We are bats.
We have fangs and wings.
We take refuge in the dark for fear of light.
We are mantis.
Not to hurt our arms together.
Just pray to heaven.
Both sleeves sleeves battles as in sports, there is always a moment when ‘something similar to Ato Das.h.i.+ Janken‘ is implemented in history.
“Actually, I still have not put me seriously.”
“So far, I’ve only used the **% of my power.”
“My real **, is * times higher than my current power.”
“I did not want to use it.”
“My life would be in danger if I use this secret technique.”
“Actually, I’ve been fighting while using weights.”
“Actually, I’ve been using some restrictions, I will take the month now and I’ll seriously.”
“Actually, I’ve been doing a secret training.”
“In training, my secret weapon did not work even once.”
“He who has fought so far has been my double.”
“When I am in a dangerous situation, an unexpected power awakens in me.”
“Although I did not know, I’m probably a descendant of **.”
And as these, there are many more examples. There ‘s no way you’ve never seen a situation like this in the development of a story.Ato Das.h.i.+ Janken always begins with some foreboding as “Never use that technique” , then then, continuous when something like a‘In realidad──’ is implemented.
When there is an absolute difference between your power and the power of your opponent, the victory can not be obtained through trial and error or mind games. The victory is obtained simply using something like the secret technique, as the hidden, the secret attack or awakening.
This new development clearly leads to a great victory.
That is the purpose of the development of ‘Ato Das.h.i.+ Janken’ .
Although I must say.
I do not intend to criticize this development at all. I think it is a unique technique.
However, when the protagonist who was about to die says ‘I am now ── 10 times more serious’ , then it wakes up, this makes it all becomes very exciting. I must say that is a natural method in entertainment. The ‘Ato Das.h.i.+ Janken’ is definitely able to overcome anything, and even if it is incorrect, it is also a good thing.
However, the thought scares me.
Opportunism in battles with superpowers ── ‘Ato Das.h.i.+ Janken’.
Even if you can take your opponent to a hopeless situation, this only implement a new stage, and then it will be the beginning of TUEEE.
Against an opponent so ── There is no chance of winning.
“──Yes it is. No chance of winning. Regardless of that power is concerned, no one can beat System …… ”
After that──
Somehow we could escape enemy territory and returned to the bar which was our base. At this time, members of Fallen Black and Leatia-chan we were a.s.sembled.
Leatia-chan seems to have come to give us a report Bélico Control Committee. Apparently, she has been elected as a representative to give us the information to all members.
Meanwhile, Aki-chan was still giving his explanation.
The hidden ace 「F」 explanation concerning System──
“System ── is the supreme technique Go no Sen in Feburary . No matter what your opponent is formidable, no matter how much westrive … In the end, she displayed an impressive power and win. ”
System, besides being the name of the power of that girl, also seems to be his alias.
It seems that 「F」 did not give a name and just call it by the name of their power.
“No matter that front … it is true, for example … If a guy that will fight against fire-control system. Initially, strong flames dominate the battle. But then, when you have cornered System ── power is activated. ”
Upon being cornered, his power was asleep awake.
It seems an exciting scene of a shonen manga.
“System will say something like ‘actually had hidden power of water’ . At the moment he is cornered ── A new power is established. ”
In other words … a promise in battles with super powers, a power that is the systematic personification of ‘awakening’, that’s how things are.
“What a stupid thing.”
Toki-kun spoke in a harsh tone as she leaned her back against the wall.
“Things like Ato Das.h.i.+ Janken or Awakening, I do not understand at all, but if it is the Go no Sen, the simplest solution is to defeat it from the beginning, right?”
“He has! Impossible, impossible. If it were something so simple, then we would not be so worried. ”
Aki-chan spoke very hard to make it look like a fool.
“If somehow this method will work on System, if you could kill your first attack ── then she would simply say something like ‘I actually have a power after death to be active’ , ‘After I die, I can go back reborn ‘ , that’s what would happen …… ”
“… .. Tch.”
The solution Toki-kun was denied completely, who expressed his annoyance flicking his tongue.
“E-then, well …. What about after reliving? ”
Fan-chan raised his voice.
