Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1346

Chapter 1346

Xuan Tianzong was destroyed by their own hands. A two-star ancestral gate was destroyed without much effort. : efefd

However, now a mysterious young man emerges, claiming to be a disciple in Xuantian, to get revenge on them

How can they believe it.

If there were really such terrible disciples in Xuantian, they would not be able to kill them so easily at that time.

"I ca n't believe it, don't understand it, then you can go to **** and think for me."

Lin Xuan's expression was cold, and his eyes were full of killing. He had five fingers in his claws and quickly grasped another person.

This time, he targeted the young man wearing black armor.

It is the main helm of the Nether Hall

"Let me die, get out of me"

The first rudder screamed angrily. The next moment, like a black flash of lightning, he quickly rose into the sky.

Facing Lin Xuan's toughness, he did not dare to compete, so he could only escape.

But the next moment, he was desperate.

Because the palm clasped his head and dragged him to the ground.


The huge body was pulled down from the air and hit the ground fiercely.

A vigorous and powerful palm grabbed his head, horrifying killing and cold, perfused into his body along the palm.

Feeling the horrific killing and cold, the first helm master was terrified.

He knew he had no retreat, and could only gain vitality by fighting hard.

So the next moment, he roared, burning his spiritual power quickly. With both fists, like a beast, he slammed into Lin Xuan fiercely.

As long as the opponent is injured, he will have a chance to run away, and when the ancestor of the Nether shots, they will be saved.


The first rudder's fist slammed hard and made a deep voice, but instead of hitting Lin Xuan, he hit a blue ice wall in front of Lin Xuan.

Although this force is terrifying, it cannot shake the ice wall.

Not only that, the horrible counter-shock force directly broke Ah's fist.

Moreover, the blue ice wall exudes a terrible chill, and the countless frosty ice spreads along the two fists, and soon the first rudder's arms form ice crystals.

Lin Xuan flicked his fingers, his arms changed into countless debris, and scattered all over the floor.


The arms were abolished, the first rudder made a scream, the handsome face was extremely pale, his eyes were full of panic, and his body shivered.

"Go to **** and repent"

Lin Xuan said coldly, with endless murder in his voice.


The head of the first rudder exploded, and the headless corpse was instantly frozen by ice and became an ice sculpture.

"It's impossible that the first rudder is dead, too"

Seeing this scene, the elders of the Nether Hall who were still alive were astonished.

Different from those law enforcement teams who died before, this time is the first helm leader, but that is the peak of the Eighth Lord.

It is the third-ranked master of the entire Hidden Hall, and is very young, with unlimited future prospects.

It has even been rumored that he will be able to take over as the next nether master.

However, such a young man, Tianjiao, was killed by one hand.

I'm afraid even the ancestor of the ghost can't do it.

What exactly is this youth who cultivates for the Supreme Master Ninth Heaven or is higher

Is he really Xuan Tianzong's disciple?

At this moment, the elders of the Nether Hall are full of despair. If you knew Xuan Tianzong had such a super-powerful disciple, they would not dare to provoke them if they were killed.

"Ah kill him, only by killing us can we live"

Suddenly, two roars came, and the two elders quickly burned the spiritual power, gained powerful power, and quickly killed Lin Xuan.

The elders of the Nether Hall knew that they could not escape without killing each other, so for a split second, they decided to kill Lin Xuan with the determination to die.

The first two old men who shot first burned the spiritual power of the whole body and burst into an unparalleled power.

On the left, an old man in a green robe, holding a long thin knife like a cicada, quickly split towards Lin Xuan.

The blade of light was cold like the moonlight, and the entire void was cut in half wherever it passed.

The old man in the white robe on the right is holding a long rod, and the whole gun looks like a **** of war, and it is full of dazzling golden light.

The spear in his hand turned into an angry dragon and roared out.

These two old men are the cultivation of the apex of the Eighth Lord. At the moment, the burning of spiritual power is more powerful than the nineth heaven.

The two men's full blow, even the true Nine Supremes, may not be able to resist.

At this moment, two severe attacks stabbed Lin Xuan in an instant.

However, Lin Xuan sneered, stretched out his left palm, and grasped the long blue knife.

Above the palm, there are black lines, like a magic pattern, exuding a fiery atmosphere.

It is Jiuyou Heiyan.

The right palm was a fist, and one punch came out.

Above the fist, covered with a thick blue ice of ice, quickly blasted to the right.

"court death"

Seeing the other side grabbing the treasure of the two with bare hands, the two old men grinned, the cold light in their eyes bloomed, and their strength was even more terrifying.

In their opinion, Lin Xuan dared to contend with both of them at the same time, and still contended with bare hands, which was simply too mad

They must use this rare opportunity to kill each other.

The blade of light flickered, and it soon collided with the palm covering the black texture.

However, instead of imagining to cut off the opponent's palm, the blue long knife quickly melted under the palm and turned into a pool of molten iron.

"What this is impossible"

The old man in the Qingpao screamed, his eyes full of fear, and he couldn't believe his strongest blow, but it was easily resolved by the other party.

Not only that, even his blue sword was melted by the opponent. What kind of move is so scary?

Frightened in his eyes, the old man in Qingpao turned and fled.

Now he has understood that the mysterious youth in front of him is absolutely beyond his cognition.

I am afraid that even their cousin may not be able to compete, let alone him.

The only thing I can do now is to run and run away

But he just turned around ~ ~ Lin Xuan's black palm changed to grab it, and suddenly the black flames jumped, burning the old man in the robe to ashes.

With a scream, the old man in Qingpao completely disappeared.

At the same time, Lin Xuan's right fist blasted out, hitting the spear fiercely with unmatched ice power.


The cold gushing, exuding a terrible chill, immediately frozen the old man in white robes into ice sculptures.

A fist of fright struck it, knocking out countless pieces.

In an instant, two elders who burned spirits and struck with one blow were killed

The whole process may seem long, but it only happens for a moment.

Therefore, the two elders were dead when those around them had not returned to God.

The ancestor of the Nether is completely still, his eyes are full of panic