Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de - Vol 5 Chapter 3

Vol 5 Chapter 3

There are only few people who want to be happy

However, there are many people who want to escape unhappiness.

Six years ago.

Longtime, the character with an eye patch was what he hated.

In both the anime and the manga, there was always a character who had a patch that hid her eye. I felt complete repulsion towards him.

To be more precise, also I hate people who like characters with eye patches, although the character belt is not so bad. People who make a fuss about see the character I dislike patch.

Moe fetish eye patch.

The man who invented it, is the most hatred.

Those guys using an eye patch for cosplay ── hate to death.

No joke around. If both want to use a patch should lose sight of truth.

I thought about things how are you many times.

If someone asks me the reason why I think so. The reason is very simple, it is because I am a person who can only see with one eye.

When I was a child, I lost sight in my right eye because of an illness.

Since then, I can only see with my left eye. However, having seen in one eye is enough and I have no problems in my daily life.

However, although there are no problems of disability, there is a small aesthetic problem.

My eye has lost sight ── was not something nice to see.

The pupil was completely white and cloudy due to illness. I could never stand to see me in front of a mirror, not even when entering high school.

── sincerely I disgusted me.

That’s why I hide my right eye with my bangs so that it can not be seen by someone else. In addition, I always keep closed.

Since I was in high school, I was always worried about how people saw me.

At first, he used a medical eye patch every day. However, stop using it immediately. The reason was because the medical patch attracted much attention.

When I walked in school and in the city, people pa.s.sing by my side, whispered mysteriously.

“It will be Sty I?” Or “I would like to wear a patch.”

And as well as──

“Chuunibyou” (Lol)

Every time I heard those things, made me angry.

Because people had used an eye patch just for fun, people who really needed it ended up being the b.u.t.t of jokes.

For that reason, he could not forgive.

“…… Well, even if I say I can not forgive, not that I can do something about it. I know my feelings are not normal but are understandable. ”

Thinking calmly about it, I began to sigh.

The entrance ceremony and the first day of had finished high school, so I decided to head to the club literature.

My reason for entering the literature club was simply because I liked the novels.

One of my favorite novelists Ryunosuke Akutagawa was.

My favorite Akutagawa novel was “The Nose”.

However, there is something that had me intrigued. When I went to Satomi-sensei, who was the minister of club literature to give my registration form to enter the club. She asked me something strange.

“… Are you known this guy?”

That question. I just did not understand what he meant.

“Oh … Did you not you? Mm, well, okay. This is also part of being young. ”

Reaffirming my decision, I decided to give my log sheet for the club.



Feeling anxiety and nerves in the chest, I opened the door of the literature club.

“Excuse me. I’m Saitou Hitomi freshman. ”

I ducked my head as I had respectfully. This seemed like a public presentation. Because of past experience, I know that above all should explain the situation of my eye derecho──

As I thought about that, I raised my head, but I ran out of words to see what was in front.

There was one guy in the club literature. He sat at the table and looked disheartened my direction.

This guy, I had seen before.

We are going in the same cla.s.s, his name was Hajime Kiryuu.

He sits in front of me and the guy who made that personal presentation so rare.

But as if that was not enough to recognize, Kiryuu Hajime was wearing a patch covering his eye, which made my surprise was even greater. A moment ago, he was not wearing anything in the room.

Also, what I was wearing was not the usual white square patch you get in the hospital.

It was a patch made of black leather.

He had a silver designs and in the center was a strange mark. He had a belt that tied him to his head. It was a very elegant design.

In no way she could have a medical use.

No matter how you think, this can only ser──

“Oh, welcome. Have you come to join the club? ”

Kiryuu Hajime told me with a smile. As it was with a straight face all the time, I was a little surprised that smile.

He stood from his seat and started walking toward me.

“──¡Uh! Guhhh! ”

But that, he bent suddenly, holding his patch.

“M-d.a.m.n …… right now …!”

Making an expression of great pain, his teeth clenched tightly.

“d.a.m.n … Do not bother. Just stay quiet ……! ”

“… Hey you, escape … Quick, get away from my …… guh.”

