Question: What is it that the more you use, the more it gets corrupted?
Answer: The hearts of people.
“Hitomi. Hey, Hitomi. ”
“Huh? Ah, W-What? ”
“Do not get distracted. Did you hear what he was saying? ”
“… Mmm I am sorry.”
“Talk like. You were thinking about something else, right? ”
Hajime-kun spoke to me in a rude tone, while sitting on the couch with her legs crossed. In those small dark, you could see a look of guilt.
My conscience had returned to reality, confirming the situation and where I am now.
We were in a multi-storey building which was built by an abandoned area near the station in the city center
Between the fourth and fifth floor of the building, there was a room that seemed to be a bar with darts.
It was a s.p.a.ce created by the power of Akutagawa-kun. This place was the basis of Black Fallen, which could not be visited by anyone but us.
In this bar we were meeting all members of the group.
The first member: “Eternal Wink” Saitou Hitomi ──.
The second member, “Dead s.p.a.ce” ── Akutagawa Yanagi.
The third member, “Head Hunting” ── Natsu Aki.
The fourth member, “Zigzag Jigsaw” Toki Shugo ──.
The fifth member: “s.e.x Eclipse” ── Yusano Fantasia.
The zero member: “Lucifer’s Strike” ── Kiryuu Hajime.
We were 6 people with super powers.
Currently, we are all members of Fallen Black.
“Kiryucchi, did you have to be angry? Hitomin is tired. She remembers the trouble to come pick you up in his car took yesterday. ”
Aki-chan gave her complaint as she sat in the bar, while carrying the gla.s.s in his hand to his mouth and drank the contents quickly. “Hahh! Delicious! Fan-Fan, I want another gla.s.s of orange juice. “ What he said as he set the empty gla.s.s on the counter.
He slid the gla.s.s on the counter ── but there was no stopping him. The vessel ended up cras.h.i.+ng with a few stacked in the corner.
Making a loud sound, stacked vessels collapsed as if they were pines in a bowling game.
“Gyahhh!” Aki-chan cried out in surprise. “Hey, Fan-Fan, what do you think you’re doing? Get him properly! ”
“E-is impossible … I can not do that if you shout me so suddenly.”
Fan-chan, who was being blamed for Aki-chan, replied in a voice that was about to mourn. In his hands were behind the counter, there was a bottle of soda and cider.
“MM-My two hands were busy! And besides, why did you slide the gla.s.s? If you wanted something, you should normally I have asked me. ”
“What? This is something I’ve always wanted to do when he came to a bar. ”
“What a child!”
“Ah? I do not want to hear that a high school girl. ”
The girl dressed in pink dressing gown with a clear and uniform girl were arguing. It was a discussion of two young girls, It is good to be young, that’s what I feel to see them with my 22 years of life.
Natsu Aki.
Aki-chan will Sakuragawa Academy is a private school only for very famous girls to girls ranging only from a good family. He wears braided hair, wear and black edges gives an impression of cleanliness and order, but his student appearance is just a way to disguise that deep down she is really a girl gal 4 .
Yusano Fantasia.
Fan-chan goes to a public school. It is a kind and friendly girl, although I must say it is something innocent.
His eyes are flas.h.i.+ng brightness and always wears a light pink gown because she says “pink is lovely.” I think that’s a sign of his innocence.
“Be silent. This is not a nursery. ”
A strong voice addressed the two girls who were arguing.
It was Toki-kun, who was cleaning with a broom that was broken gla.s.s on the floor. Frowning, said “Jeez. Before being arguing about who is to blame, they should clean this up . “ Although his words sounded like a strong complaint, actually said them respectfully, as he cleaned everything quickly.
Toki Shugo.
He wears a sleeveless polo and some ripped jeans. He has a tattoo with fire patterns on his shoulder.
It has a rough appearance and conveys a violent personality. His eyes and the expression of his face are bad. At first glance, it seems a yankee 2 , but after talking to him, was unexpectedly good guy.
The proof is that was the first to pick up the broken gla.s.s, because unlike his appearance, has a very attentive personality.
“By the way, Hitomi-san. Do not stay without doing anything. You are the only one in this group who can communicate in j.a.panese correctly. Those girls just know how to be noisy, to Kiryuu-san does not understand anything of what he says, and Akutagawa── ”
In the midst of his words, Toki-kun took out his pocket knife Jack (jackknife).
The movement of his hand was very fast.
For me, I have read several shonen mangas due to the influence of Hajime-kun, when I hear the word Jack knife, “The Prince of Tennis “ comes to my mind, although originally, “Jack Knife” refers to a folding knife.
However, since the blade was damaged, she could not bend.
The blade was shaped serrated zigzag.
It could not be folded, it was a damaged blade.
“──Tiene communication problems.”
While Toki-kun finished speaking, he threw his knife and stabbed this area white darts, making darts that were already fixed on the white fell to the ground by the impact.
In a corner of the room, Akutagawa-kun, who was playing alone with darts, he had stopped the hand holding a dart.
“… Who has communication problems?”
Looking towards us, Akutagawa-kun spoke in a somber voice. While using your headphones as always, it seems to be listening.
“…… As for communication, I have no problem in my daily life if we reduce to a minimum. No need to get along with a guy who does not like that. If the power of communication is as silly laugh just to fit into the environment, I do not need such a thing …… ”
“Ah? I can not hear you if you speak so low. Speak louder. And besides, you should see eye to who you’re talking to. ”
“… Ah, I upset.”
Speaking in a low voice, Akutagawa-kun walked toward the target, pulled the knife was stuck and threw it back to Toki-kun.
It was a very dangerous form of return, but Toki-kun captured the knife between his fingers without any problems.
“… It is a waste of time talking to a yankee.”
It was a dry voice that could barely be heard, however, there was some malice in his words. Akutagawa-kun proceeded to return to the darts.
Akutagawa Yanagi.
This guy…. It is problematic. Always you have headphones on and never turns away from his portable game console.
