I do not necessarily like the dark.
However, the dark adores me.
A year ago.
“I left college. I left home. So, I ask you to give me shelter. ”
That was my first encounter with Hajime-kun in two years. We had not seen since graduation from high school, but for some reason, he stood in front of the door of the apartment where I live.
I was paralyzed at the door and only the sound of the rain hitting the roof could be heard.
Well … What would make sense now? Leave him stay?
I looked at Hajime-kun again.
black hair.
Dark eyes.
What reason do you have to use that? I mean his dark gla.s.ses round
Yuck, she is seen as chuuni using that long dark coat!
… It is black, as always.
He has always liked the black color from his days in high school, and even today, it seems that you still love.
He was completely soaked. Both his clothes and his hair were dripping.
It seems he was walking without an umbrella in this terrible rain.
glossy black. Think it is so.
Although originally a word used to describe the beautiful hair of a woman, I think for him, who was with that look black rain-soaked, it was an expression that fit perfectly.
She had a mysterious aura that made him look like a demon, but it seems that it is freezing cold.
“D-Anyway, come quick, I lend my shower!”
Although he has not seen for a while, I invited him.
If you ask me what kind of person is Kiryuu Hajime, my answer would be “someone who never know what you’re thinking.”
Although I’m not proud of it ── it may sound as if I am, I think I was the only girl that he spent more time in the days of high school. Although we only stayed a year in the same cla.s.s, we were three years in the club literature.
But still ── I could never get it right.
While most wanted closer, he more, all that frustration away, I always felt.
He was similar to dense fog, because when you’re watching from afar, was clearly visible, but when someone was approaching, disappeared as if it were a mirage.
However, others not disliked someone like him. It was popular with the girls from school and got along well with the kids and teachers.
But he simply was someone who kept his distance from everyone.
His hobby was “human observation” 1 . His favorite motto was “There is no one like me on earth or in heaven”. His favorite color was“the deep red meat just before blood comes out when it is cut in April .” His favorite sin capital was the “pride” . His favorite character I was “Dio-sama of the sixth” . Those were the words he said in his presentation on the first day of school.
… Yes, I think I understand why it was difficult for others to approach him. At that time, the entire cla.s.s was speechless and felt a heavy atmosphere in the lounge.
However, there was not a single person who would laugh at him. Given the serious tone of this person was not allowed to laugh, because I could feel a strong feeling of tightness in the air.
The club he joined in high school was the literary club, which was about to be closed for lack of members.
And for some reason the destination, I also chose the literature club.
While Hajime-kun was taking a bath, I put his clothes in the was.h.i.+ng machine. I wiped his long coat with a tolla bath and put to air on a hanger. This may be the right way to act.
…… By the way, I think his underwear touch casually. Underwear of a man, that feeling. I think I’ve made a mistake ……
“PP-I put a towel on top of the was.h.i.+ng machine.”
Feeling flushed, I said those words in a nervous tone without hearing his answer, I ran out of the bathroom.
A two-room apartment. Built ten years ago.
The shower and bathroom in one place (That’s the only thing I do not like).
It’s been two years since between college and started living alone in this department.
Still, not ever remember saying the address Hajime-kun.
“What a fool I am, I remember, my address was on New Year postcard I sent you last year.”
It seems that thus knew.
… By the way, Hajime-kun did not send me a postcard new year. At that time, I was very shocked. (Even he had put a hand made ill.u.s.tration on the card I sent you), but I think it’s better to forget that.
I go to my room and start to sort things fast. Pongo table magazines and books in my suitcase, plus keep the clothes dried in my closet.
I take the vacuum cleaner was on the floor and roll up the carpet.
While I was quickly rolling up the carpet, I saw a mirror in a corner. It was the mirror use for makeup.
After using it in the morning, I think I forgot to save it.
I saw my reflection in the mirror.
He had a tightly closed eye.
“Hey, Hitomi.”
Someone called me suddenly from behind, which made her scream unintentionally.
“Do not you have anything I can wear?”
“Huh? … ── Something to wear?”
When I turned, I gaped.
What my eyes saw was ── Hajime-kun, who was only wearing a towel around his waist.
He was naked from the waist up. I start to go back to red and I feel that smoke from my head. Although he is thin, it has a good musculature, because your abdominal muscles are well marked.
Wow, you have a nice body ── That’s not what I mean!
“P-Per-Because these naked? Please put some clothes on! ”
I shouted out loud without thinking that could disturb the neighbors.
Uh … My face is on fire. Definitely warmer than when I touched her underwear.
“Ah? If I’m not using anything it is because you’ve washed all my clothes. ”
Uh …… Now what he says is true, I had forgotten some clothes to prepare for Hajime-kun is changed. I forgot because I was distracted by touching her underwear.
“A-Still, you should have put your coat! Whatever leave drying near you! ”
“I’m not a pervert like to go nude wearing only a coat.”
I took a deep breath. Although my face was flushed, I could restore calm. But I feel I’m starting to lose patience with myself ……
“Anyway, do not get excited just to see my naked torso. So cute react that way, did you’re a teenager? ”
“Uhm … heavens, wait a minute. I’ll find a sweats.h.i.+rt. ”
Calming a little, I started looking in a drawer.