With a pained expression, I said those words. It was a very serious order, but at those words, I could only imagine what my reaction.

… Ah, well, ah ahh ……

This, undoubtedly, is “it”.

“The seal of my evil eye … guh!”

I see, so the evil eye.

Seeing Kiryuu Hajime, who was lying on the floor complaining about the pain, I felt my blood froze.

It became too cold, becoming cold.

It was the opposite of heat.

“… It hurt. … Ah, ah ”

That, Kiryu stopped the act of the evil eye and stood. I wonder if perhaps already surrendered because I did not follow the game.However, he had not stopped his act, only he seems to have run out of air.

“Ah, ah … .. Mm. This is bad, very bad. It seems that the seal has been broken. I have to ask ‘that guy’ to make me a new patch. ”

“…. ………”

“… I have shown an unworthy act of seeing.”

Showing a smile, he spoke to me in a melancholy tone. It looks like a main character of anime that had been corrupted by evil and does not want to be seen in such a deplorable state other …… I think.

Really, this is something unpleasant to watch.

“My name is Kiryuu Heldkaiser ── Ah, no, that’s not the name that should be given here. You can call me Kiryuu Hajime. ”


“What’s going on? It seems you can not talk and also’re shaking, heaven …… did not mean to scare you. ”


Unbearable. This subject is unbearable.

The way of talking about this guy makes me angry.

It is as if dancing in a minefield in my mind field.

“Hm? Cast?. Hey, why are you hiding one eye with your hair? Is it a form of respect for Kitaro? Or is it a form of respect towards Sanji?”

Approaching me, Kiryuu started talking to me as I watched my hair, feeling that I have one eye closed. At that time, I felt I had lost aliento──

“… It can not be, you also have the Jaga …”

The incomplete word he mentioned was “Jaga” . I do not think he was going to say “Jagaimo” (potatoes). Or maybe he meant“Jagariko” (Pope sticks). I will never know the answer.

… No, his words were definitely “Jagan” (Evil Eye) ──── At that time, I decided kneeing.

I took her by the shoulders to the man in front of me and kneed him with all my strength in the center of the body. Because I made a leap previously, my attack was finished becoming an air kneed.


Hajime Kiryuu fell to the floor, holding his stomach and writhing in pain. This time his act looked much more real than a few moments ago.

I was watching the guy lying in front of me with a terrible feeling, but also calm.

Probably what happened is I like as a person loses patience and exploits.

This was the first time I lost patience in my life.

But I seem to have calmed down a bit.

“T you……”

My knee seems to have been very effective because Kiryuu Hajime still could not get off the ground. He was looking at me with eyes full of bloodl.u.s.t, but right now, that look that would freeze anyone, did not work on me.

I just lost patience and exploded.

I think the experience was like to become a Super Saiyan.

I leaned toward him.


Saying that, I left the room and closed the door with great force.



“… Huh? Do you want to get out of the club? …… Listen, we are still in the period of admission to the clubs. ”

The next morning, after arriving at school, I went straight to the staff room and announced my resignation from the club to Satomi-sensei, which seemed not to be disturbed.

“I see. So instead of saying I want to leave the club, I should say I want to cancel my order. In any case, please forget the registration form that gave him yesterday. ”

As he continued talking, Satomi-sensei finally moved his lips. He said “Ehh, but I’ve given the registration form to the a.s.sistant This is so problematic “ in a tone of voice very tired.

I heard she was a newly hired teacher, but this person really lacks motivation and initiative.

A few moments ago, when I entered the staff room. She was using to sleep I had written the words “Rem” a mask.

Perhaps it is why it is upset because it just woke up.

“Satomi-sensei. Why did you not tell me? Currently in the literature club there is only one person …… ”

After researching the matter, I found that all the club members had resigned at the end of last year.

The literature club did not seem to be very active, but after the third year graduated, the remaining members decided to resign.

Originally, the club would be suspended, but decided to join Kiryuu Hajime, which made the club continued active. Listen to Satomi-sensei was forced to be the adviser to the club by the school.

Making pout, Satomi-sensei told me.