I feel it is a boy with a somewhat reckless personality.
For example, when you say “Take off your headphones when you’re talking to someone.” He answers “…… it is not necessary, since I have turned down the volume.” When you say “I have something important to talk about, stop chewing that gum . “ He answers ” …… it has been scientifically proven that the concentration increases when you stop chewing gum? “ .
It’s a cheeky boy, when he’s talking, I feel an urge to “Ah, I want to beat him …” .
“Akutagawa … d.a.m.n, if you go to complain, you should speak face to face. I hate that irritating hum yours. ”
“… Not that it matters.”
“That’s why it is the fault of the Fan-Fan! Pink negligee”
“And-I can wear whatever I want!”
Toki-kun and Akutagawa-kun, Aki-chan and Fan-chan, men and women, each discussion was getting worse and as a result, the bar became very noisy.
Inside the room, the atmosphere was about to explode, but eso──
“That loud.”
As if they had come from the bottom of h.e.l.l, strong words were heard.
“Stop yapping, children. Screaming like a simple insects, did I want to see them insects? ”
While forming a ghastly smile, Hajime-kun looked at the members who were in the room.
The crimson left eye and right eye black.
These different colored eyes had a deadly glow that could cover the whole place.
“They want their lives to vanish just for a whim of mine? So ── better shut up. ”
A cold and cruel words were addressed to all members. Although it was not a loud voice, it was a voice that could go through the whole body.
It was the “warning” leader who received the members to be discussing, but still, show that expression that would freeze any ── was not necessary.
“Haa? What happens to this person?”
“So bossy as ever, first give me back the 1000 yen I lent you the other day.”
“Can you repeat it from the beginning? Since what you said was so long and incomprehensible, I did not understand anything. ”
“…… Why would someone as dumb as Kiryuu-san is the leader?”
All members had an expression of objection.
…… Hajime-kun, you have no respect!
Although told to “shut up” with a terrifying face, none of the members remained silent.
Wow! It is the complete destruction of respect for the leader.
Hajime-kun tried to keep smiling without fear. But since no one was frightened by their threatening words, it seems that is beginning to lose patience. I could not continue watching this, so I apologized quickly.
“T-Everyone, calm down a bit! First, it was my fault for being distracted. Sorry.”
Then, Toki-kun looked at me.
“No need to apologize Hitomi-san.”
Then, Aki-chan and Fan-chan also spoke.
“Exactly, Hitomin is not to blame.”
“L-I’m sorry. We made a lot of noise. ”
Even the impertinent Akutagawa-kun.
“… I am sorry.”
Then all ducked his head.
I feel so popular!
They are all good guys in front of me.
I, the first member of Fallen Black, seems to have gained the confidence of all unintentionally. Well, I was in charge of arranging schedules and contact all, all those things were in my charge.
“Selfishness” and “Misunderstanding” Hajime-kun was a hybrid between the two. As it always does things without thinking before, does not fulfill its role of leader. I am the support plan, that is, number, so I have the role of a.s.sistant.
Because of that, I had the opportunity to meet all thoroughly … And as a result, although I did not think it would happen, I gained more respect than the same leader.
“B-Well … Then, Hajime-kun. Can you say that again? ”
“… Huh? No … no longer. I think n.o.body wants to hear what I have to say … ”
He’s in a bad mood.
Oh, heavens, this man is so troublesome!
“It is not like this! I like to listen to Hajime-kun, it’s more, I do not want to hear anything more than what Hajime-kun has to say. The stories of Hajime-kun are always interesting and above all are great. ”
“──Ka, Ka.”
Hajime-kun started laughing happily.
Hajime-kun was happy, although I must say that very easy to convince. For now, it is well flatter him saying “great.”
“Then listen carefully, Hitomi.”
While he said that, he turned his gaze to the other members.
“You too. Now we go into the serious part. ”
It seems that finally the conversation going forward.
“I received a report from Leatia. The hideout 「F」 has been discovered. ”
「F」 was related organization with powers renegades. The name 「F」 is a temporary name given by the Control Committee War.Since 「Renegado」 equals 「Free」, it seems that ‘s why they named as 「F」.
Usually, people with super powers are in charge of a fairy.
For example, Hajime-kun and I are under the supervision of Leatia-chan. The other members of Fallen Black also have a fairy in charge.
One fairy (What?) Is responsible for approximately four people with powers. It seems to be a rule Control Committee War.
Compared with everyday reality, a person with super powers is a mangaka and Control Committee War is the publisher, or something similar.
Just as mangakas have a contract with publishers, people with superpowers have one Bélico Control Committee.
── They are registered as partic.i.p.ants in the war.
However, there have been a lot of subjects that are not registered in the Committee.
They are the renegades powers. Originally, these people should not exist.
“──Aun so, in the last war, something similar seems to have happened. By irresponsible fairy, I heard that some renegades powers were created. ”
“… But you do not think the number of renegades has been increasing lately?”
I responded to the words of Hajime-kun. Then, Aki-chan took care to continue.
“It is true. The other day, those strangers who Tokki Fan-Fan and found turned out to be renegades … And also, the opponent Kiryucchi yesterday was a renegade, right? ”
Aki-chan was the kind of person who likes to put nicknames to others, and even their elders treated them with confidence.
Not that I mind, but definitely I could not accept that majime-chan called me in August . I take some time to stop using that nickname.
“The story of Leatia makes me think that fairies are involved in some way.”
It’s what Hajime-kun said.
“War Control Committee ── no, subjects who detest the structure of this Faerie War, it seems they are also fairies. Those guys seem to be planning ‘something bad’ for the human world ── at least he thinks the Committee. ”
There seems to be an internal conflict between the fairies. Although all are fairies, that it does not necessarily mean that all get along.
But ── would that be something normal?
Whether human or fairies, if they form groups only for their own interests, a truly united organization is completely impossible.
For example, Black Fallen, we are a completely disordered organization.