I must stay calm, all right, all right, that’s the naked body of my father …… yes, that I should think. While he is trying to distract my mind on other things, mistakenly opened the drawer of my underwear.
No way, my level of embarra.s.sment is coming to heaven ……
Oh, that, I saw the sweats.h.i.+rt I bought the other day. It was under two other prendas──
“Heh. That’s your underwear. It looks as thin as a high-quality chocolate. ”
The naked man standing behind me, I threw the sweats.h.i.+rt as hard as I could.
Although it was a sweats.h.i.+rt woman it is an adjustable size and also it is slim, so you can wear it without problems.
“I put your clothes to dry, so it will be ready for tomorrow.”
As he said that, I started to prepare some tea. Hajime-kun just answered me with a “thank you “ while receiving the cup.
“This is something nostalgic. Serve tea in this way. Hitomi, you used to do it every day, when we were in the club literature. ”
“That was because you did not want to prepare.”
“I just wanted to take you served your tea” was what he answered as he sipped his cup of tea.
“It’s delicious. Your hand seems to have lost his touch. ”
“It’s just a pack of tea commercial. It would have the same taste but someone else prepare it. ”
“Ka, ka.”
That dry laugh so peculiar.
He has not changed at all.
Although it is our first meeting in two years, we are talking as if it were yesterday.
Because of that, I began to remember those days in high school.
The time when I was still a teenager.
The time when I was not yet an adult.
“Oh it’s true. Speaking of literature club, my younger sister has entered the same high school as us this year. ”
“Senkou High School?”
“So is.”
“For real? It seems like fate is not it? ”
I said the word “target” in front of Hajime-kun without thinking. Girls usually say the word “destiny” without thinking too deeply into the meaning, however, he nodded seriously.
“Yes it is. Everything in this world, revolves around the fate chained like coffins. ”
He said smiling in a nefarious way.
… It has not changed anything. That chuuni way of talking about Hajime-kun has not changed since our days in high school.Although already he guessed, seeing those gla.s.ses and that coat.
“I have not heard that club thinks enter, but is likely to end up in the club literature. Unlike me, she is not good at sports. ”
“I veo──”
How unlike him? The words that were about to come out of my mouth, I swallowed them back.
I do not know the details, but I heard she’s just his half-sister on the father.
Hajime Kiryuu. Kiryuu is his name.
The house where he lived was the home of the family Kanzaki. All family members had that name, except him. Naturally, her sister also has the name Kanzaki.
However, he continued using the name Kiryuu all the time. It was always seen by the curious stares of people, but that does not seem to bother him at all.
It was as if faced ── alone the world.
“Oh …… But, I guess she is angry. When I left the house, she looked like a fool to get angry so much … .. ”
It seems that the situation is not pleasant.
“… Hey, Hajime-kun.”
I thought it was a good time, so I put in order my mind.
“Something happened?”
Hajime-kun said nothing and just stared at the floor. The atmosphere became heavy and felt the time was pa.s.sing incredibly slow.
After being silent for a while.
He looked into my eyes and said my name.
“Could not ask anything and let me stay here for a while?”
His eyes were sincere and direct. His gaze was sharp and had a great power of observation.
I felt a bit scared that I saw that, but I also felt embarra.s.sed …….
“Yeah right.”
When I realized, I had agreed to his request. That innocent side of my really bothered me.
But that woman is best Saitou Hitomi, although I say so myself.
But somehow, I’m glad to see Hajime-kun.
In addition ── he seems grateful to have trusted me.
I went to sleep in my bed while he went to sleep on the couch.
It seems that Hajime-kun was very tired because he fell asleep immediately after lying on the couch.
… At least it should be a little nervous to be in the house of a girl. Honestly, it is absurd that I am the only one who is nervous.
Although I do not like this situation, I put a blanket over.
After that, I went into my bed and covered myself with the sheets to the head. Well, I just sleep. Tomorrow I have to go to cla.s.s early, so now I must sleep. One sheep, two sheep, three ovejas──
I can not sleep.
I can not sleep in this situation. A Man and a Woman sleeping under the same roof. Something must be wrong with the person who does not think this is a tense situation.
When I put my hand on his chest, I felt my heart was beating fast.
While my heart pounding, I wondered what he would do if Hajime-kun came to attack me while I slept. As such, many delusions filled my mind, but only caused me angry with myself.
“… Uhm.”
As she began to move in my bed, I looked up toward the couch.
Hajime-kun was sleeping so peacefully that was annoying. I should draw you something on my face? No, better I stop, because it might get angry.
Looking at his face while sleeping, somehow reminds me of the days in high school.
I closed my eyes slowly. My eyelashes started to itch me, so I scratched gently.
The eye that had lost its light had begun to annoy me a little.
I got out of bed and grabbed a box of accessories dresser drawer. So I opened the lid,
── what was inside a patch for the eye made of black leather.
It was not to be used by clinicians, rather reasons, was a patch that served as adornment.
It was a memory of Hajime-kun and mine. Although I think he feels the same, but for me is a very important memory and put it very carefully.
When I held him and gave him a look, an alb.u.m of old memories opened without permission in my head.
I found there. A I of my student years.
It was I who hated Kiryuu Hajime with pa.s.sion.