“It Is that your not ask me anything. I thought I already knew everything and yet you’d join. ”

“There is no way!”

My voice rose unintentionally. But, but …… I think I would join knowing that guy was there alone. As if I wanted something with that hombre──

“──¿¡A-she think I’m interested in him !?”

“I thought that was the case.”

“It is not like this!”

“Good good. I do not think that entering a club by a loving reason is particularly bad. There are girls who enter the football club as coaches just because they are interested in someone. ”

“There may be girls who really like it football!”


I think the conversation and swerved.

“…… That guy, I mean …… Kiryu-kun, what kind of student is?”

Because I asked that. Satomi-sensei put an expression of annoyance with “Hmmn” .

“It’s hard to answer that. Well, certainly, it is not a normal student. ”

“There is no decent man who says things as pitiful as ‘My hobby is human observation’ .”

“While I agree with you there …… but even say ridiculous things, that guy is no fool. His grades in high school were very high and it was also good at sports …… Did you know? Kiryuu was the national high jump compet.i.tion when I was in high school. ”

“For real?”

I think it’s surprising, but only that.

Someone like me, who spends more time at home, has no interest in that.

“In the end, if only I managed to win the 3rd or 4th place, it became more famous than the person who won the first”

Need more famous than the winner?

“In an interview for a magazine, they asked ‘Why did you choose to compete in the high jump?’ , To which he replied,  ‘Because I want tobe close to heaven’ .”


” In addition, specifically he said ‘Ah. But when I say ‘heaven’, I do not mean the blue sky, I mean to paradise, so please do not mistake ‘.And also added “While you can not return to heaven, I’m always willing to fly’ , ‘The Moment when I release the seriousness of this planet, my mind is freed from his bonds’ . And how are you, many things said. ”


“As a result, he was nicknamed ‘Stylish Prince’ by his acquaintances.”

… I think they were just making fun of him.

However, after all, he is the kind of subject.

What I hate most in this world – “Chuunibyou”

“…… Why this guy entered the club literature? It would have been better who enters the club of athletics. ”

“I have no idea. I too would like to know that. I have not talked a lot with him. But when asked yesterday the reason why left athletics. He just said to me ‘Cause I hated being called the Prince with Style’ . ”

It turned out to be a very sensitive guy.

In short, he is no fool, I must say that really is someone great.

I see, he really has a lot of “style”.

“I do not know why that entered the literature club. But it has caused me many problems. My work unnecessarily increased.Because if he had not entered, the literature club would have already been suspended …… ”

Satomi-sensei leaned her back in her chair and began to stare at the ceiling, then returned his gaze to me, as he bent slightly.

“Hey, Saitou. Now, I have a question for you. Did something happen yesterday? ”

“… No, nothing in particular.”

I said looking away. I do not want to remember what happened yesterday.

“When I went to check out the club, I found Kiryuu holding his stomach and writhing in pain on the floor ……”

“E-Really? Ehh. ”

Holding my cry was about to leave, I looked away to one side.

“That guy stubbornly insisted ‘I need a stamp 8 trigrams ……!’ , So I was not able to hear in detail the cause.”

It seems not reveal it was me who knocked him down. I wanted to cover me, or perhaps was it because he was ashamed to have been overcome by a literary girl like me?

“Although I spent a night, it seems that the pain has not happened yet. This morning I received a call to come to school after spending the hospital. ”


N-It can not be, I did not think my knee was so strong …… but it seems that it was.

Guilt and regret began to fill.

—What should I do? ……

If you really hurt, then this is no longer a game. I could end up suspended if he decided to speak ……

But still ──.

After all ── I can not forgive him.

“I Do not ask was what happened.”

Satomi-sensei gave a big sigh, while I was sweating me cold.

“However, we are still in the period of admission to the clubs. Without further ado, I would like to hear your response to my request for withdrawal. ”


“If your answer is still the same in a week, come see me again.”

In the end, that’s what they told me.

But even so, my answer would not change even spend a week or a year.

Belong to the same club that man, just thinking about it makes me sick.



…… However, wounding a teammate is serious.