“So. These types of 「F」, what are you trying to do? ”
Toki-kun showed a slight smile.
“While that ‘something bad’ is only from the point of view of Bélico Control Committee, but perhaps indeed be ‘something wrong’ ? If for example … if 「F」 would stop the war, then, those guys would not be more benevolent than the committee? ”
I’m surprised.
Humans who fight in battles with superpowers ──Eso is the Faerie War.
If anything, the purpose of 「F」 is to stop this war ── stop this evil pastime betting on a show using humans, in that case, maybe those fairy feel sorry for humans, if so, is not We should support them ?
“Ka, Ka. Hey, Toki. Do not make jokes so boring. ”
When I was about to change his mind of 「F」 ── Hajime-kun he started laughing.
“If these guys really are trying to boycott the war, then they deserve the death penalty.”
It was full of fighting spirit and had a quiet but confident smile.
They were words that showed that he really enjoyed the battles with super powers.
“Well, no case be talking about speculation. The purpose of 「F」 is still unknown. In addition, Leatia said ‘We are still investigating, so do not do anything’ . ”
“I’ve heard similar things about Marilyn.”
“From Shedorim too.”
Both Toki-kun and Fan-chan, seem to have heard the details of his tale in charge.
“…. So what we do, Kiryu-san? ”
Akutagawa-kun, who was silent all the time, spoke in a somber voice, hastening the conversation. I wonder if anything was upset because the meeting progressed slowly. The kids today do not know to be patient.
Hajime-kun closed his eyes and after thinking for several seconds,
“Rule number 3 of the battles with super powers. Do not underestimate the power of your opponent. ”
That said.
“So you want us to go investigate the enemy just like that?”
The truth is I’m speechless.
Leatia-chan still has much to learn about Hajime-kun. If you say ‘Do nothing’ , the result would be obvious.
This man, somehow, likes to give the contras.
It is impossible for someone suffering Chuunibyou not react to that.
The other members also seemed surprised by the words of the leader ── seemed that were already come.
“I’ll be sure to confirm whether these guys deserve to be defeated by me, Luci Heldkaiser Kiryuu First.”
Hajime-kun stood from his seat. His black coat jerked.
I would like him to stop, because every time tossing his coat, raises dust. Although I can not tell you that.
“By the way. In this reconnaissance mission in enemy territory, it will be your turn to act. ”
Leader eyes were directed toward a member.
“Head Hunting” – Natsu Aki.
Aki-chan smiled.
His eyes shone in those lenses black borders, while her tresses moved from left to right.
“I see. Well, I have to show my true strength. I thought I would never get my turn. ”
“Head Hunting”
That’s ── power able to a.n.a.lyze the power of the opponent.
“So, wait a minute, really, I have an active role?”
The members chosen for the reconnaissance mission into enemy territory were three Hajime-kun, Aki-chan and me.
We were going in my car. Our destination was the hiding place of the enemy.
Black Fallen apart from Hajime-kun and I are all teenagers and the only adult who can drive a car is me.
Toki-kun was once the second in command of a motorcycle gang called ‘Cruise’, so usually handle a motorcycle. However, it has some very problematic principles like ‘My principle is never take a woman’ and ‘Share the seat of the motorcycle with another man is too stuffy’ , so do not take anyone thinks.
As for Hajime-kun, first, is not licensed and their means of transportation is a bicycle granny called Kis.h.i.+hime.
Because this man is not reliable, I have become the driver of all.
By the way, in j.a.pan, people with one eye can get your license properly. If the sight of his eye comply with regulations, there is no problem.
“Coff Coff. Hey, Kiryucchi! Do not smoke in the car! ”
Aki-chan, who was sitting in the back seat, shouted at Hajime-kun, who was throwing smoke from the pa.s.senger seat.
“And besides, this car is very small!”
“Ah? Give your complaints to Hitomi, since she who bought this car was so small. ”
These two are making fun of my car. This is the car I always wanted and was purchased with a loan!
“But this car really is very small. Hey, Hitomin. If you want, I could lend you my car. After all, it is always in the garage. ”
“N-No thanks, I would be wrong of me.”
The proposal for a rich lady like Aki-chan, I had to reject it quickly. It is common sense, there is no way you can use someone else’s car just like that.
“Hey, Kiryucchi, could quit so irresponsibly? Smokers are not something that is fas.h.i.+onable today. ”
“Ah? A girl would not know appreciate the charm of this toxic. ”
“Obviously not. And what is it toxic? Ahhh, Kiryucchi, is a waste you’re so handsome. Really is not anything great you are using your lighter all the time. Hitomin, you also think the same, right? ”
“… S-Yes.”
N-No … I could say.
The truth is that I think Hajime-kun with his cigar in hand looks great and how you turn it on is very s.e.xy. But there is no way to say that …….
Showing his annoyance, he bounced ash in the ashtray of the car. Since I do not smoke, the ashtray of the car was used exclusively by Hajime-kun.
In addition, the pa.s.senger seat had become the exclusive seat Hajime-kun.
… It would be nice if it were the other way around.
“By the way, Hitomin, how long to reach the Yuzuhara Food Processing Plant?”
“Just a little more. In about 5 minutes. ”
Having said that, I turned on the lights and reduced speed, after confirming the drag, slowly turned left at the next intersection.
Hidden in the Woods, you are the ‘Food Processing Plant Yuzuhara’ . It seems that this place is the hiding place of 「F」. Officially, it is a factory that s.h.i.+ps its products to stores and supermarkets.
“… Hey, Hajime-kun. This time we are only recognition, right? ”
“If. I said that.”
“So try not to cause problems …”
Before my feelings of supplication, Hajime-kun just smiled with ‘Ka, Ka’ .
“It will depend on the att.i.tude of the enemy. In the event that those fools of 「F」 offend me, I will send directly to infier── ”
“Ahh! I can see it, It’s there, there! ”
Leaning from the back seat, Aki-chan shouted.
