Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1220

Chapter 1220

The next moment, his heart beat, as if a flash of lightning passed.

"These stars don't seem very ordinary."

Lin Xuan carefully looked at the starry sky around him, and seemed to have some sense.

"You two, feel better, maybe there is something to discover." Lin Xuan said to Murong Qingcheng and Zhao Xue.

For Lin Xuan's words, the two were very convinced, so they also felt the surrounding starry sky carefully.

"Don't say it, it's really enlightening." Murong said with a wink.

"Well, I also feel a mysterious power." Aside, Zhao Xue nodded.

The Dark Red Dragon also explored: "Boy, this place is very weird, it seems that there is such a space inside."

"You mean there is nothing else, only this starry sky" Lin Xuan asked

"Yes, there is such a starry sky in the entire Star Pavilion, but there is nothing else."

"It is estimated that if you want to find the key of the star chain, you must start from this starry sky."

The magic of this starry sky was quickly known to everyone.

Then they were surprised.

The good thing is that this space is very mysterious, there is a magical power, as long as you feel a little, maybe there will be some gains.

The worry is that in such a mysterious place, it is difficult to find the key to the star chain.

But no matter what, try it first.

As a result, many people sat cross-legged and carefully understood the surrounding starry sky.

Many people even try to feel the existence of the star key.

Lin Xuan also lost, looking towards the Quartet.

Looking at the vast starry sky, his heart was filled with emotion, and her vision gradually widened.

Especially the flashing meteor reminded him of a sword move, a flying star outside the sky.

"Is it possible that the starry sky map here contains a martial art method"

Lin Xuan's heart moved because he found that the meteors were similar to his swordsmanship. The rapidity was flashing away, gorgeous but short.

"Maybe it is really possible." Lin Xuan kept watching

Gradually, he found some rules from those meteors, as if those stars were moving along a certain trajectory.

Those meteors seemed to become a long sword, like numerous swords of rain, flying in the sky.

Gradually, Lin Xuan entered the realm of selflessness.

Not only him, the surrounding Murong Qingcheng and Zhao Xue both entered a mysterious and mysterious realm, even the dark red Shenlong opened his mouth wide.

Everyone seems to have gained something under this starry sky.

In an instant, five days passed.

On this day, Lin Xuan suddenly awakened from her perception, and her eyes cleared. Then he took a deep breath, and an immense breath erupted in his body.

As deep as the sea of stars, deep.

Along with Lin Xuan's activities, nearby Murong Qingcheng and Zhao Xue also opened their eyes.

"I seem to feel the power of a magical star, I don't know what you feel," Murong Qingcheng said.

"The eyes of the stars, those eyes are like eyes, the mill contains magical power." Zhao Xue's eyes flickered.

But Lin Xuan saw a sword technique, like the sea of stars, with vastness.

"The emperor saw the Big Dipper Seven Star Array." The dark red Shenlong also participated.

After hearing these different answers, the crowd was silent and lost in thought.

"It seems that the starry sky is even more magical than we think, and it allows us to see different things."

"And these things are perfect for us."

Zhao Xue sent infinite emotion.

"It is indeed something left by the peerless powers of ancient times, and it is really mysterious."

Lin Xuan was a bit worried because he hadn't found the trace of the star chain key until now.

Is there really a key to the Stardust Chain here?

Those around me also expressed such doubts. Although they got a lot of benefits, they never found the most critical key.

"If you want to find the key, you need to get out of this starry sky." Just then, a zero voice sounded.

"How to get out of this starry sky" Lin Xuan wondered.

"It depends on your own perception." After saying this, there was no voice at zero.

"My own feelings, get out of the starry sky"

Hearing that, Lin Xuan thought about it.

This starry sky is inside the Star Pavilion. Naturally, when you walk out of the Star Pavilion, you also walk out of the starry sky, but it is clear that zero does not mean this.

And it is impossible to have keys outside the Star Pavilion.

In other words, it is necessary to get out of this starry sky and be inside the Star Pavilion, so that we can find the most critical key.

It seems that in addition to this starry sky, there should be other spaces in the Star Pavilion, but it has not been discovered yet.

To understand this, Lin Xuan's eyes were like a sword, and he quickly glanced around, but he just saw a vast sky.

"You guys, I don't know if you can get out of this starry sky." At the end, Lin Xuan said this and let everyone think of a way.

The next time, everyone tried to get out of this starry sky.

Someone ran madly in one direction, but in the end they found that they were still under the starry sky, as if the starry sky was endless, and it was a real vast universe.

"No, I can't even run out of this starry sky."

"If that's the case, who knows how big this space is"

"I flew a bit just now, and at my speed, I was able to fly out of the Cangsong Hall, but I still didn't fly away from this starry sky. Is it really the real starry sky?"

Everyone was surprised because they couldn't think of a way out of the starry sky.

Of course, except for exiting Star Pavilion.

Even the older figures of the King's family frowned.

"Is it possible that this is also a formation, similar to the fantasy formation, although we are flying in one direction, but under the effect of the formation, we are just spinning in place."

Some masters of matrix law have put forward such an idea.

"Possibly, this is definitely a fantasy formation"

After hearing this, many people nodded in agreement, because only this method can make sense.

However, the dark red dragon is shaking his head: "It is not a formation method ~ ~ Because I have not felt the power of the formation method, this should be a more magical existence."

Who is the Dark Red Dragon, but that is the Master of the Formation, the person who leads them here

So for his words. Everyone was convinced.

"Since it is not a formation, what is it?" Everyone was puzzled.

Later, they stayed here again for three days and three nights, and studied carefully.

But still nothing was found. Not only that, they also encountered new troubles.

"Not good, the way back is missing"

"Damn, that door is gone"

"What door is missing"

After hearing this, everyone was panicked. They searched quickly, but found that the door they came in was really missing.