Maybe I should go home with a cake to apologize.

P-But, just in case their parents are important members of PTA (parents and teachers), it may be forced to leave school …… Or if perhaps their parents belong to a band or yakuza, then it is possible that I do make an-ee … erotic video.!

During the first four hours of cla.s.s, my mind was filled with fear and had begun to unleash their imaginación──

Then, during math cla.s.s, the cla.s.sroom door was opened.

The person who entered was ── Kiryuu Hajime.

He apologized for being late and entered the room majestically.

That arrogant att.i.tude seems to have bothered to math teacher, but no one scolded him and told him “I heard the details, take aseat” .

However, Hajime Kiryuu ignored that order.

Ignoring the teacher began to see around the room with a serious look. He looked like an emperor looking at his subjects. It was the kind of look I saw others as inferior to him.

Those sharp eyes fell on me. At that moment, I felt my heart started pounding.

…… No, it’s not because I have love. Just I surprised me.

As soon as the eyes of Kiryuu Hajime they saw me, he started walking toward my seat.

“Hey, come with me a moment.”

Saying that, I grabbed her arm tightly.


“Come on. Come quickly.”

Ignoring my confusion, Kiryuu Hajime started pulling me by the arm.

He left the room as if he arrogantly mocked the teacher and other students who were surprised, and took me somewhere.

Although I not want to think ── I thought it looked a bit like a prince abducting a princess.



The place he took me was to the roof of the school.

The flowers seemed to be well maintained and looked freshly painted bench. It seems that this area is open to students.

“W-What you intend !?”

I gathered my courage, I asked that firmly. I think it would be my loss if I show that I’m scared, so she spoke in a safe and strong tone.

“… -feel much resentment towards me, this is not a Kadomatsu ……. No, not that. What you mean is that there should’ve gotten you, right? ”

…… My temperature was rising.

It was like a character the more he talked, the more ridiculous it looked.

Hajime Kiryuu was leaning on the fence, arms crossed. After bringing me here, he had not said anything.

… .. Please, say something. This silence is frightening.

I do not know what will happen now. I wonder if this is where usually give you a beating ……

Or perhaps, n-not it is, does make me something s-s.e.xual?

Do something like that here …… ¿e-this is not what they call outdoor s.e.x ……?

Silently, Kiryuu Hajime arms still crossed. Instead, my body was shaking, so I decided to take a position of kung-fu by instinct.

In front of me, who was trembling knees, he held his stomach.

“… Today I went to the hospital.”

“Th-Then what !? You were sent to hospital for a girl, what a deplorable! ”

“After me out X-rays, I saw two of my ribs were broken ……”


“I am now wearing a corset and do not feel pain because I took some painkillers, but last night … I could not even sleep because of the pain ……”

“… I am so sorry!”

I lowered my head to the speed of sound.

A few moments ago I did not think it would end apologetically, but I was here with my head down. My determination had left me.No … well, this is no longer a joke.

Bone fracture.

One would say is a normal injury.

Although it would be an injury caused in this case.

“… L-I’m sorry. I did not mean to hurt you … Please do not make me do an e-erotic video …… ”

My mind was on the limit and did not know what he was saying.

“… Ka, Ka. Hahaha! ”

While holding her abdomen with a pained expression, he began to laugh as if he could no longer contain himself.

“Hahaha! Ah, my fault, my fault. It was all a joke ”

“Hey? A joke?”

I was really surprised at that, he lifted his s.h.i.+rt and showed me his stomach.

There was no corset, nor bandages. Only abdominal muscles.

“So then …… was it all a lie?”

“Of course, do you think that level kneed hurt me?”


“My skin steel is the strongest in the history of the 10 Swords. 5 ”


I do not understand what he’s talking, but that does not matter now. After learning that he was making fun of me, I felt anger began to fill.

“C-How could you fool!”

“Ka, ka. It is the fault of who was deceived. ”

“… Mmmmm.”

That wicked smile Kiryuu Hajime. It seemed trying to ridicule.

What the matter with this guy !?

It makes me very angry!

“E-So says the weakling that was shot down by me in one fell swoop.”