Hajime-kun, who was interrupted his words had a bitter expression. Although I do not care.
At the point that pointed Aki-chan, I saw a large factory.
Food Processing Plant Yuzuhara had a relatively tidy. He had a long, thin white fireplace leaving the building and pierced the clouds. And besides, there were heavy machinery such as trucks and forklifts.
While we were inspecting, look around about 10 minutes, but Hajime-kun immediately bored, so we decided to infiltrate the site after all.
I started the car and proceeded to invade the entrance.
“──¡Hajime-kun! W-really okay? ”
“What do you mean?”
“This place, is it not the enemy hideout? Is it really safe to enter by the front ……? ”
“Hm. Well, I think so. You can not catch a tiger breeding without entering the tiger’s lair, right? ”
It is true….
While the car was moving, I saw the shadows of some people on. Two guards were blocking the pa.s.sage of the car. I stepped on the brake quickly and the car stopped.
I swallowed my saliva. It was the hiding place of the enemy organization and these were the first people who were. I could not help being cautious.
Hajime-kun spoke softly. He had a quiet smile on his face. Unlike me she was tense, he kept his composure.
Aki-chan leaned forward from the back seat and looked at the two men who were ahead.
With those eyes behind those were black edge.
His ability was activated.
“──No no problem. They are normal people. They have no powers. ”
The “Head Hunting” Aki-chan is a skill that can tell whether a person has power or not just by looking at her.
“So those two are just ordinary people who are working without knowing anything? Or do people without powers are a.s.sociated with 「F」? ”
“Whoever works for me. But, if you do not have powers ── will have to do something. ”
Right, Hitomi? It was what seemed to say look Hajime-kun. After confirming a nod, I moved the car and stopped in front of the two guards.
“I am sorry. This place is only authorized personnel could return by where it came from? ”
When I opened the window, one of the guards I spoke in a soft tone.
Looking at them closely, these two gave a giddy feeling. They had light hair and wore loose neck. They seemed to have the same age as me.
They gave the impression of being “college students who worked part-time to earn extra money.”
“I am so sorry. Try a ride on uy somehow this place finish. Excuse me, what it is this factory? ”
Making a false smile, I tried to speak casually.
“Oh Im sorry. We are only part-time workers do not know much. ”
After all. They were men who reflected their appearance.
“Ka, Ka. Get away, rabble. From now on, this will be a battlefield. ”
While saying those lines despised others, Hajime-kun got out of the car.
The two security guards showed a rigid expression.
They seemed to be puzzled by the intimidating speech Hajime-kun.
“… Huh ?, what about you? ….”
“Hey, this guy has a red eye …”
The expressions of the two guards showed fear and suspicion. While Hajime-kun calm as always had a smile.
“The wind is dry today. On a day like this ── my right eye hurts. ”
Moving his right hand similar to ‘The rule Fleming’s left hand form 5 ‘ , she hid half his face.
It seems to have tried to say a few great lines … If the wind is dry, irritated eyes, that is the dry eye syndrome …
“Hey, do you know the evil eye?”
Ignoring the confusion of the two guards, Hajime-kun continued to speak on their own.
The evil eye.
It is the magic that invokes a curse by looking, in other words, it is black magic. There are several legends in various parts of the world about the evil eye or also called “Evil Eye” . The term originated in Europe and then spread to everyone. According to some verses, it seems to be a magic done by witches.
The right eye Hajime-kun is the evil eye that was given to him by a witch …. That is a fact.
Since it is difficult to control, you can only release a third of the hidden power …. That is a fact.
All are made.
“You do not know? So enjoy it carefully. You will be caught in a very colorful eye nightmare for this calamity. ”
Having said that, Hajime-kun for a moment, made eye contact with me.
That was the signal to activate my power.
I touch my right eye with my right hand.
The eye can not see ── shut it for no reason.
It has no meaning.
When I have to activate my power, I always do it this way.
“Let ── Look at me.”
With those words, my power was activated.
“Eternal Wink”
I looked into the eyes of two workers for an instant. His gaze was fixed, they had the posture of someone standing firmly with an empty expression.
“Then, still striving to monitor, Baito-kun ”
Hajime-kun touched the shoulders of the security guards, who responded with “… Yes’. They did not show any expression on his face.
Hajime-kun returned to his seat and said , ‘Let us continue’ . I started the car and spent the two security guards.
no longer they will hold us. These two, in a few minutes, forget everything that happened.
After a few minutes, they returned to be the same guards forever.
“The power of the evil eye is amazing as always. Although it is my power, really it gives me chills. ”
“It is the power of Kiryucchi, but of Hitomin, right?”
Given these presumptuous words, Aki-chan questioned him quietly.
So is.
Right now, when the memory of those two was rigged, it was the work of my power.
The power that makes others get the evil eye.
That’s my “Eternal Wink”.
The eye that makes eye contact with my left eye receives the power of the evil eye.
The reason is called the evil eye, is because Hajime-kun was the one who appointed him. There are several possibilities about what the person can do specifically with the evil eye.
You can display an illusion, you can put to sleep for a moment and you can change the memory slightly.
Although not a very strong power, it is a versatile and convenient power. Although it has some limitations, it is almost invincible if used together with a partner.
Indeed, it is impossible to give me the evil eye myself. I can only give the evil eye to the person in my range of vision, that is the only way of giving the evil eye to a person.
…… Although I must say it is a very complicated power it is the power I awakened and I have no choice but to accept.
The demonic eye responsible for the evil eye ── That’s my “Eternal Wink”.
With respect to the difference between demonic evil eye and the eye …. Well, I do not know how far the fiction of reality inside his head, is not something which can intervene.
Anyway, I am the bearer of demonic evil eye that gives the eye. That is a fact.
The car entered the interior of the facility.
Moving forward on the road, not long before we get to the parking lot. There were not many vehicles, only a few trucks parked several sizes.