“Once activated ability System, a new power can be re-established. If a different opponent the attack … Although power was water instead of fire, awakening also be activated, and then would use electricity to end his new opponent …… ”
“So it is impossible.”
Aki-chan finished speaking.
By the way ── that that electricity is strong against water, I think it’s just based on the rules of Pokemon, but it is better to remain silent because they do not want to interrupt his explanation.
100% pure water does not conduct electricity so easily as to be conducted electricity, water need impurities such as the seawater.So I do not think that electricity would have the advantage.
“Even if attacked by an electric power, in that case, would awaken a power that conveniently make inefficient electricity. The most frightening thing about System is that it is a cycle of ‘Awakenings’ endless ── certainly is a unique pattern endless. ”
It is not something that happens once. No matter how many times the attack, no matter how many people the attack, and even becomes defeated, you can be reborn. It all starts with ‘The Awakening’, followed by ‘the implementation of a new scenario’ and finally ‘the situation becomes in his favor’. This pattern is repeated over and over again.
“Beating System …… it is impossible for us. The severity of Kiryucchi, Hitomin vision, s.p.a.ce Senryu 3 , the stabs of Tokki and personality of Fan-Fan. None of that work … ”
Saying this, Aki-chan was strongly pressing his lips.
It not necessarily means that our powers not work.
But, even if they are effective ── System simply adapt to them.
“──Entonces, now it is my turn to speak.”
The explanation of his power was over. Leatia-chan, who was floating in the air with her legs crossed, spoke in a disinterested tone.
“You guys…. Although they ignored my words and moved on their own without permission, for now I’ll leave aside. In this war, humans are basically free to make their decisions … ”
… He gave his complaints in a considerably expressive tone.
“In the committee’s investigation, the culprit behind「F」has been identified. The leader is a fairy named Zeion. It is responsible for creating the renegades with powers and is the organization that created the 「F」. The reason why it has been creating ma.s.s renegades with powers, perhaps with the intention of gaining time. It seems that its purpose is to distract the Committee. ”
“Gain time?”
I asked without realizing it, Leatia-chan gave a big sigh.
“It is not obvious? You need time to complete a System. ”
“Those guys, they are planning to do ‘something’ … For that reason, they were possibly creating people with powers from the start.Regarding this point, it was because some people acted selfishly on their own. Thanks to the power of Aki, we were able tounderstand the power of System and purpose of 「F」. ”
Leatia-chan said it all at once.
“「F」── in other words, Zeion, aims to end this fifth Faerie War. So he created the strongest existence that can defeat all powers. ”
End the war.
Apparently, speculation Toki-kun came true.
“He has. I see … That’s why they created someone like System. In that case, such power sense. ”
Aki-chan spoke with a face to understand everything, so I asked quickly.
“E-Eh? What do you mean?”
“You do not know? Every time you use your ‘Awakening’ , System acquires a terrible power, right? And since there is a limit to his ability, what do you think will happen if fighting continues that way? ”
In trouble -> Awakening.
If you repeat this pattern over and over again, what would happen? ──
“──Sin doubt end up being inflated.”
That Aki-chan said.
“As in the case of serialized manga battles for many years, in which an incomplete fight power continues to increase as the story progresses. If System still fighting that way, it will soon become an uncontrollable monster … ”
Inflation in combat power.
That is the inevitable problem of sleeves battles that are serialized for long.
The difference of powers of the beginning and the end becomes unthinkable.
System case, if it causes inflation of power in real life, battles with normal superpowers will become a slaughter. People with powers ── fall quickly before an enemy well.
It is the existence that can destroy all the people with powers and put an end to the war. For this reason, it has the strongest superpower, created with the intention of defeating all people with powers. Increases its strength in every fight and is growing at a high speed. Even if it is defeated by any chance, only return to ‘despertar’──
In no time ── will become equal to G.o.d’s existence.
“L-Leatia-chan, what about the retirement force …?”
I felt my voice rose.
“An existence as irregular, You should remove it by force!”
A person with such an unjust power, fairies should remove it by force.
However, Leatia-chan shook her head from side to side.
