Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1347

Chapter 1347

From the beginning, the other party appeared, he did not look at it at all, but then he was shocked and surprised, but now it is full of panic!

Because his men, the second master of the Nether Hall, the third master, and all the elders were easily beheaded by the opponent!

Now, only himself was left.

The reason why he can survive to this day is not that he is powerful, but that the other party has not acted on him.

If the other party does something to him, even if he is a ninefold respecter, I am afraid he will not be able to counteract it.

It's over, it's really over this time!

Nether ancestors are desperate, the other party is too powerful, and they will not let them go, because the other party is Xuan Tianzong's person!

People their Nether Hall once killed Xuan Tianzong, now the other party came to avenge him, how could he let him go!

It's funny that he was confident before, thinking that the other party dared to come to their base camp, no doubt he was trying to die!

It seems that they are all trying to die.

If the other party flees at the time, they may escape, maybe they can still survive.

But now, everything is late.

Looking at the only remaining ancestor, Lin Xuan looked cold.

"You Hidden Hall is so evil, you dare to do something to Xuan Tianzong!"

"Since you touched my bottom line, let's die!"

In the end, Lin Xuan's expression suddenly became emaciated, and his eyes burst into endless light.

"Soul Search!"

Later, his soul force burst out, turning into a sharp long cone, and stabbed at the opponent's head fiercely.


The next moment, the ghostly ancestor screamed with his head in his arms, his eyes turned white, and his body kept convulsing, seeming to bear great pain.

He is indeed suffering because his soul power has been severely damaged. This kind of pain is ten times more painful than physical injury!

Lin Xuan didn't intend to let him go at all, so he forcibly scraped the opponent's soul and obtained information in an extremely arrogant posture.

Soon, Lin Xuan closed his hands, and the soul power of the ancestral ancestor was completely destroyed, and the entire person fell to the ground and kept twitching.

Lin Xuan waved his fingertips and a icy sword appeared, piercing the ghostly ancestors on the ground and staring to the ground.

Since then, all the warriors in the Nether Hall base camp have been killed.

Lin Xuan looked to the sky and sighed.

"Everyone at Xuan Tianzong, rest in peace."

Subsequently, Jiuyou Heiyan poured out, burning all the blood of those corpses, and soon the whole mountain peak was restored to clean.

After doing this, an endless frost of ice erupted on his body, spreading around quickly, and immediately frozen the entire Xuantianzong to form an ice palace.

Under the sun's rays, the newly formed ice palace was shining blue.

Although Xuan Tianzong's people were gone, Lin Xuan wanted to keep Xuan Tianzong there forever, so he frozen it.

Under the king, no one can break it.

This also allows Xuan Tianzong's alternative existence to continue.

After doing this, Lin Xuan shook his body, turned into a sword awn, and disappeared in place.

Just now he performed the soul-searching method and obtained a lot of important information.

This nether ancestor is indeed one of the eight main hall masters, and knows a lot more than the previous second rudder.

Even some core secrets were known to Lin Xuan.

For example, the source of the mysterious spar, the second helm master did not know at all, but the ancestral ancestral building did know.

However, this result surprised Lin Xuan, because he did not expect that the place where the mysterious spar originally appeared was related to him.

It was the magic pit he had been to that year.

Before, there was a mysterious area near Xuantianzhong, which was called the forbidden area, and that was the magic pit.

I remember at that time, the magic wand spewed a magical stone, which contained strange energy. At that time, as a disciple of Xuan Tianzong, he had once competed.

He even entered the magic pit and found numerous stone monuments, as well as the aftermath of the battle of the strong.

Fortunately, with a wine master, he can leave safely.

At that time, he felt that the magic pit was extremely mysterious, but he was weak and had no ability to probe at all.

Later, I was not in charge and gradually forgot.

Six months ago, a mysterious spar appeared in the magic pit, which can greatly enhance the cultivation of warriors.

That's when the disaster began!

Because Xuantianzong was closest to the magic pit, it was directly destroyed by the Nether Hall. Not only that, the entire mountain head gate was also occupied by the Nether Hall.

However, according to the information obtained from the soul of this ghost ancestor, the magic pit seemed to have changed and became a forbidden area completely.

Not to mention ordinary people, even if the nine enshrines walked in, there would be no life.

Moreover, it is said that the leader of the Black Dragon Sect later took the shot himself, found the source of the mysterious spar, and took it away and put it in another place.

Since then, Heilongjiao has grown up.

Lin Xuan was very curious about the magic pit, so he discussed with the Dark Red Dragon, Murong Qingcheng and others, and decided to take a look.

Soon, the spirit boat was gliding in the air and came near the magic pit.

Lin Xuan and others did not rush forward because they felt a danger.

That breath, even the dark red Shenlong was dignified.

"Xun Zilong, what did you find?" Lin Xuan asked,

The Dark Red Dragon murmured, and seemed unable to believe it. After a long time, he slowly said, "This seems to be the power of the realm."

"Realm? Are you talking about the realm of kings?" Lin Xuan was shocked.

Aside, Murong Qingcheng also had a dignified look: "Nothing, it really looks like the power of the field. I have seen this power in my ancestors."

The ancestor in Murong Qingchengkou is naturally the king of Murong family.

Now that both people have said so, it seems that the invisible power ahead should be the realm of kings.

"But how is this possible! How can there be a domain leader in the front?" Lin Xuan wondered.

"Is there a king in this magic pit?"

After much deliberation, it seems that there is only such a possibility.

"It is indeed a king, and it is not an ordinary king! It is really terrifying to see the atmosphere in this field!" The dark red Shenlong looked dignified.

But Lin Xuan was even more confused. He said in a deep voice: "If you say, this is the realm of the king, and you can't go under the king."

"But it shouldn't be ~ ~ because I went in once five years ago."

"What? You went in!"

Dark Red Dragon and Murong were shocked.

Lin Xuan nodded, and then told his previous experience.

Later, the dark red dragon and Murong all over the city pondered, thinking about the possibility.

"As you say, this place was not so scary five years ago."

"And the reason for such a terrible change is only half a year. Murong Qingcheng is very confused and can't figure out the reason."

This is no wonder, although she has seen the realm of the king, but after all, she is only a younger generation and cannot know the true secret of the king.

The Dark Red Divine Dragon obviously knows more, because he was once the king.

"According to your statement, I seem to think of a possibility, but I'm too frightened, and I don't believe it." Dark Red Shenlong shook his head slightly.