“What we do, Hajime-kun? Do we stop here and continue on foot? ”
“You’re right……”
Hajime-kun stretched out on the seat next to him and gave a big yawn.
“I’m bored, we return?”
“Having come this far?”
He said something truly unexpected. What are you saying this?
“The evil eye can only be used once a day, keep using is not a good idea.”
“Do not! That way of thinking is not necessary! You can use many times the evil eye! Since it is my power, I know perfectly! ”
What should I do? This is something unexpected. Hajime-kun has lost interest.
This man, likes to show off the evil eye, but still was not satisfied …
“The right eye is not innate. So if I lose control, it would not be pleasant. If I break this limitation once per day ── I will be devoured by eternal darkness. ”
There he goes again!
Why sufferers feel Chuunibyou charm restrictions or risks?
Just a few minutes a day! Just once a day!
The restriction of the right hand! The restriction of one eye!
Life is reduced! His existence is consumed! Being devoured by darkness!
“Hey? How can I explain to my return home so late? Since I’m going to have many problems when I get back, at least I a.n.a.lyze properly the power of the enemy leader. ”
That’s what Aki-chan said. Originally, I did not agree to come to inspect these hours, but already having come this far, I want to go with some results. I do not want to come work here is in vain.
“Let us return home. I just remembered that I work tonight. I’ll go to sleep when you get home. ”
For half a year ago, Hajime-kun had begun to work nights at a convenience store.
The reason was to pay his debt to me.
The day when you enter into the world of battles superpowered ── day when Hajime-kun returned home covered with wounds.
Because of its battle with another person, his favorite coat and his had been spent and that in order to repair them, Hajime-kun asked me to lend him money.
Since it would be a waste throw objects so good, I paid the money.
“Hey? Were you still working, Kiryucchi? You know, Kiryucchi. You work in a convenience store … Actually, he does not fall for anything. ”
“If. Totally out of place. ”
I completely agree.
Once, Aki-chan and Fan-chan had gone to mock ── rather to visit, that uniform vertical stripes truth nothing looked good on him.
“As soon I resign. I’m almost finished paying my debt to Hitomi, plus my boss always bothering me by my hair color … This silver hair is proof of my crime and my punishment …. ”
He looked plunged into a deep sadness and her voice sounded depressing.
Hair Hajime-kun changed color because of a trauma of her past. Now is a silver hair that emits a spectacular s.h.i.+ne …. That is a fact.
The truth is that I dyed it regularly.
To the silver color, your hair has to be dyed completely. It is much more difficult to dye it brown or blond. But if it succeeds, the hair looks great.
I had many difficulties and several failed attempts, but recently I was able to finally master the technique to dye hair silver.
Chuunibyou suffer is not easy at all.
“I mean! It’s not time to be talking so quietly! After all, back home? ”
We can not be walking around the parking lot forever. As the driver, I want you to decide soon if we parked or returned.
“Ka, Ka. Now, we continue inspecting or back? Let’s leave this coin it decida──! ”
In the midst of his words, the expression of Hajime-kun showed fear. His giddy smile was gone and his eyebrows were raised.
At that time, Hajime-kun moved his right arm.
At a speed as if unsheathing a sword, he turned his hand to where I was.
Then he grabbed my right thigh. A very rough way to use his hands, touched the side of my skin that was not covered by the skirt.I could feel the temperature of his hand on my body.
¿E-QQ-What are you doing …? N-It can not be, s.e.xual hara.s.sment? This must be a lie, why? … Hajime-kun had a fetish for touching thighs? Having a fetish bare thighs touching is something unpleasant, stop …. Oh, b-good it is not to displease me completely ….but, Aki-chan is watching us!
In that, when my ravings were exploiting ── my thigh was pressed.
It was completely pressed down.
If you do that to a right thigh while driving, of course, the accelerator would be fully pressed.
The car accelerated quickly. And according to the laws of inertia, our bodies were pushed back strongly.
Both Aki-chan as I shouted. As for Aki-chan, who was inclined without using the seat belt, it seems to have fallen back very strongly.
“That it hurts a lot … Hey, that’s wrong!”
“E-is true, Hajime-kun! Remove your hand … ”
We were heading Hajime-kun, but in that time.
An overwhelming sound was heard behind.
As if something had broken or as if something had collapsed, it was a very loud sound. I looked back instinctively and I was speechless to see what was there.
A large truck was smashed on the floor. The truck had fallen from heaven and had crashed into the ground.
The crash site was where my car was a few moments ago.
“──¡Dame the wheel!”
While he was distracted watching the disaster, a loud voice came from the side. Hajime-kun extended his left hand from the seat next to him and turned the wheel to the right.
When I return my gaze forward ── this time a truck had come forward.
Before choquemos, the car turned right quickly. The sudden force caused my body to be pushed to the left.
My body crashed into Hajime-kun, who had a hand extended from the seat next to him. Naturally, my face buried in his chest.
“QQ-Que-e ….”
“Be quiet!”
“E-Okay …”
Because of that voice so strong and serious, my ear almost melts.
I was very embarra.s.sed, but when I think of the cries of Aki-chan, who was riding in the back seat somehow felt hurt.
“Hitomi. And all is well. However, continued without slowing down. ”
“Hey, wait.”
Hajime-kun let go of the steering wheel and my thigh, and then returned to its original position. Hold the steering wheel quickly and keep driving. Then, Aki-chan from the back seat discontent exploded.
“…. E-That dolioo. Oh, hey! What the h.e.l.l happens to you!?”
“Ka, Ka. It is already decided. The attack of the enemy. ”
Hajime-kun was laughing gaily and his gaze was fixed straight ahead.
At the entrance of the factory. One man pointed his hand towards our direction.
He was a man very well groomed. He was dressed in a clean suit, and even her hair was very well kept.
She wore like an intellectual person.
“I forgot completely, after all, we’re in enemy territory.”
It is absolutely true.