Just to take revenge, I tried to tease him. However, Hajime Kiryuu frowned.

“Ah? You must be kidding. Kneed like that it did not hurt at all. I am telling you the truth.”

“Pure lies! You were screaming in pain. ”

“Lie! Do not tell lies!”

“Wimp, wimp! You’re a wimp man! ”

“… Hey, do not accuse the teachers!”


I am in trouble. A big problem. When I think about it, I’m the attacker. At a minimum, you could end up suspended if they present a letter of apology.

Curse. This guy has to teachers and support ……

I could not say anything to this very intimidating face.

I gritted my teeth before she could say anything, but that guy began to sigh.

“By the way, going to the hospital that was also a lie.”

“Hey? But Satomi-sensei …… ”

“I just said that because I wanted an excuse to rest. Your knee did me no harm at all. ”

He repeated that he was not hurt. He really is someone who hates to lose.

“…… What have you been doing today?”

Looking straight at me, Kiryuu Hajime said the following.

“I was investigating you, Saitou Hitomi”

¿Investigating me?

“That ojo──”

Suddenly, he pointed directly to my hidden eye.

The eye was completely closed.

“──No can see with that eye, right?”

“……… ..”

He was not particularly surprised.

The fact that I can not see with my right eye, was well known to all my cla.s.smates in high school. It is normal that one realizes if you pay attention.

Although the attention paid me in those days it was too much.

“That’s right, I can not see. Although I notice slightly light and shadows, this eye visibility is zero. It is an eye is useless. ”

I said quietly.

“But do not you dare feel sorry for me. I have no problems in my daily life, moreover, have already been 10 years since I lost my sight in that eye. Currently, it does not give me any trouble. ”

Even I was surprised by so cold words coming from my mouth.

“I wear this hairstyle because I want to hide my eye. Since always keep it closed it looks very strange. And although it could hide a patch médico── ”

I cut short my words and looked at Kiryuu Hajime.

I looked with my one eye can see.

“──Odiaría might think that I suffer from Chuunibyou, why not use a medical patch.”


Kiryuu Hajime said nothing.

I continue talking.

“People like you who suffer from Chuunibyou and carefree use patches, thinking they see with one eye is great …… Do not feel ashamed to do that?”

“Ah, but I’m not looking for you to apologize to me. Rather, you would not forgive even if you apologize. To me the characters I dislike using patches and I dislike people who think that these characters look great. ── why I hate people like you. Really I hate them! ”

Clenching my fists, I shouted all I had saved in my heart.

Hajime Kiryuu only listened quietly and after a while,

“… Hey, you’re not misinterpreting something?”

He said this in an extremely listless tone.

“That you can not see out of one eye and I wear a patch on my own, do they have any relations.h.i.+p?”

“… Huh?”

“They have nothing to do. So stop so conveniently show your hostility …… Do not think you’re being too selfish? ”

Hajime Kiryuu looked at me with very cold eyes.

“For example, if someone dies because of terrorism, is it wrong to make a police soap opera about terrorism? If there is a person starving, is it wrong that a cooking show on television happens? If some people fight using powers of fire, perhaps should they feel bad for those who have lost family in a fire? The mystery genre where people are always dying, is it blasphemy? Does it make creators see as fools who know nothing of the tragedies of war? ”

That is different.

Hajime Kiryuu sighed after saying that.

“If no one takes importance to these things, how can you be angry just because someone wearing an eye patch?”

Continued mercilessly with his words, showing no emotion.

I felt like I was stabbed by a knife in an ice chest and again.

“Hitomi Saito. Your words are only unjustified feelings of resentment. ”

“… Uh!”

“It’s up to you to choose what you do not like. However, criticize the tastes of others is selfish. No matter how much you try to inflate your paranoia and try to blame others, the world will continue to move without your permission. ”

Each of his words stabbed my heart deeply. That tone was able to get through everything. Hajime Kiryuu att.i.tude was very quiet, yet cruel.

Hajime Kiryuu att.i.tude was quiet and cruel at the same time.

“The world has no obligation to follow the game to your victim complex.”

