Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1097

Chapter 1097

"It won't block what you say, but it's true"

Hearing this, the elders of the God Bird Palace looked excited.

"Of course, this Dragon Ball is originally a thing without owners. Whoever wants to take it will do. I will not intervene."

"Hum, you know how to look"

Several elders of the God Bird Palace snorted, and then quickly came forward, rubbing their fists, preparing to capture the Dragon Ball.

They can't wait any longer. Originally, they were a bit jealous of the snow-white monkey and the staff in their hands, because the other party could control Dragon Ball.

But now, the other party said they would not interfere with them, which made them very happy.

"I come"

An elder of the Divine Palace stood out.

The old man had gray hair. Seeing his cultivation, he had reached the sixth place of His Holiness.

He looked at the Dragon Ball in front, his heart throbbing, and finally he waited for his shot.

The disciples around the Divine Palace also cheered.

"It's great to have seven elders shoot."

"Yes, the seven elders are strong men who respect sixth heaven. He can definitely get Dragon Ball with his shot."

"When the Seven Elders get Dragon Ball, I have to see what that kid looks like"

"I'm afraid he will cry blindly. Such a good baby disappeared from his eyes, and it would be uncomfortable for anyone who changed it."

"He deserves it. I can't wait to see his expression."

A group of apprentices at the Divine Palace scorned ridicule.

The people at Xianwu College and Happy Forest also whispered.

"Is this Lin Xuan a bit overwhelming? The Dragon Ball is an ownerless thing, without control, even if it is strong, I am afraid that it will not exert much power."

"Not necessarily, after all, it is something left by the king, who knows what will happen"

"Yes, let's take a look."

Hearing everyone's discussions, Lin Xuan's mouth sneered.

He wants to see who is crying for a while

The Seven Elders of the God Bird Palace stepped out, and a powerful spiritual force erupted in his body. Behind him, a phantom of a three-headed bird appeared, and then the phantom called a voice, and his voice was full of sound.

In addition, the Seven Elders also reached out with the palm of their hands, forming a purple giant claw in the air, grabbing at Dragon Ball.

The purple giant claw is completely composed of thunder and lightning, and it is very scary, even some cracks appear in the virtual palace.

Soon, this giant claw enveloped Dragon Ball.

Seeing this scene, everyone's heart was raised, and most of the people in the God Bird Palace stared at the snow-white monkey to prevent it from shooting.

The snow-white monkey snorted twice and cast a scornful look, holding the staff in his arms, motionless.

Seeing that the snow-white monkey didn't take the shot, the people in the God Bird Palace were obviously relieved.

The seven elders were also relieved in secret, and then he exuded a force again, making the purple claws above shine even more.

The next moment, he caught Dragon Ball.

"What caught?"

This scene made everyone around me stunned. They couldn't think of Dragon Ball so easily caught.

Even the Seventh Venerable and Zhao Xue of Happy Forest frowned slightly.

The people in the Divine Palace laughed wildly.

"Hahaha, finally got Dragon Ball"

"Great. This is what the King left behind, and it has helped us tremendously."

"Yes, it 's a godsend for me. We will certainly carry forward and maybe we can be promoted to become the king's family."

The people at the Shennong Palace looked eager and arrogant.

The seven elders were also excited, he did not expect to catch Dragon Ball so easily.

With a jerked arm, he wanted to get Dragon Ball back.

But the next moment, the joy on his face was gone, and replaced by a touch of fear.

"Do not"

The Seven Elders screamed with a terrified expression, as if something terrible had been encountered.

"what happened"

The crowd was shocked when they heard the scream and looked at them.

I saw that the giant claws formed by the thunderbolt in the sky were rapidly shrinking, and then disappeared.

One arm of the Seven Elders quickly shrank, and finally turned into a bone.

Moreover, the corrosion continued, and his bones soon appeared on his shoulders.

"Do not"

The elders retreated in horror, but still couldn't change the situation.

In the end, he gritted his teeth, a decisive expression appeared in his eyes, and he quickly cut off the entire arm.

Until the arm fell to the ground, his body did not continue to erode.

After all this, the seven elders of the Divine Bird's Palace panted and were afraid.

Almost, almost, he became a pile of bones.

Thinking of this, he felt a horror in his heart, and at the same time his face was sullen, because without his right arm, his combat power would be greatly reduced.

The disciples of the Divine Bird Palace were stunned and panicked.

"No, this is absolutely impossible. How could the Seven Elders be injured."

"Yeah, how could the Sixth Heavenly Power be injured? No, I don't believe it, it must be a dream."

The disciples at Divine Bird Palace are crazy and can't believe it.

The people around are talking quickly.

"It seems that this Dragon Ball is not so good."

"Even the Venerable Sixth Heaven could not be obtained, and even nearly killed. This Dragon Ball is really terrible."

"It is indeed what the King left behind, and it is truly extraordinary. Although no one controls it, the instinct's counterattack is not something the Six Lords can counter."

"Yes, it is estimated that only the Seventh Heavenly Lord may have a chance."

Disciples of Merry Lin whispered.

The disciples of Xianwu College were sneering. They didn't have any good feelings about Kamiya Miyado. The two sides almost clashed before, so now they are naturally happy to see this scene.

"Well, don't say anything big without strength, what else can you get Dragon Ball easily, but the result is embarrassing, be smitten?"

"Not only was he not beaten, he also lost an arm ~ ~ he almost lost his life, but his face was lost a little bit."

"They all deserve it. Brother Lin has reminded them before, but they just don't listen. They also think Brother Lin has a mischief. Now you know, it's late."

"That is, Brother Lin is obviously kind and wants to help them get Dragon Ball. As a result, these people are unbelievable. Do n't let Brother Lin help you for a lifetime"

The disciples of Xianwu College are ridiculous, and Elder Song and others are also silent. After all, Lin Xuan is a talented disciple of their college, so in their hearts they still favor Lin Xuan.

After hearing these arguments, the other warriors were silent and looked at Lin Xuan with uncertain expressions.

Before, they thought that Lin Xuan's lion opened his mouth and wanted to occupy multiple treasures, which was really abominable.

But now it seems that the other party really has this qualification, because this Dragon Ball is too horrible, and it is not available to ordinary people at all. I am afraid that even the Seventh Sovereign, there is no certainty.

Lin Xuan is different. He has a staff in his hand and can contact Dragon Ball. Maybe he ca n't play a key role.