One moment, Hajime-kun! You were the one who said we came to hiding the enemy, How can you think guard down in the middle of enemy territory !?
“Well, in the end everything is fine. This factory was the right place. It seems that Leatia information was not wrong. This type of lens is probably a person with powers belonging to 「F」. ”
“J-Just now … gyahh!”
A truck was sent to us from the side, but could not help stopping quickly. Since they can attack us if we are stopped, I stepped on the accelerator and sped away.
“That kind of lens has super powers … Then the evil eye can not be used.”
“If. I’ve already used once. If I break the rule ‘Only once día’── ”
“Enough of that!”
Right now, I can not follow the game on their chuuni delusions.
The evil eye that I give, although it is a very convenient power that can dominate the spirit of a person with enough restrictions as well.
How to explain…. the evil eye does not work with the ‘caution’ the opponent.
Only with that, mind control can be easily locked.
Although it can be used on an opponent who has super powers, if the opponent recognizes you as an enemy, it will not work.
A power very complicated indeed.
Well, although there may be a way to use ── now, it’s not my turn.
“Okay, I’ve already seen.”
All right.
If Aki-chan can make visual confirmation of the opponent, the battle turns in our favor.
If you can use your “Head Hunting”.
“As expected, this guy has super powers. His power es── ”
“Magnetism, right?”
Unexpectedly, Hajime-kun interrupted his words.
Both Aki-chan and I were speechless.
“All those trucks launched just now were without driver. That guy with should have been controlling them. At first I thought it was a superpower related to telekinesis, but the way they attack was very limited. If telekinesis, it would not be limited to trucks. Should be able to control at will wood and concrete they are here too. ”
Hajime-kun continued.
“When a truck moves, a cloud of dust hovering in the air and moves unnaturally. That’s ── iron sand. Iron sand is scattered on the floor is attracted by a magnetic field produced by its power. If you think about it, the power of this subject can not be other than magnetism. That would explain why only trucks can handle. ”
“… E-Exactly. This guy controls the magnetic forces … B-But, that guy still has an ace hidden … ”
It seems that Aki-chan was a bit impatient. He seemed determined not to let him steal her role.
The power of Aki-chan can identify other powers although these have not yet been used.
A hidden skill, a card up his sleeve, a hidden power, a secret technique … all that is irrelevant to it.
You can know all the secrets of the special power of the opponent.
That is the true power of “Head Hunting”.
“His hidden ace is …”
“Railgun, Linear Motor Gun Gun or Solenoid Quench, is one of those three, right?”
Again, Hajime-kun interrupted his words.
Aki-chan was speechless.
“… .S-Su hidden as is ‘Linear Motor Gun’ , but … c-as you know …?”
“Ka, Ka. The hidden as a subject that uses electricity and magnetism can only be a EML (Electromagnetic Launcher). Launching a projectile which is generated by using the Lorentz force, the ‘railgun’ . The repulsive force of magnetism based on the principle of the linear motor, ‘Linear Motor Gun’ . The use of the solenoid coil, the ‘Quench Solenoid Gun’ … There is another EML, the ‘Thermal Gun’ , although it is famous magnetism, needs a large electric current, so it is ruled out . ”
I was surprised and interested at the same time.
As always, knowledge and deductive skills Hajime-kun in battle with superpowers were stunning.
Situation, enemy, weapons, powers …. etc etc.
Chuunibyou for this patient, who is always imagining every possible combat situation every day, this can be something very simple.
The magnetism. Hajime-kun and should have defeated hundreds of opponents with similar superpowers.
… In his imagination, of course.
“Arghhh! Fool! Fool! Kiryucchi’re a cat thief! ”
Aki-chan, who had stolen his role as an a.n.a.lyst, he kicked the pa.s.senger seat from behind. Wait, stop, this is my car!
“Do not be angry, Natsu. Make quick work. You have not shown your true power. ”
“… Huh?”
“What is the name of the super power of that subject?”
Aki-chan showed a subtle expression was indescribable.
To be exact, “Head Hunting” is the ability to read memory opponent about their power. If the opponent has given a name to its special ability, it would be possible for her to know.
It is like a great a.n.a.lytical skills, but Hajime-kun thinks of it as an extra. That is the true power of “Head Hunting”.
“…. The ability of this guy has no name. The person in question and his companions just call it ‘Magnetism’.
Aki-chan spoke trivially.
So far, no opponent has given a name to its power. Even if they say things like, ‘Llamas’ or ‘Water Control’ , in the end, they are just names of powers that have no appeal.
Only one person with great style to create names, and that was Hajime-kun, there was no one else.
“…. Go, go. Again I face a fool who does not know the true value of the battles with superpowers. ”
discouragement in her murmur, then gave a little sigh felt.
“No matter the place. Live in the same world as me, we fight with pride … ”
It’s like I have no desire to beat his opponent. Just he looked off into the distance.
Surely he meant something.
This type.
“…. Hey? ¿Q-What? ”
Even in the midst of our strategic meeting in the car (or should I call it a talk?), We continued to evade attacks desperately trucks, but suddenly, something strange happened.
The car stopped.
We should be driving at high speed, but suddenly decelerated and stopped ── Why?
We have not crashed into anything and my foot still pressing the accelerator. The engine was running and the tires were spinning.However, the car was not moving.
“Oh I see. So are the things.”
Compared to me, who was confused, Hajime-kun was calm.
“Since trucks do not work, he can only manipulate this little white car, right?”
I understood the situation instantly.
The reason why the car will not advance even pressed the accelerator and the tires continue turning.
It was because we were floating in the air …!
Just like the trucks were handled previously, this car was being manipulated by magnetism.
“A-Ahhhh! F-Floating, we are floating, Hajime-kun! ”
“At this rate, we will crash on the floor? Or do we make cras.h.i.+ng with a truck …? ”
“It’s not time to be so calm, Kiryucchi! Do something quick! Ahhh, that high, we are very high! ”
The interior of the car was filled with screams.