I bit my lips and looked down. there was no answer. What he said Hajime ── Kiryuu was right. There was no way to say something.

I get it.

I’m being unfair, I understand very well. It’s not anyone’s fault that I can not see with my right eye. Therefore, there is no need to involve anyone in this.

There is nothing wrong with people who like characters with one eye. I have no right to criticize other’s tastes.

As Kiryuu Hajime said, my anger about the characters patch is nothing.

── But still, I do not think my anger is unjustified.

I resent people who believe they see with one eye is great, even when they can see with the two …!

I bit my lips very strong, that even came me some blood. He was very angry and my tears began to leave.

Even they went out of my eye I could not see. Although it is an eye that is useless, it tries to prove their existence at a time like this.

“Hm. Totally useless, although it seems that can not be avoided. ”

I looked down and cried desperately. Hajime Kiryuu stretched out his hand, touched my bangs and wiped the tears coming out of my right eye ── you can not see.

Naturally, I did not know what to do at that time. However, my mind quickly grasped the situation and pulled away his hand.

“Q-What are you doing !?”

Hajime Kiryuu was smiling slightly.

“… Hey, what did you mean this is useless … ..? If the eye sheds tears, then it means that plays its role properly, right? ”

“No, I did not mean that. But I think having ‘your eyes closed all the time’ has a certain charm. ”

I think it’s just making fun of me, but then he told me something in a friendly voice.

“It’s like you’re winking always think it’s pretty cute.”

“──¿¡Ugh !?”

I think my face was on fire. Even my eyes were burning.


¿QQQQQQ-things …… What is this guy saying?

“What I said was a fair argument. I’m not wrong. ”

Although it is embarra.s.sing me, Kiryuu Hajime continued.

“But when that argument ── hurts someone. It is human nature to reject that argument even if it is correct. ”


“For example, some say that ‘the sleeves and violent video games promote crime’ , I think it’s pretty silly that some complain about something. It is a matter of differentiating fiction and reality, however, I feel bad for those jobs that have been used as inspiration for some criminal. ”

So Kiryuu Hajime said something.

“Still ── It’s not something that can be explained so easily.”

“Anything that can not be explained ……?”

“If a person wanted to be was killed, it is understandable that people resent those who like violent video games.”


“Feelings can not be controlled by reason. Although notes is wrong, it is normal to feel disgust toward things that annoy you, do not you think? ”

While I was giving the reason, I was not able to answer anything.

Hajime Kiryuu expression had changed, but my mind still was not able to a.s.similate.

He had kept a cold expression until a moment ago, but now I was showing such a calm smile that shone like the sun.

It was a warm smile, able to wrap around the world.

“Although what you feel nothing more than unjustified rancor, that does not change the fact that you’ve hurt. Although the world do not follow the game on your complex ── in that case, I will. ”

So does this.

So Kiryuu Hajime pulled something from his pocket and threw it. Quickly I caught him in my hands and saw it was the patch that he had been using yesterday.

Made of black leather, it was a very smart patch.

In that, I open my eyes wide, completely surprised.

There were many surprises today, but this time was the most surprised me.

Hajime Kiryuu ── had ducked his head.

He lowered his head in front of me.

“I’m sorry for making you a hard time.”

He apologized seriously.

I did not know what to say. I was left speechless.

Although I know only from yesterday and Hajime Kiryuu not ── almost nothing about him yet, I did not think he was someone who would lower his head against someone else.

I thought it was someone extremely arrogant.

Therefore, this situation where he is apologizing to me is something seriously strange.

When he raised his head, he looked Kiryuu Hajime black leather patch I had in my hand.

“Never again …… I will use that patch. So, please excuse me …… ”

Kiryuu Hajime told me that with a very sad tone of voice ── His eyes looked like they were about to mourn.

It seemed the sadness of a samurai who said goodbye to his beloved sword.


Do not.

Surely, he just wanted to play with this patch.

But his expression resembles that of someone who has wrested a part of your body.

Apparently, this man believes not to play with your patch is a great punishment. This punishment seems to be their way to redeem me.

