Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1098

Chapter 1098

Now, everyone's eyes changed towards Lin Xuan. No one thought he was a lion's mouth, because he was indeed the most important part in capturing Dragon Ball.

Zhao Xue was expressionless because she had agreed to Lin Xuan's conditions long before.

However, the Seventh Venerable of Happy Lin took a breath of cold air. Before that, he was still dissatisfied and thought that the other party was too much, so he did not take him seriously.

Unfortunately, his views have changed now. The other party is too important. Without Lin Xuan, he would never get Dragon Ball.

Fortunately, although he was dissatisfied before, he did not show anything directly to the forest line, otherwise it may be difficult to do now.

Without any hesitation, the famous Seventh Heaven Supreme also nodded quickly: "Okay, I promise you."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan raised a satisfying smile, because he had already guessed this result.

The horror of Dragon Ball is beyond everyone's imagination. Those people in the ridiculous God Bird Palace are beyond their control and want to seize it alone. As a result, they almost lost another elder.

All this was in his expectations.

The two great seventh envoys agreed to Lin Xuan's conditions and began to lead people to look for the legendary water spirit pearl.

Lin Xuan sits inside the Lingquan, quickly absorbs the energy inside, scrubs and improves his body, and increases spiritual energy.

Not only that, he also took out the previously refined elixir and began to swallow it.

Now he can see that the Secret Realm is definitely a treasure trove, where geniuses and treasures can be found everywhere, but it must have strong strength to obtain them.

Therefore, as long as there is a chance, Lin Xuan will not hesitate to improve.

More and more people started to look around. In the end, even the people from Xianwu College left.

Because this dragon palace is not just a treasure like a dragon ball, there are many treasures in other palaces, and these treasures also make them very tempting.

The people who saw the Xianwu College and the Happy Forest were gone, and the people in the Shennong Palace hid in the dark to discuss quickly.

"Elder, now those people have left, do we want to take this kid down?"

"As long as we control this kid, let him urge the staff to help us capture Dragon Ball, there may be no small chance."

It is said that several elders at the Shennong Palace groan. Although Lin Xuan can control Dragon Ball now, after all, they are crowded. If they try their best, they may not be able to win the kid.

However, Lin Xuan in Lingquan in the distance showed a sneer. Through his powerful soul power, he had known these people's conversation for a long time, so he said loudly.

"Indeed, I can only control a part of Dragon Ball's power, and I cannot fully exert it, but it is not a problem to kill a few six lords."

It sounded like a self-talk, but more like a warning.

In the distance, the elders of those divine birds' palaces suddenly trembled after hearing.

The disciples of the Divine Bird Palace were also shocked, as if they had seen a ghost. They could not imagine that they were so far away, and the other party could hear their conversation, which was terrible.

"Forget it, this boy is so weird and weird. Leave him alone, let's go find other treasures."

"This dragon palace is left by the king. There are many treasures in it. We must get other treasures in our hands."

One of them said coldly, and then the elders nodded in agreement and quickly took the people from the bird palace.

Seeing those people leaving, Lin Xuan snorted and raised his hand to play a pattern, covering the entire Lingquan. Then he slowly closed his eyes and fell into cultivation.

As he continued to absorb the spiritual power in the Lingquan, his cultivation also grew rapidly.

Half a day later, his cultivation has reached the summit of the Fourfold Heaven of the Lord.

At this moment, only half of the spiritual power in the Lingquan is consumed, and more than half, and he still has a lot of elixir in his hand. If he wants to make a full impact, he should be able to break through the Fivefold Heavenly Lord.

"try it"

Lin Xuan made up his mind and began to hit His Holiness Wu Chongtian.

Just as Lin Xuan hit the next realm, the Seventh Venerable of the Happy Forest, Zhao Xue, and others were searching quickly.

However, there are many buildings in this dragon palace. Although some were destroyed during the battle, there are still a lot of buildings standing here.

Therefore, it is really not easy to find a small water spirit bead.

Therefore, except for the Seventh Venerable in the Happy Forest and Zhao Xue, who searched for the water spirit beads, the other warriors were crazy to collect other treasures.

However, although Lin Xuan broke through in the retreat, the snow-white monkey was not idle. He took out the small bowl of the leader again and began to collect other treasures.

Because he was very secretive, and there were so many surrounding buildings, everyone didn't find it.

The snow-white monkey didn't take the shot, and all the shots were precious items.

Just one piece can catch up with the seven or eight pieces in the hands of those warriors. Therefore, Lin Xuan does not suffer at all, and even makes a lot of money.

Soon, the day passed.

With Lingquan and elixir, Lin Xuan made a breakthrough to the Fiveth Heaven of His Holiness.

He felt an increase in spiritual power in his body, and Lin Xuan appeared a touch of joy.

"Finally broke through"

Reaching the Supreme Master Wu Chongtian, he can also be regarded as a little master.

Moreover, not only Xiu Xiu has improved his strength, reaching His Holiness the Fiveth Heaven, has also improved his great dragon sword soul.

In the past, he could not compete with the Sixth Heavenly Power of the Supreme Master, but now there is no problem. The improvement of the Dragon Soul of the Dragon has doubled his combat power.

However, this is not over yet, he intends to let the dragon dragon soul go further.

Because his martial arts soul is different from others, the martial arts souls of other people are formed by themselves, and then gradually explore and improve gradually.

But Lin Xuan is different. His sword soul is the strongest sword soul in the world. It has existed for a long time.

Only finally entered him and became his soul.

Lin Xuan does not need to perfect the sword soul at all, all he has to do is activate the resurrection of the big dragon sword soul. This process is much easier than perfecting the Wu soul.

Therefore, Lin Xuan intends to take Zi Ling Dan and enters the state of etherealness, activating the ascension of the Dragon Soul of the Dragon.

If he can elevate the Soul of the Dragon to the level of the Sixth Heaven of the Lord ~ ~, then his strength will be greatly improved.

At that time, it is not impossible to compete against the Seventh Venerable.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan was excited.

Therefore, Dalong Sword Spirit is the foundation of his combat effectiveness, and the improvement of Dalong Sword Spirit is very important to him.

After explaining the snow-white monkey and the dark red dragon, Lin Xuan took out a purple spirit and swallowed it, and began to raise the sword spirit of the dragon.

In an instant, two days passed.

During this period, Lin Xuan swallowed several purple spirits. He poured all the energy in the Lingquan into the Dragon Soul of the Dragon, trying to activate it.

With the support of these energies, his sword soul finally recovered again.

A deep dragon yin pierced through Lin Xuan's body. The voice was very low, but with a coercion, and it also contained the sound of a sword, which was very strange.