── then the car was launched horizontally.
I thought I would die, I closed my eyes instinctively ── I closed my left eye.
I began to pray to G.o.d.
“Ka, Ka. Hey, Hitomi. You are my right arm ── you are the wing of a fallen angel rebelled against G.o.d, what do you think praying to G.o.d? ”
Although I thought our end had come ── nothing happened.
It has been 5 seconds since closed my eyes and I finally realized. We had not crashed or collided, it was a gentle feeling.
We were down slowly.
When I opened my eyes, I noticed that the car was already on the ground. We were in a corner of the parking lot. Before we were in the middle of the parking lot, so we should have quite moved by the air.
“If you have time to pray to G.o.d, then praise Me me.”
I saw a man with a proud smile, then I understood the situation quickly. I see. Being able to manipulate objects is not limited only to magnetism.
Gravity also ── you can manipulate objects.
“I see. You’ve used your power! As expected Kiryucchi, you are very reliable! ”
“Lucifer’s Strike”
The power to manipulate gravity.
The car controlled by magnetism was again controlled by gravity.
“So. After the cars, I think it is the turn of combat. ”
Hajime-kun got out and glanced toward the entrance of the factory. The bespectacled man was there and had a hostile look.
“Ah? Now that I look better, do not you think something attractive? ”
As Aki-chan said, the opponent looked attractive. It looked good in that suit and those It seemed to be a man focused at work.
“He has. In that case, completely shatter her pretty face. ”
I speak with a strong tone as he started to walk, besides his long black coat color began to wave.
The reason that coat moving even without wind … is because Hajime-kun was using his power to do so … Because it had manipulated the gravity around coat with exact precision, the black coat was always waving as if it had wind .
… A divine power used in such a way iirrelevante.
“Those round … You Kiryuu Hajime, right?”
When Hajime-kun came to a certain distance, the lens opponent spoke in a gentle tone and polite.
“I’ve heard of you. You are known as “Ancient Lucifer ‘.”
“Hm. Apparently it is. ”
… What? Does it appear, that is?
I remind you that we who started this guerrilla marketing.
“Hey, what are you doing「F」in this place?”
Hajime-kun spoke in an arrogant tone, pointing with his finger the factory. The opponent just simply accommodate your lenses with your fingers, as she put a weak smile.
“Do you think I’m going to answer?”
“Ka, Ka. I see ── So let’s start with the battle with superpowers. ”
A big smile formed on his face Hajime-kun.
It was a smile that he loved the fight and would continue to do until the end of time.
“I’ll redraw your face.”
It ended in about 5 minutes.
There was no surprise why. It was the result of the difference of their powers.
The difference between the power of magnetism and power of gravity.
Magnetism can only control the metal. It is not as strong as gravity can control all objects.
Acceleration and repulsion soil and bodies can not cope with the gravity that controls everything in this universe at will.
Even his hidden ace, ‘Linear Motor Gun’ , in front of the small black hole that can suck all, is as effective as a water pistol.
It was an overwhelming difference, this was the landslide victory of Kiryuu Hajime──
“For your information, victory or defeat are not determined by the difference in powers.”
──Mientras I thought, Hajime-kun denied the conclusion reached in my head.
In the center of the parking lot, there was a tower of stacked trucks. It looked like a modern art sculpture and he stood at the top.
He had completely dominated his opponent. There was no other way to describe it.
He had his left hand holds to the opponent’s neck.
The type of lens was suspended in the air and appeared to no longer be aware. Neither showed resistance. Her pretty face had been redrawn, as Hajime-kun had said earlier.
Although it was normal in manga and anime, scene ‘someone being suspended in the air by one arm’, it is actually quite difficult to do. Since the arm has to bear the full weight of an adult man, the need for muscle power that is not normal.
However ── for Hajime-kun, who can master gravity, it was an easy thing to do.
…. He is a man who tries to show off using their power to the maximum, that was Kiryuu Hajime.
“The difference between me and him ── It was not given a name to your power.”
The guy with said nothing. Was he unconscious, or perhaps just did not mean anything?
It is true.
What could you say this man at this point … ..?
“I think of a father who gives his son a name, It’s unthinkable! It is the same with the powers in the battles with superpowers and also with a samurai sword. In other words ── the name is the soul itself. A person who has no affection for his power like you will never be blessed by the G.o.ddess of victory … .. ”
Looking to the enemy that had raised with his left hand, Hajime-kun continued his harsh words.
“In short ── why you lost is only one.”
A crimson eye and the other black, his gaze was fixed on the existence moments ago was his opponent.
It was not a look that felt respect for his opponent. It was a look of disappointment. He looked into existence did not deserve to have been his opponent with eyes full of loneliness.
“You do not have enough power chuuni.”
As an insult and possibly in the form of contempt, Hajime-kun said those words.
They were words were full of contempt and anger ── Although also contained feelings of frustration and disappointment.
The left arm Hajime-kun who had risen to the type of lens, then threw up. It was released into the air by controlling gravity, but soon fall to the ground by the original gravity.
Halfway through the fall, the center of the chest of his opponent ──.fue pierced by Hajime Kiryuu hand.
Faster than the human eye could see.
“Get the brand of immorality … ‘ Mitsubachi ‘ .”
The crimson flower had bloomed.
Moving your hand at lightning speed, through the heart of your opponent.
── was a very fast borer attack.
Usually uses gravity in all its’ around ‘so devastating, but here focuses on un’punto’.
Directs all its power at a single point, creating the launch stronger, able to penetrate any s.h.i.+eld.
Hajime-kun pulled his hand chest of his opponent.
It was instant death. Although it is impossible for a person still alive after you cross the chest, this is the Faerie War.
That man revive his memory erased without power.
“Ka, Ka──”
Looking loser was falling, the winner started laughing at the top of the tower truck.
His right arm was covered in blood, which was also on his face and clothes.