“System is different from you. The powers of you were granted them by the fairies until the end of this war. However, System, its power is special since it was created in special circ.u.mstances. She is a person who was born with her power. To be exact, it is not even human. But it is not a fairy … ”
Is not human, nor a fairy? So, what is she? Now I do not understand.
“…. So. What can we do?”
Akutagawa-kun, who was sitting on the couch, spoke in an irritated tone, wanting to hurry the conversation. However, even in a situation like this, his gaze still fixed on the screen was the game he had in his hands.
“… Knowing that System is a dangerous existence. Why the Committee has not taken action against this monster? ”
“It has not yet been decided. The opinions within the committee are divided … If System put an end to war, would go under the rules of war, there are some who think so. ”
“… Are you still undecided? Leatia, it seems you do not know much. Well, after all, you’re only part of the staff … ”
“Ah !? What are you trying to say!? Pessimistic boy! ”
“… Nothing in particular.”
Although Leatia-chan had begun to lose patience, Akutagawa-kun could not tell.
An unpleasant atmosphere began to fill the room. Faced with this sudden situation, everyone, not know what to do.
At that time ── vibrant sound began to resonate.
Came from a corner of the bar. It was the cell of Hajime-kun, who was lying on his couch reserved. He had not said a word since he came. He took out his cell phone and made the call.
“h.e.l.lo. It’s me. …… True, about it. I forgot completely. ”
It seems to be something serious, since only exchanged a few words.
“Yes I understand. Goodbye, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d. ”
He said that and ended the call.
Fuu! She took a deep breath.
“… Just keep pa.s.sing me bad things.”
“Q-What happened? Now, who do you call …? A-anything too bad …. ”
Now, what kind of evil will have pa.s.sed?
Hajime-kun had slumped shoulders and looked worried. He seemed quite disappointed. Then, as he lifted his face slightly, he spoke in a low voice.
“I was fired from my job ……”
At that time, my conscience let reality. My mind was blank.
My conscience flew skyward, maybe back to my head once a tour of Brazil is given. I try to recover and a.n.a.lyze their lines carefully.After thinking many times, I breathe heavily.
“Pay more attention to the environment!”
I shouted with all my strength.
“I can not help it. I just got a call from my boss. ”
“He was your boss with whom you talked on the phone !? ?! And you said ‘Goodbye, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d’ !? ”
“I was being very loud with his ‘You’re fired, you’re fired’ , so I get angry unintentionally. Ahh …., Completely I forgot I had to go to work tonight. ”
“Then it’s your fault for not going, Hajime-kun!”
That reminds me mention something in the hideout of 「F」 mentioned that tonight had work. And “that night” was today.
Hajime-kun missed his work without permission. It seems that the opinion that his boss had of him was already bad, so this situation perfectly served to fire him ….
“… I wonder what I do now. Although I do not mind giving up, after saying goodbye in this way, no longer able to go to the convenience store so freely … d.a.m.n, I should not work in the nearest home store. Now where I go to buy my cigarettes and Jump? ”
“As if I did!”
I try to push Hajime-kun with all my strength.
“Ya just with that, Hajime-kun! We are now discussing something very serious! Listen to the conversation properly. ”
“Yes, I’ve heard. The talk that System is amazing, is not it? ”
“Exactly … You really you understand?”
“System ── is not a bad name, but lacks feeling. I feel that it put in time their wealth. A last-minute work like that, just give 60 points maximum. ”
“n.o.body was talking about the name!”
“What else could speak if not the name?”
“About your power! Understand it! No one can defeat! ”
“Ka, Ka. That’s useless. However, a skill that wakes up when you’re in trouble? It’s amazing, do not you think? ”
Hajime-kun ── was laughing.
“A power that responds to any dangerous situation? You know ── probably, I will do so. ”
Hajime-kun leaned her back on the couch, as he pointed with his right thumb.
Unruffled, without exalting.
In a tone of voice that indicated the truth.
“I must say that this is a great opportunity to overcome the strongest, now a formidable opponent that has appeared, I have also decided to wake up. After all, I ── Kiryuu Heldkaiser Luci First, even among the fallen angels, I am the reincarnation of a ‘true ancestor’. ”
“……… ..”
