Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1106

Chapter 1106


"Do you dare to pay attention to Tianyouque, don't you want to live?"

Zhao Xue was so shocked that she couldn't imagine that the other party was even bolder than her and dared to draw the attention of ancient beasts. New Chinese

This is no longer crazy, this is pure death.

"Nothing, the greater the risk, the greater the benefit. I think you understand this."

"Also, Tianyouque has been detained for thousands of years, and I am afraid that its own strength can not be exerted much."

"Furthermore, we are not trying to slay Tianyouque, but just get some benefits from it. I think it should be a lot easier."

Lin Xuan said with a smile: "Of course, if you don't want to, then forget it, I will find someone else. However, if you agree, I can help you to protect the law for free, allowing you to quickly absorb the energy in Dragon Ball."

After listening to Lin Xuan's entire plan, Zhao Xue was silent and thought quickly.

Lin Xuan stood on the ground with a smile on his lips.

The reason why he looked for Zhao Xue was that the other party was his old friend. Although the other party has amnesia now, Lin Xuan still wanted to cooperate with the other party subconsciously.

Moreover, from the previous process of Zhao Xue's capture of Dragon Ball, he found that Zhao Xue urgently needed strength.

You should know that the blood-sharp qi in Dragon Ball also has a great impact on the Seventh Venerable, but Zhao Xue is determined to capture Dragon Ball.

This is enough to show the other's desire for strength.

But now, there is a source of power greater than Dragon Ball, and he does not believe that the other party can hold back this temptation.

Sure enough, after thinking for a moment, Zhao Xue nodded quickly, and Shen said, "Okay, I promise you."

"However, if one day the sparrow really threatens my life, I will terminate my cooperation with you."

"Relax, I won't make fun of my life." Lin Xuansong loosened his shoulders.

Now that they decided to join forces, the two got together again and quickly discussed what happened next.

At this time, the void fluctuated, and another figure appeared nearby.

This figure is the Seventh Venerable of the Merry Forest. He followed Lin Xuan and Zhao Xue and left the underwater world.

In his view, Zhao Xue and Lin Xuan did not know each other before, and the two parties were just cooperative relations, so after leaving the underwater world, they would definitely act alone.

By that time, Zhao Xue was single, and he was trying to snatch, not necessarily without a chance.

However, the scene in front of him surprised him very much, because the two did not leave, but they got together, and there seemed to be a happy conversation.

It seems that the relationship between the two is closer than before when they were in Undersea City.

Suddenly, his face became extremely ugly.

He was not completely sure of Zhao Xue, but now he has added a very mysterious and strange Lin Xuan, which makes it even more difficult for him.

Because although Lin Xuan's cultivation is far lower than him, the sword qi sent by the opponent before, and the bright red armor, made the Seven Sovereigns frown.

Therefore, the Seventh Sovereign struggling for a moment, sighed, and turned away.

The Seventh Venerable of the Happy Forest appeared and left, all of which escaped the perception of Lin Xuan and Zhao Xue.

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes and slightly raised the corners of his mouth, but Zhao Xue snorted coldly: "Count him to run fast"

There was a trace of wrath in the voice, and it seemed that if the Seven Lords had just said that, Zhao Xue would probably run away immediately.

Next, Lin Xuan and Zhao Xue talked for a while, most of them were Lin Xuan asking Zhao Xue, and wanted to know her previous experience.

However, after hearing this, Lin Xuan was expressionless, but his heart was extremely dignified.

Because from the information he got, Zhao Xue not only lost her memory, it seemed that her previous memories had also been moved by others.

"Can't be taken away," Lin Xuan sighed, and he queried to the Dark Red Dragon.

The Dark Red Dragon is also cautiously rumored: "I don't know if it's a looting, but it's definitely not an old monster.

"And if the younger generation, it is very difficult to succeed."

"Of course, this doesn't exclude an old monster behind it to help."

"Looks like I can only wait and see." Lin Xuan didn't have a good way.

Just as he was thinking about Zhao Xue, a large figure suddenly flew in the distance.

"Master Lin"

Many shouts came from afar. Lin Xuan turned his head and found that those were the people from Xianwu College.

Seeing these people, Lin Xuan also got up quickly, with his feet a little, and his body ran towards it.

"Elder Song, everyone, you leave quickly, I'm afraid that the seal underneath will not be supported for a long time." Lin Xuan said quickly.

The news was told to him at zero.

When he knew the news, he was also shocked. He didn't expect that the underground seal had been damaged to such an extent that it would soon be broken.

After hearing what Lin Xuan said, Elder Song and others were so nervous that their disciples also changed their faces.

"Then what are you going to do next?"

Duguo looked at Lin Xuan and asked Shen Shen.

"I have other things, so I won't be with you," Lin Xuan said quickly, "please, leave here quickly, or you will be in danger of life."

After all, Lin Xuan beckoned, turned around and left quickly with Zhao Xue.

"What Lin Xuan wants to act alone"

"No, this courage is too great, although he is terrific, but acting alone can be much more dangerous in this secret world."

"Well, forget it, Brother Lin is very mysterious. There should be no danger to life when I think about it."

"Yes, it is dangerous that we are right. If the sky sparrow comes out, then we are dead."

A quick discussion.

Elder Song also said Shen Sheng: "Let's get out of here quickly."

The crowd quickly set off and ran towards the distance.

At the same time, the warriors of the Divine Bird Palace and the Happy Forest came out of Haiti City and fled away.

They just left here ~ ~ the ocean suddenly exploded behind.

In that seawater, a huge vortex appeared, and black flames poured out from the vortex, covering the entire sea instantly.

The endless sea water evaporates to form clouds and mists, and black pillars of black flames rising from the sea and penetrate the world.

The entire ocean was torn apart in an instant, and an extremely terrifying and fierce breath came from the depths of the sea.

For a moment, the entire magical sea area, and even the surrounding area, was shrouded in a horrible monster.

The three disciples who just left also shivered and looked back in horror.

Especially the disciples of Xianwu College were afraid for a while.

Fortunately, Lin Xuan reminded them to leave quickly, otherwise they would be crushed into powder by that terrible breath.

In the rear, numerous cracks appeared in the sea, numerous seawater poured out of the vortex, endless black flames rose, and then a huge figure burst out of the ocean.