For him it may be somewhat monotonous, but I find disgusting fresh blood.
He took his right arm was covered in blood into his mouth. He stuck out his tongue and started licking the blood ── or so we thought, after stopping his arm, he turned his gaze to Aki-chan and me.
“Rule number 30 battles with super powers. Do not lick the blood of others. ”
“… I see.”
Frankly, this is completely unhygienic.
Although it is part of his character, usually he does too.
All a very serious problem then turned.
Since someone gave a great demonstration of his powers, our presence was revealed. A large number of people left the factory, so we had to escape quickly.
There was a large number of opponents. Honestly, this is bad.
Hajime-kun, but fight while protecting us to Aki-chan and me, it would be difficult (though the person in question does not want to admit it).
For now, we leave the car behind. I took his hand to Hajime-kun and made a dramatic escape into the air, ignoring the laws of gravity. I was holding in his right hand while Aki-chan was subject of his left hand.
While escaping with two girls at his side, we reached the center of the place before we knew it.
Since the enemy covered the escape route to the outside quickly, we had no choice but to escape inward.
“By the way, all of them. They were renegades powers. All those guys who were chasing us had powers. ”
In the tallest building in the center of the factory. There we were three, we were sitting on the outside of the wall.
Hajime-kun had turned the tables around us so that the weight fall to the side instead of down, and because of that, we were sitting on the wall. So was the situation.
It’s great, but strange at the same time, I must resist, I resist.
Because I was tired by the escape …. I mean, since it was not able to follow the movements of gravity, both mentally and physically, decided to rest in a place that was a blind spot for the enemy.
The truth is that I started screaming for height, so, we were not able to keep moving freely …
“There were 3 fire type, had 2 wind type, was one with the power of telekinesis, was one that controlled the water, one could control the shadows … and there were others with rare powers, one could manipulate the weather and the other I could control the odds. ”
Aki-chan was enumerating people with powers that were a.n.a.lyzed. Thus, if we know the powers of the enemy group, at least, it will be worth coming here.
“Hmm. They’re not following us. They are just a bunch of useless. ”
When finished listening to the powers of the enemy, Hajime-kun spoke in a serious and trivial way. After that she sighed wistfully.
“The kind of magnetism was a disappointment …. Here I found neither, does there will be some brave that can quench my thirst? ”
Although I thought were the words chuuni forever.
A disappointment.
That’s. Right now, when he defeated the type of lenses with magnetic powers, the expression of Hajime-kun seemed to be all satisfied.
Surely, you do not feel satisfied because it was not able to use all its power. While that may be the reason ── probability that there are not.
This man, are you expecting something from your opponent?
The opponent it faces ── What exactly what you waiting for?
“Hitomi, what’s wrong? All good?”
“…. Hey? Oh yeah. I’m better. I am sorry. We had to take a break because of me. ”
“Do not worry. Then, hold on a little longer. When the number of opponents in the parking lot reduce, recover the car and escape quickly. ”
Since we were discovered by the enemy, the reconnaissance mission was over. Although it was not the expected result, it was better to be converted into anything.
I was supporting my hands on the wall to stand ── or so I thought, on that note that was leaning against a window, so I withdrew my hand in panic. It was dangerous. I was about to break the window. It is true. As I thought, I’m not used to the horizontal gravity.
“…. Hey?”
When I looked out the window, I could see inside the building. All other windows were completely closed the curtains, but this could see something.
It was quite broad.
I could see the walls and ceiling. The width of the place was quite broad. The s.p.a.ce was similar to a small gym. There were several people in and everyone was busy doing some kind of work.
My attention was attracted by a large column which was filled with a green liquid.
Enough s.p.a.ce was occupied in the middle of the room. It was connected to numerous tubes and devices, also it had an installed monitor showing numerical values and graphs.
Within the liquid, there was some black and white.
Ropa white … and a lot of algae?
No … It’s not like that. Is that … hair?
I was breathless.
Was a girl.
Within that column was a girl.
He was floating in the liquid. His hair was quite long, so long that wrap around her small body also was wearing a worn white clothes. The girl did not move at all. Since his eyes were closed, he looked like he was sleeping.
“Ah, Hajime-kun! Aki-chan! M-Look, a-here! ”
They called them panic, the two came to me and saw through the gla.s.s.
“What is this…? That little innocent child is being subjected to water torture. It Was 「F」 full of lolicones group? ”
“Stop joking. Hey …… that child, will you be okay? It will not be dead … right? ”
“No idea. I can not tell from here. ”
“Did「F」has kidnapped this girl? In that case, we ayudarla── ”
“──No is.”
My words were interrupted by Aki-chan, who was shaking.
Looking at her, her pale face caught my attention. His eyes were wide open and a cold sweat ran down his cheeks.
“That girl … is not an ordinary person. That girl…. es── that girl ”
Aki-chan fell sitting.
“Q-What happens? Everything is alright….?”
“…. “Head Hunting ‘”
Hajime-kun said the name of the power of Aki-chan.
“What you are seeing ── your eyes?”
The ability to a.n.a.lyze other superpowers.
That power, Aki-chan seems to have turned reflexively. While something is related to the Faerie War, its power can be enabled by default.
Right now, she was using “Head Hunting” she was looking at that girl.
What exactly you have seen? Why he is like a frightened person of an unknown monster?
“… .The Name of the power of that child …. It is ‘System’ . So it was called by the people of 「F」. It is the super power capable of acting as the system of this world …. So it was called System. ”
He spoke with fear.
“What is this? This … is not fair … There is no way we can overcome it … It is not a matter of winning or losing, a power designed to always win, there should be something. ”
He spoke upset, as she bit her lips in frustration. Eventually he lifted his face and as we looked at Hajime-kun and me, told us the following.
“… No one can defeat this girl … she has the strongest superpower. No one may face System. ”
The person with the strongest power.
Natsu Aki has the power to a.n.a.lyze the power of other people, but to say it all about this girl.
The orig