Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1105

Chapter 1105

His Holiness Yae

Feeling this breath, everyone changed his face, they did not expect that this old black turtle would suddenly burst into such a mighty power. If you have already read this chapter, please move to: Read the latest chapter

This force is too strong, even the Seventh Venerable of Zhao Xue and Merry Forest cannot resist.

Lin Xuan also quickly cast the Red Lotus Battle Armor, defending his body, and constantly retreating.

At the same time, he felt that the spiritual power and blood of the old black turtle were burning fast. It was only after he burned his life regardless of the consequences that such a terrifying breath broke out.

"Damn, this old guy wouldn't want to die with us all," the apprentice of God Bird Palace screamed wildly.

After hearing this, everyone's face became extremely ugly. If this old black turtle really wanted to die together, they couldn't run away.

Lin Xuan's eyes flickered, and there was no scared expression on his face, because he knew that the other party could not do so.

Because this is the power that is gained by burning blood and life, it is simply impossible to exterminate everyone.

Moreover, it is useless for the old Xuangui to do it. After all, things have happened, and even if they are killed, they cannot be recovered.

Therefore, he did not think that the old black turtle was going to kill them.

Sure enough, Lin Xuan's conjecture was correct.

The old Xuangui did not attack the crowd, but exhausted his final strength and quickly spread his voice towards the underwater city, and even farther.

"All the sea people obey orders to leave the underwater city immediately, or even leave this sea area. And, do not return within a hundred years."

"Because there is going to be a big disaster here"

The sound turned into a rolling wave, spreading clearly in the distance.

When they heard this voice, everyone was silent. They could not think that the old black turtle did not attack them, but warned the sea people to let them evacuate.

This move made them silent.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden wave of terror in the underground city, which made the whole dragon palace tremble.

Later, the surrounding ground cracked, and numerous grooves appeared, and black flames burst from the cracks there, burning.

The scene was very weird, but here was the bottom of the sea, but there were countless black flames burning, even endless.

What's more terrifying is that this black flame is too terrifying, and it directly steams large areas of sea water, even the distortion of the void.

Along with these flames, there was an extremely low voice.

"Wait, the seal is about to be broken by me"

"Cangsong, you dare seal me back then, I will definitely report this revenge"

"I want your mystery to cease to exist completely"

There was a strong sense of famine and endless anger in the voice.

Everyone changed their faces when they heard this voice. They could not imagine that the seal was so broken that even Tianyouque's voice could be heard.

This is really not good news.

Not only the real human machine in the Dragon Palace, but also the underwater city and even farther seas, all the sea people have heard this sound.

Each of them looked terrified and shivered.

"Run away, the sealed Peerless Demon King is coming out"

"Damn, you are crazy, and you want to destroy the whole mystery."

"Hurry up, you can't stay here."

At this moment, everyone is fleeing to flee to a safe place.

Because although you can't break the seal for the time being, if you continue to stay in this undersea city, I'm afraid it will be burned to ashes immediately by the black flame coming from the ground.

Zhao Xuejiao sighed, cast himself, and ran quickly outside.

Because the scene is extremely chaotic, and she has Dragon Ball, who knows if anyone will rob Dragon Ball

So, without any hesitation, she turned into a white lightning and quickly left the place.

Lin Xuan beckoned, recalled the dark red dragon and the snowy white monkey, and then turned the sham and magical magic steps into a sword and disappeared in place.

They were fast and disappeared instantly.

When Elder Song and others saw Lin Xuan's departure, they also looked dignified, and then they said in a deep voice: "Follow me and go out with all your strength"

The happy forest and the people of the God Bird Palace fled in the same direction and ran towards the outside of the Dragon Palace.

Outside the Dragon Palace, countless Hai people also fled.

Because the disaster has already come, the black flames coming out from the ground are really terrifying, even the Supreme Master can't compete.

Fortunately, the crowd did not deal with these black flames, but simply avoided them.

Although dangerous, it is not fatal.

The Seven Sages of the Merry Forest exerted great measures to safely bring the people of the Merry Forest out of the Dragon Palace, and then said to those people, "Hurry up and leave this underwater world."

"I have some things to do, so don't wait for me."

After all, she turned into a ghost light and rushed into the distance instantly.

This direction is exactly the direction that Zhao Xue and Lin Xuan left before.

It seems that the Seventh Venerable, who will be happy in the forest, does not give up on Dragon Ball.

The entire underwater world, the magical sea zone, is plunged into panic and disaster.

The disciples of Xianwu College desperately finally left the magical sea zone.

The moment they set foot on land, everyone was relieved.

However, long before this, Lin Xuan and Zhao Xue had already left the magic sea.

In a low valley, those two lights flashed, and then turned into two figures.

One is a young man with a tall figure and an ancient sword, and the other is a woman in white wandering and beautiful.

These two are Lin Xuan and Zhao Xue.

"Lin Gongzi, thank you for your help in this matter" Zhao Xue said.

"It's nothing. You helped me find the water spirit beads. I should help you."

Zhao Xue nodded: "Okay, since this is the case, I will leave first, and there will be a period later."

"Wait" Xuan said suddenly.

"How come you still have something"

Zhao Xue frowned slightly, his face showing an unhappy expression.

Her idea now is to hurry up immediately to refine the energy in Dragon Ball. Other things, she doesn't want to do anything now.

"I have a plan, I don't know if you are interested," Lin Xuan said slowly.

Zhao Xue shook his head slightly: "Forget it ~ ~ I have other things, other things, let's talk about it later."

She turned to leave, but at this time, Lin Xuan's voice came from behind.

"Once this plan is successful, I can guarantee that the benefits you get will definitely be several times stronger than the energy in this dragon ball."


Hearing this, Zhao Xue froze and stopped, her face showing doubts.

Then she turned around with a sneer on her beautiful face.

"Linzi, don't make jokes, how is this possible?"

"Dragon Ball is a treasure left by the King. I can't think of anything else. There is something else here that can exceed it several times."

Seeing Zhao Xue's unbelief, Lin Xuan smiled slightly, and then whispered a few words.

After Zhao Xue heard, his pupils shrank, and then he suddenly looked up and looked at Lin Xuan with a shocked expression.