My head was going crazy.
What is this guy talking about?
I can not understand it, I can not understand …
Are you serious or joking? ── not understand anything.
A dull sound was heard from the rear. When you turn your gaze, I saw Toki-kun had hit his fist against the wall and looked at Hajime-kun with a hostile eyes.
“I hate to always, always talk nonsense … You’ve exhausted my patience, d.a.m.n chuuni.”
Speaking in a violent tone, way here slowly. It making me aside, he took Hajime-kun by the collar of his coat sharply.
“Just thinking that I follow orders from someone so stupid, I get nauseous.”
“Hey, let me go. This coat has anti-matter and anti-magical properties. If someone touches it, he regrets it. ”
No matter the situation, always joking.
No matter the situation, it’s never serious.
Well before a leader, Toki-kun frowned.
“… Apparently, I have been following the wrong man.”
“Ka, Ka. Speaking of which, am I not better than your previous leader? That being bent his head to the floor, begging for his life miserably, former leader of ‘Cruise’. ”
“… Uh!”
At that time, the expression of Toki-kun changed. Great hostility began to flow from his eyes. He released the long black coat and pulled out his knife from his pocket.
With a damaged zigzag edge, it was the knife could not fold.
Can not be.
¿Toki-kun thinks fight Hajime-kun? Here?
A real battle with superpoderes──
While thinking as could separate them, unexpectedly, the cackle of a girl was heard.
“Kyahahahaha! Ah, too bad, A quarrel between two men! Let’s do something better, let me join me too! Telling me, we would be 3 players, no? Kyahaha! Let’s battle! Let’s 3P! ‘Do not go losing to a single girl ~~ !! ”
A hard tone that could crack the gla.s.s. It felt great tension. A superior tone that does not read the environment.
This is bad.
Bad bad bad.
While trying to calm my body shaking with fear, I turned my head towards the direction from which the voice came.
In the bar counter, Fan-chan was sitting with her legs crossed. The pink gown she wore was something loose up to her cleavage, showing great service in April . Her skirt was so raised that could almost see her underwear. He had a s.a.d.i.s.tic smile and licked his lips in a very erotic way.
At this time he was not Fan-chan.
It was not ── Yusano Fantasia.
What I can do? Another personality has appeared ….!
Furthermore, it is Groteska.
The most violent personality and less communication has been out!
“Kyahaha! It seems that our Fantasia-chan lost patience. Well, no wonder with such a leader. He is not someone capable of leading all right now! Therefore, it is now the turn of Groteska-chan! DO YOU UNDERSTAND? Kyahahaha! Hey, Kiryuu Hajime! A high school girl will make you make a fool! ”
Discontent Fan-chan ── not Groteska discontent was painful to hear.
Well, it’s understandable. No matter how cute and nice is Fan-chan, in this situation, it is normal to be disappointed Hajime-kun.Even I, who know him from the days of high school, I am somewhat surprised by his att.i.tude today.
“In other words! Usurpation? Coup? ¿Internal division? Kyahaha! No matter what, just give me the position of leader to me, Groteska-chan, Kiryuu Ha-ji-meee! Someone like you is not able to lead others. ”
“…. Curse. You’re just like always, Groteska. ”
Seeing really irritated. Toki-kun, who was still holding his knife, moved closer to the counter of the bar.
“But what you said about this subject can not lead others in that I agree.”
“Oho! Toki-kyun. Do you know what I mean? ”
Groteska jumped the counter to the floor and stood beside Toki-kun, indicating their intention to join forces.
Two people confronted Hajime-kun, who was still sitting on the couch ── And besides, were full of hostility.
“Zigzag Jigsaw” ── The power of the attempted stabbing.
“s.e.x Eclipse” ── The power failure personality.
These two are part of the battle group in Fallen Black. Unlike Aki-chan and I, who are just workers, they have a power made for combat and power fact to murder.
With these two as opponents, including Hajime-kun──
A highly dangerous environment began to feel ──, there was no one who could stop the two. No one, not even him. All Hajime Kiryuu were disappointed.
