Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1405

Chapter 1405

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The black dragon leader suddenly opened his eyes, and the turquoise eyes shot two horrible rays, directly crushing the void in front of him

He naturally felt the ghost of the dragon, of course, knowing that someone secretly provoked alienation.

The purpose is to make him fight with the king and monster below, so that the other party can take advantage of the fisherman.

No need to think about it, it was the group who had fled before.

Suddenly, he snorted coldly, even if he fights with the king and monster below, does the group really think that they can enter the magic pit below?

"It's so naive!"

You know, there is a realm of kings in the magic pit below! Even he didn't dare to go easily, let alone those little respected ones?

Thinking of this, he quickly transmitted the sound, letting the two envoys around him, the four major protection methods quickly find out the other party, while he was moving quickly, dodging the attacks of the nine arms.

Later, he stood in the air, his black robe shaking, his sharp eyes were like sharp swords, and his body gave out the terror of the king.

The power of terror surging, shaking the Quartet.

The next moment, he raised his palm, and numerous black dragon flames condensed to form a black fire dragon.

The two kings fought again, and the two envoys and the four guardians around them all received orders and searched quickly.

At the same time, they held up a formation, completely covering the surroundings.

This time, they must never let anyone in again.

"Who? Hiding there sneakily, get out of me!"

Soon, the two left and right made a cold drink, and the sound was like a thunder, sweeping across the rooms.


Lin Xuan snorted and fell from the sky. This time, he did not hide, because he wanted to solve these people in front of him.

"Who are you?" The two envoys, the four guardians, saw the figure in front of them, and immediately became vigilant.

"People who kill you!"

Lin Xuan snorted and quickly pulled out the Lone Star Sword, striding forward.

"Go on, kill him!"

Qing Zhuo left a cold drink and did not take any action. Instead, a young man with a pale face chuckled out and quickly walked out of the four major protection methods behind him.

He is the fourth guardian, and he has reached the peak of the Ninth Sovereign.

"Boy, whoever you are, dare to come here, let me die!"

The fourth protector chuckled, raised his palm, and quickly patted it.


A bright light bloomed on that palm, with the sound of wind and thunder between the waves, shuddering.

The blow was terrifying, and the ordinary Lord could not resist it.

However, Lin Xuan is different. His combat power originally surpassed the ninefold lord, and he just broke through before, and his strength increased again. It can be said that he is invincible in the lord's territory.

Lin Xuan did not dodge at all, but yelled, raised his fist, and greeted him fiercely.


Wrapped in a terrible cold, this fist hit the opponent's palm fiercely, and an extremely horrible energy burst out, shaking the entire space.


The sound was soaring, and the air waves rolled like a sea wave, reaching as high as a hundred feet, spreading around.

However, as soon as these air waves had courage, they condensed a layer of blue ice crystals, frozen in the void, like ice sculptures.

"Do not!"

The fourth is that the law-protection is also screamed, the palm of the hand blasted open, revealing the bones of the forest.

He growled madly, his pupils shrunk and he couldn't believe it.

The opponent is just Jiu Zhongtian's breath cultivation, which is inferior to him at all. However, this fist is too scary and directly blows his palm.

"Damn, who is he? What power is this?"

The fourth method protects the scalp from numbness and quickly retreats.

However, as soon as his body moved, numerous ices formed on his body, as if to freeze him into ice.

"Get me out!"

The fourth guardian drank violently, and his body was bursting with energy. His whole body was glowing, forming a substantive sword and sword, and rushed to the four sides, trying to shatter the ice on his body.

However, no matter how he resisted, it was useless.

Soon, his body was frozen by the ice, and even the blood and blood in his body was frozen into ice cubes. The whole person formed an ice sculpture, and there was no breath in an instant.

"What? How is this possible!"

In the rear, the three major guardians and the two envoys were shocked to see this scene and couldn't believe it.

What kind of method is it that killed the fourth protection law in an instant? I am afraid that even the first law can't do it.

Only the two envoys can do this!

However, the two left and right can be achieved because they are half step kings, exceeding the peak of Nine.

And why is the other party?

You should know that the other party's cultivation is only the early stage of the Nine Reverence, and in their eyes it can be said to be weak and pathetic.

However, the fighting force made them frightened.

"The three of you must catch this boy together," Xiao Yao said coldly.

He was very curious about why the opponent had such a powerful combat force. Only by catching the opponent could he see the secret clearly.

Hearing the words of Xiaoyao Youshi, the three guardians did not hesitate and quickly flew out.

If in the ordinary times, let the three of them deal with a ninth heavenly kid together, they will certainly dismiss it.

Because of this kind of ants, they don't look at it.

But now it's not working, the opponent's strength is too powerful, they must take all their efforts and take it seriously.

The first guardian is an old man. He has no white face and pale hair. Although his eyes are vicissitudes, he is extremely powerful.

Between the eyes turning, there are countless evil spirits around.

The second law of protection is a middle-aged woman with a long white skirt and a pair of hidden swords behind her, flashing cold light.

The third method is a middle-aged man, also wearing a black robe. But under that black robe, you can see a golden armor.

The three were commanded, and all of their power erupted in an instant.

Subsequently, the three feet slumped, almost rising at the same time, turning into lightning, killing Lin Xuan.

"waste time!"

Lin Xuan snorted. He was very in a hurry right now and was unwilling to entangle him.

So without any hesitation, he immediately cast his broken fingers.

Fingers flicked, three broken virtual fingers flew out like arrows off the string.

puff! puff! puff!

The next moment, three deep voices sounded.

Blood bloomed in the air, and the three defending bodies also manifested from the air ~ ~ one stopped in the air.

Do not!



The three of them bleed, and their faces were full of horror. They did not believe that the other party could kill them all in an instant!

Because this is not something a sage can do!

The three's bodies fell from high altitude.

"What? All dead?" The two left and right eyes widened and couldn't believe it.

This method is too scary.

Although the other side is trained to have only nine respects, this combat power is definitely not inferior to the two of them.

Thinking of this, the faces of the two messengers are very ugly, because their four major protection methods have all died--