on!"

Lin Xuan's voice was cold, and the whole body surrounded the sword light, which was dazzling, and the sword in his hand burst into an endless atmosphere.

The long sword pierced straight out. Like the same sword, this sword made the whole world tremble.

Xiaoyao on the other side changed his face, and his expression was terrified.

No way, this sword is too scary, making him all tremble.

He knew that with his own strength, he couldn't escape the blow at all.

Therefore, at the critical moment, he slaps his body joints eighteen times quickly, and then spit out three big bloods.

"Black Dragon Secret!"

This was the life-saving method entrusted to them by the Black Dragon leader. He didn't think it would be used at all, but he didn't expect it to be used now.

Spitting out three painstaking efforts, Xiaoyaoyou made the whole person extremely pale, as if it would fall at any time.

However, he still gritted his teeth and waved quickly.

Suddenly, the three blood mists in front of him coagulated, and a black flame was produced in it, which caused Xiaoyao to wrap and rush to the sky quickly.


The long sword was cut off, just in the black flame that was about to escape, only to hear the scream of Xiao Xiao, and then blood flew again.

However, the black flame still disappeared quickly into the sky.

Lin Xuan frowned. He was surprised. He could not imagine that the other party still had this kind of life-saving means.

Looking at the breath, it seems to be the breath of the Black Dragon cult leader, and it seems that it should be a little trouble to kill the other party this time.

On the other side, Qing Ling Zuo Shi was even dangled by the Dark Red Dragon, and he was repeatedly traumatized. At this moment, when he saw Xiaoyao Youshi running away, he also used the same method to escape quickly.

The dark red Shenlong snorted and wanted to chase, but was stopped by Lin Xuan ~ ~ Forget it, two wastes, just run and run, let's hurry up. "

"Okay, listen to you."

The Dark Red Dragon nodded, and then the two flew down quickly.

The fighting process seemed very long, but it was actually very short. None of the Black Dragon priests responded.

By the time he reacted, Lin Xuan and the Dark Red Dragon had already landed at an altitude of only 500 meters.

Lin Xuan was suspended in mid-air, with a very dignified expression, because at this height, he could already clearly sense the terrifying atmosphere brought by the realm of the king below.

That breath made him have to cast Star Warframe for protection.

"This is the power of the King, it is terrible!"

Lin Xuan's eyes flickered, and a bright light burst out. He vowed that he must enter the realm of kings, and he must have this power!