── I do not know what to do.
I want to stop them.
A fight between teammates, no matter the reason, it is wrong.
Especially now, when the strongest enemy has appeared, we should be thinking … do not despair, there is no time to be fighting among ourselves.
However, I do not know what to do ….
“Kyahaha! Hey, Toki-kyun, after destroying this guy, the next leader will be me, Grosteska-chan! So do not forget! ”
While I was very worried, Groteska continued talking.
Yes that likes to talk to this girl. (Girl?)
“Then, we will stop using so ridiculous as Fallen Black name, because I will change it by a nicer name. Even his ability to put names to the powers is ridiculous, s.e.x Eclipse? Kyahaha! Stinks! I bet you just wanted to say a high school girl s.e.x, right? Better start! Hey, you listening to me? Kiryuu Hel-something. Your tastes seriously make me reír──── ”
In front of me I could see a black flash.
I take a few seconds to notice that it was Kiryuu Hajime.
There was a loud noise ── on the wall that was on the opposite side where he sat.
Fantasia Yusano ──── Yusano Groteska, was being crushed against the wall.
Was holding his blond head with his hand, he clenched his skull as if a steamroller.
The scene looked like a criminal being subjected to punishment.
“… I could not hear bien──”
While pressing Groteska head with his right hand, his words had a tone that crossed the opponent.
“… What you were saying about my tastes?”
“Ah … .argh, ah, ah ….”
Groteska said nothing. No, I not say nothing. s.p.a.ce between fingers Hajime-kun, could be heard moaning in pain.
“Hey, hurry. What did you say about my tastes? Do not you know that you are the best? ”
“…. DDD-hurts …! ”
“Did you think that I, a proud fallen angel would not put my hands on women and children? You really waited that would not do anything to a teammate? Did you think that would do nothing against this act of rebellion? You thought you could kill me when I have not even shown half my power? Really you not foresee that it could be killed along with Toki? Really you believed that Kiryuu Hajime was a kindhearted man who valued companions.h.i.+p? ”
That’s what Hajime-kun said.
Laughing fun.
“Bad for you. I’m sc.u.m of the lowest cla.s.s. ”
In those black and crimson eyes, he had an intense desire to kill.
He concentrated his power in his right hand.
“You cover scars ── ‘ Zakuro’ in May .”
‘Zakuro’ ── claws tearing.
Unlike ‘Mitsubachi’ and the like, where gravity is concentrated on a “point”, here gravity is concentrated in “line”.
Using gravity to increase the limit edge, forming a large edge attack that can cut easily human body.
To be clear, it is a tear of incredible power.
By the way, ‘Zakuro’, can be read as “The Claw” and also as “Granada”, the reason according to him is because blood splatters opponent as when Granada crush one.
…. Just a moment! This is no time to explain the name of the technique I have heard dozens of times.
At this time, Hajime-kun has Groteska held by the head with his right hand.
Will you use ‘Zakuro’ in this position?
Do you really intend to use it as the subject from such a short distance?
It can certainly seem like a great way to use the technique ── but, even an act of Chunnibyou, this is too much. Once you do, your opponent’s head will fly in pedazos──
A cry of agony was heard.
My left eye was closed reflexively and lowered my head.
Plop! Plop! Plop!
I could hear the sound of dripping liquid.
Lie. It must be a lie …
Hajime-kun, can not be Groteska, Fanchan … Just for a laugh ….
“Just kidding.”
Then, changing all the tense atmosphere that felt, he heard a soft voice.
“Hahahaha. I’m just kidding. Just kidding. Do not take it so seriously. I really am a man of good heart and full of companions.h.i.+p. ”
When lifting my face, Hajime-kun had released Groteska. She was kneeling on the floor.
“Groteska … Ah, no, you have already returned to be Fantasia?”
“Uh, uu …… m, Uu. Um …. ”
“Oh. You’ve done mourn. ”
Groteska ── no, that childish expression and gentle gaze, was Fan-chan. His personality had returned without realizing it.
The Fan-chan face was red from crying. However, her face was completely intact. The ‘Zakuro’ before seems only to have been to scare her.