I can not understand it, this is too much.

“… Fufufu. hahaha ”

When I realized, I had started to laugh. This foolish situation had caused unintentionally start laughing.

I, who always hate those using patches, was laughing because someone Chuunibyou. It seems trivial.

The guy who was in front of me is very interesting, it is not like the others.

Probably Kiryuu Hajime must be the only character with eye patch I thought was completely great.

He did not intend to make fun of me, just used the patch because I wanted to look good.

I was not playing, was really showing off.

But even so, right now, he was apologizing, but admitted that he was “playing”.

It did not seem like a bad guy.

I held his patch firmly in my hands. And as she looked directly, I said.

“There is no remedy. I forgive you. ”



After a week, the time of admission to the clubs was over, so I went to visit the staffroom.

“Hmm. Then, Saitou, will you join the club officially literature? ”

By Satomi-sensei, who looked tired as always, I answered “yes”.

“Really? Then it’s okay. For now, they must decide who will be the club president. I have to notify school. ”

“I get it. I think Hajime-kun should be the president of the club. ”

“… Hajime-kun?”

Satomi-sensei looked at me with an expression of curiosity.

“It seems to have become close friends. Where serious att.i.tude that a week ago he left? ”

“Is not that. I’m still angry with him. It’s just Hajime-kun hates being called by name, so that’s why I’m calling it by name. ”

“…. Both Kiryuu like you are a mystery to me. If you say you’re angry, why did you join the same club as him? ”

Satomi-sensei, who always seemed to have no interest in anything he asked me that.

“I have a new hobby.”

I said wryly.


” ‘Human Observation’ , I think it got a bad hobby. So, I want to watch that guy so unusual a little more. ”

“… Haha. This is interesting.”

Satomi-sensei moved his sleep mask and began to laugh.

Thus, Hajime-kun and I became the only two members of club literature.

If you ask me what we were doing in that room, really I think that we were a very active club.

We were two people reading and having small conversations every day. When the school festival was held, we did a literature club magazine. “Hajime-kun” , who hated being called by name, soon began to accept that I call him that. He also began calling my name, “Hitomi” .

By the way, Hajime-kun kept his promise not to use your patch in three years.

However, there seems to have given up his act of evil eye, because it now uses a contact lens crimson and started wearing dark round.

That reminds me, there’s something I still have intrigued, so I decided to ask him.

“Hears. Hajime-kun, why did you accept literature form the club with me? ”

Why? Why he did not reject me?

“That I have entered the club, it was by sheer coincidence, right? So it not have been better reject me? I think it would have been right if you had rejected me without having to apologize. ”

Leave this woman so problematic, having the room to himself and recruit other members, I think that would have been right.

“Ka, Ka.”

He answered my question with that wicked laugh.

“Is that your question? Did you expect me to say something like ‘I wanted my side as’ ?

“N-Not so!”


While my face was completely red, he was laughing quietly.

“Listen Hitomi. Life is like a novel that can only be read once. ”

“A novel that can only be read once?”

“Exact. For that reason, I do not want saltearme no line. Saltearme a line would be absurd. Not knowing what awaits you later ── definitely makes my life very interesting. So I want to enjoy this story as much as I can. ”


“The have met you, it was probably the work of fate. It was something I was looking forward to many. As expected, I wonder now what will be the use of your character in my story now in adelante── ”

Just because of that?

He said some great lines, and in short, our meeting was for him something that only happens “once in life”. Because what he wants is to go one step at a time.

Is it a fatalist or a novelist?

Or just ── you suffer from a severe case of Chuunibyou?

Anyway, I spent three years with a guy like that. At first, it was just out of curiosity, but then, without realizing it, spent all my time with him.

Just seeing it was regrettable and dangerous.

But still, I wanted to look at it forever.

I did not want to think I’m like him, nor walk with him.

But still, I wanted to walk beside her.

He was always laughing happily, but sometimes showing a cold expression.

But still, I felt strangely drawn to him.

While we were in the same club, I thought about those things many, many veces──


And before I knew it, I fell in love Hajime-kun.


My first love today.