Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1219

Chapter 1219

"Well, don't bother, all line up for me." Dark Red Shenlong waved impatiently.

"Okay, God, listen to you"

Suddenly, the masters of formations lined up in a team, very neat.

Seeing this scene, the people around them even grew their mouths. This is still the Master of Formations, how can I feel more obedient than these disciples.

Not that they don't understand, but that the world is changing too fast.

The Dark Red Dragon nodded with satisfaction, then waved and said, "Next, I will assign you tasks, and you must complete them."

"If it pleases me, I can teach you both."


After hearing that, the masters of the array of formations were excited: "Lord, rest assured, we promise to complete the task"

"Okay, don't talk nonsense." Dark Red Shenlong commanded.

"You, stand in the direction of the fire door."

"You, stand in the direction of Watergate, you stand in the direction of Tumen."

The Dark Red Dragon commanded quickly, and soon these masters of formations stood in different positions.

"Next, you use the anti-five elements technique to crack, and I use the twins and two instruments to help you."

After all, the Dark Red Divine Dragon waved the claws of the dragon, forming a black and white matrix.

The next moment, these masters of matrix formation all shot together and quickly cracked.

With the passage of time, the air of the whole secret world became tense.

Because there is not much time left for them, it won't be long before Tianyouque will break the Big Dipper Seven Star Array into the Cangsong Hall.

And then it will be their end.

As for whether you can stop Tianyouque, it depends on the good fortune of these people.

On the side of Cangsong Hall, the masters of battle formations of the Shenshen Palace and the Shen family led a group of people to quickly research. network

However, they have not made any substantial progress.

In front of it, a group of masters of matrix formations kept sighing around the very mysterious array formations, and some even had their hair down.

"How's it going?"

Duan Tianxing asked in a voice.

He was still upright at this moment, but the empty sleeves were a little desolate.

This was the arm he had burned out during the battle with Lin Xuan.

Although he still has an undead Jindan in his hand, he dare not use it. Because the next thing is to face the sky, you have to put his life at the last minute.

Therefore, this arm has not grown out for the time being.

But it is clear that Broken Star is not in the mood to control his arm. He stares forward and asks about the formation.

The Master of Warfare in Ares shook his head and sighed: "It's not that we don't want to break, but that we really have no clue."

"This array is really esoteric. It's all ancient odd arrays. I'm afraid it's hard to crack."

"But you can rest assured that we have found some clues and we should be able to get started in a few days."

"Okay, you have to hurry up, you must break the formation before Tianyou Que comes in."

Duan Tianxing said in a deep voice.

"Relax, we won't joke about our lives."

"However, if it can be broken, it depends on the Providence." The master of the battle formation of the War God Palace sighed, then moved forward and continued to study.

Unlike the sad clouds on the Cangsong Hall, the Star Pavilion on the other side is hot.

Under the leadership of the Dark Red Dragon, a group of masters of matrix formation began to crack the road.

Soon, they were smashing bamboo and quickly cracking the formation.

"Haha, God, you are too strong. This ancient odd formation can be cracked."

"Yes, senior, I look at you so much. I didn't expect your technique to be so subtle."

"I didn't expect it to be so. I feel like I've been alive for years."

A group of masters of matrix formations were very excited and excited like children.

The dark red dragon is proud of his face: "Yes, yes, you are doing well."

"Don't worry, I won't treat you badly."

With the command of the Dark Red Divine Dragon, Lin Xuan and others did not need to take any action at all. They were quietly practicing.

After all, no one knows what is going on inside the Star Pavilion.

Seven days have passed since the cracking of the formation, and the formation of the formation in front has been cracked by most of them. Three days later, the formation of the formation is finally completely eliminated.

"Hahahaha finally unlocked" The Dark Red Dragon is howling like an old monster.

And those masters of battle formation are also **** excitedly.

"Amazing skill, it is really a magic skill"

"Oh my God, I actually unlocked the Ancient Strange Formation by myself, am I not dreaming?"

"The experience alone will suffice me for a lifetime."

Those masters of formation are too excited.

And the people around them were even more shocked. They didn't think that it took only ten days to crack the Ancient Qi Formation, which was much better than they expected.

"Now that we have cracked it, let's go in." Lin Xuan stood up, his eyes flashing.

Then a group of people proceeded cautiously forward.

At the same time, good news came from Cangsong Pavilion.

"You guys, we finally found a way to crack it. I believe that as long as we work together, we can break it."

A master of matrix formation roared excitedly.

It 's not easy. After thinking about it for ten days, their hair is white, and finally they came up with a method.

Duan Tianxing and others are also excited. They hurriedly said that no matter what method is used, we must break the formation. What do you need, even if we say it, we will definitely help you do

They were so excited because the interior of this Cangsong Hall not only had a matrix control room, but also countless secrets of exercises.

That 's the true treasure of the world. Not only can they enjoy it, but they can also take it back to allow family disciples to learn and grow the family.

"Huh, those idiots, what other Star Pavilion do you want to destroy, how can there be anything comparable to Cang Song Pavilion?"

"That is, this is a cheat book left by ancient strongmen. If I can learn it, I will be able to defeat that Lin Xuan."

Aside, Yan Feng is also gritting his teeth. Until now, he has not been fully injured.

These are all from Bai Linxuan ~ ~ so when he thinks of that figure, he is murderous.

It is ridiculous that they do not know that Lin Xuan and others have already entered the Xingchen Pavilion. If they know, I am afraid they are crying now.

On the other side, Lin Xuan brought everyone into Xingchen Pavilion.

I have to say that this Xingchen Pavilion is truly amazing. After they entered, they found that they did not believe the Pavilion at all.

Underfoot and on the ceiling are all blue, like the sky, with countless stars.

The surrounding walls are extremely deep, and meteors are passing by from time to time. They seem to enter not the tall buildings, but the infinite starry sky.


"It's beautiful, like a real starry sky."

A group of people were surprised.

Lin Xuan was also an accident. He had never seen such a magical sight before, so he looked twice.