I feel relieved. Whew … Hm? However, what was that? I wonder what was the sound of dripping a moment ago. I was sure it was the sound of blood rus.h.i.+ng.
“… .Uh, Uuhm. Uh …… ”
I realized that in the place where Fan-chan crying crouch, had his two hands covering her skirt, trying desperately to hide the ground.
Fan-chan … was wet.
However, it was expected.
a moment, Hajime Kiryuu makes even me who was watching from the side, felt my heart stopped for fear. Fear of that cold-blooded thirst was introduced directly into Fan-chan, to be frank, it was immeasurable.
Perhaps, Hajime-kun was serious.
Really he tried to kill his companion.
“Toki, do you also have problems with me?”
“… Any”
“Really ?, then all is well. I do not want to fight with you. The power of the stab to death you possess “Zigzag Jigsaw” is too much, even for me. ”
“So you say, idiot …”
Toki-kun spoke so morose and sat on the couch quickly. Firmly clenched his fist, it seems he was holding his anger to force.
However, it seems that he was not willing to raise his fist against the leader.
You may have felt the difference of powers. The movement of Hajime-kun just now, both Toki-kun like me, could not even follow it with your eyes.
In j.a.panese martial arts, Shukuchi often refers to the instantaneous movement of the body where a person shortens the distance with his opponent. The most important is not the speed of movement, but “as the opponent does not notice.” Step, the movement of weight, body control, height, line of sight, etc … It takes into account various points by shortening the distance without being noticed by the opponent ── that was the Shukuchi.
Since high school, Hajime-kun has been training secretly at home Shukuchi ── and then use the power of gravity, completely dominated
An impossible weight change may be possible by controlling the severity ── and this is why, it is also possible to move to an impossible speed and make an impossible position.
── are extraordinary movements however, these movements are only part of his skill.
Ah, it’s true. Now I remember.
The reason why Kiryuu Hajime is the leader of this group.
It has no popularity or dignity. No money, nor a job. He is homeless and is good for nothing. No common sense and has no charisma.
The reason why members follow a leader who is a total disaster, in fact, is very simple.
A power of overwhelming battle.
And ── by the danger.
All members, except I think that ‘Kiryuu Hajime is someone who does not want an enemy’, why have joined this man.
Unjust power that is able to control gravity, and also the danger that someone like Kiryuu Hajime possesses a skill well. Since no one knows what you could do ── not be surprised if they do something. This man is frightening.
You could even destroy the world, it is in the last phase of the syndrome Chuunibyou──
“He has! This farce makes no sense. ”
Leatia-chan mocked our discussion among members.
“So what are you gonna do, Hajime? Are you not the leader? About the organization, what have you decided to do? ”
“Ka, Ka. Hey, what happens, Leatia? It is impolite to you to try to end the conversation, do not you think that you’re impatient? ”
“He has?”
“If you want to crush「F」, you should clearly say so .”
“… What are you saying? And what you had said, do not do anything unnecessary. The Committee has not yet taken a decisión── ”
“Right there.”
Hajime-kun interrupted his words carefully.
“Why do not you tell ── reason why the Committee has not yet Bélico Control made a decision?”
“Yesterday, I thought it was strange that tell me the location of the hideout「F」. Tell me ‘Do nothing’ , but also reveal the hiding place of the enemy … I felt were hiding something. Should not you have stayed quiet if you did not want to do something unnecessary? I can not help feeling some hidden intention there … Well, yesterday, I fell into your plan effectively. In fact, I was also interested in the hideout of 「F」. ”
He likes to the contrary, that is the personality of Hajime-kun.
Contrary to my expectations, Leatia-chan seems to have seen through his personality very well. Precisely because I wanted to do something, she told “to do nothing”.
However, he also could see through the intentions of Leatia-chan.
He took the lead perfectly.
“Do not do anything unnecessary … right? Why do not you tell better honestly? Something like ‘Please do something unnecessary’ . ”
Hajime-kun pointed his finger provocatively towards Leatia-chan.
“This is an a.s.sumption … that guy named Zeion, was originally a member of the Control Committee War, right? This guy has earned the antipathy of the organization as it has betrayed the organization and now wants to put an end to the war. I must say it is the fault of the members. The Committee therefore can not take action. Not want to expose the shame he has been a member ── why they wanted me handle it. ”
“You’d be celebrating if I had decided to take charge of「F」, right? Zeion is a problem, he is trying to end the war, but without breaking the rules of the Faerie War. The medium used is creating the person with the strongest power. ”
Listening carefully to everything he said, I started thinking about it desperately.
In short, I wonder if the honor of the organization.
Betting on the Faerie War, the War Control Committee has the role of bookmaker.
Being a bookie has its advantages, but also has its problems.
“I do not know what your intentions or the intentions of the Committee are … but something’m sure. That way of doing things so arbitrary, hoping to get things without asking. It sounds like something I would do. ”
“… d.a.m.n, you should die.”
Although it is a habit of Leatia-chan speak so rude, this time had a very threatening tone.
Without further discussion, reasoning Hajime-kun was right.
“Although I would not have minded end「F」. Fight System, which is called as the strongest, would be very interesting. However ── I do not like the way they tried to manipulate me . ”
Having said that, Hajime-kun put his index finger on his head.
Toc! Toc !, a knock around the temple was given.
“All I can manipulate are destructive impulses in my head.”
Although it is difficult to say if his words are great or not, but for the person in question is definitely great. Hajime-kun around and way out of the bar occurred.
“Leatia. I’ll show some human manners. If you want to order something, you lose your head and say please to which you are asking. ”
“… You’re not the one to teach you how to ask for things, sc.u.m.”
“Ka, Ka. This is the end of the negotiations. On the issue of 「F」 Fallen Black is not allowed to intervene, you understand? Well, if there was someone who wanted to go fight individually, only I can tell you that would make a suicide attack … ”
Giving orders as arbitrarily as always, Hajime-kun left the base.
“… Ah!”
Without realizing it, I began to follow him.
From the door of our base, I started down the stairs from the fourth floor. The door to the bar that was created with “Dead s.p.a.ce” becomes invisible as soon as one leaves the bar.
I followed Hajime-kun, who was coming down the stairs.
“Wait! Wait! Hajime-kun, where are you going …? ”
“Where?…. Where the wind takes me. ”
“If you’re going to go home, take the key.”
Our leaning-kun stopped in the middle of the stairs. He held out his hand to me, who am the owner, asking the key. As he handed the key, I looked at his face.
“Hey, Hajime-kun … What will happen now?”
“Hm? I’ll go to sleep. They’ve fired me, right? Oh it’s true. Since I have free time tomorrow, I think I’ll go for a walk in the high school. I can see the face of Satomi-sensei after much tiempo── ”
“I’m not talking about that!”
A scream came out of my mouth.
“…. The war may be over. ”
A voice that seemed to mourn. The voice was suddenly trembling.
It’s strange.
In the background, I do not want the war to end.
Am I one arms dealer?
Originally, I was not in favor of war, only partic.i.p.ated as a.s.sistant Hajime-kun. I dislike violence, I feel bad when I see the blood and feel nauseous when I see a person muere──
In addition ── was already prepared for the day when the war ended.
But I thought it would be something that would happen much later.
What if 「F」 end of the war? It would be the end of Fallen Black. System would be defeated, our memories and our powers would be deleted, and would return to our daily lives.
All the precious memories with friends I’ve made pieces would be made. It’s sad.
And especially ── Kiryuu Hajime.
If this war was over, I wonder what would Hajime-kun. Perhaps it would move away from me?
Like the time when I graduated from school preparatoria──
Just thinking about it makes me feel very painful pressure in my chest that almost makes me throw tears from his eyes.
There was a void in my chest and a feeling of defeat wrap around my body.
“Do not worry, Hitomi.”
A hand touched my head gently.
“I will not let you finish.”
“…. Hey?”
“Do you think I would leave them to finish something so funny?”
He spoke in a voice full of confidence.
“Whether「F」or System, I will not let anyone the war ends. Something as fun should last as long as possible. As if a famous manga. “