With that being said, Kirou was now trying to decide how much of his ability he should show. As he made it down to the first floor, Kirou pa.s.sed by a few members of the gaming studio moving about and bid them farewell for the evening. While most had returned his greetings or simply waved back, there were a few that completely ignored him. Kirou only shrugged at this before making his way out of the building.
Now that Kirou was on the street, he started to make his way to the subway station. As he went further away from the gaming studio, he noticed that he was being watched. At first, Kirou thought that the person watching him had the wrong target and he wouldn't need to do anything but this changed as he noticed that the further he got away from the gaming studio, the stronger the feeling got.
Kirou was now roughly three blocks away from the subway station. He had two routes before him; the normal route taken by everyone else and a side route that was relatively isolated but much faster in terms of reaching the station. Thinking back on the vibes he was currently receiving, a thought entered Kirou's mind, 'Since you are so intent on following me, let's find out who you guys are.'
Following that, Kirou acted as if he was still ignorant of his stalker and entered the side path. All while he was doing this, he carefully retrieved a spool of wire from his clothing and put on a pair of gloves on his hand without his pursuer noticing.
Less than a minute after Kirou turned down the secluded path, a vehicle pulled up to the entrance of that path. After another few seconds, the doors to the vehicle opened up and out walked a few guys dressed in black walked out. Along with these few men was a man with short brown hair wearing a set of casual clothing along with a pair of dark shades. This man was naturally Shen Jiang. He immediately pointed to the secluded path and the men in suits went in after Kirou.
'Since I'm in quite the bad mood now and I can't touch Secretary Yin, you'll be the target to vent my anger, you trash security guard.' After that thought flashed through his mind, Shen Jiang immediately followed behind the group of men that entered the secluded path.
After entering the pathway, Shen Jiang and his group of security guards searched for a while but they couldn't find any traces of Kirou along the way. At first, Shen Jiang and the men didn't pay much attention to this, thinking that Kirou must have gotten far ahead of them with his head start. It was only after this continued for another few minutes that the group had their eyebrows locked in a deep furrow.
While the group of men along with Shen Jiang were currently furrowing their eyebrows, roughly twenty meters behind them, leaning on a wall within the shadows, was Kirou peering at the group with an indifferent expression. Had this not been a modern world where the act of killing others was frowned upon or at the very least the group was in another section of the city, Kirou would have just slit the throats of everyone present and walked away from the scene. Alas, he was under such limitations so he could only release a sigh inwardly.
Looking at the group before him, clearly there to cause trouble, Kirou decided the best way to deal with them now was to leave them alone, for now. That being said, Kirou wasn't gonna allow a group of people who planned to attack him in such a secluded area to get away scot-free.
Taking a quick glance at the seven stooges before him, Kirou made his way back to the vehicle at the entrance quietly and removed the keys from the ignition. Following this, Kirou used his wires to make a small hole in the tires of the vehicle to slowly let the air out and a few other small things to the vehicle before he finally left it alone and returned to the secluded path.
Kirou actions had only taken him a minute so, by the time he returned, he found the seven stooges further down the path backtracking to his current position. Since he had planned to not lay a finger on them, Kirou leaned back on a wall and allowed his body to blend into the shadow on the wall, seemingly disappearing from sight. While he wasn't able to fully cross over into the
in reality like he does in-game, Kirou was still able to allow his body meld into the shadows, granting him temporary stealth in such areas.
As the seven men walked by Kirou, they never noticed his presence or realized the eyes of a predator were watching their every move. This carried on until the group finally left the pathway and returned to their vehicle. Kirou walked out of the shadows, allowing his body to appear before turning in the other direction and walked away. While this was happening, Kirou just so happened to toss the keys to the vehicle on the floor and went on his way without looking back, completely ignoring the frantic group of men currently making a scene at the entrance to this pathway.
Kirou was now standing at the subway station exit and was making his way home. He had somehow managed to catch a train heading in his direction the moment he got to the station near work and was now leaving the one near his apartment. As he walked home, Kirou checked to see if a certain college student was in the area but couldn't manage to find her. After stopping by the pastry shop to check if she was there and not finding her, Kirou could only shrug before making his way home.
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Ten minutes later, Kirou was now in the living room of his apartment. As usual, Kirou did a series of his stretches, causing popping sounds to be coming from his body. This went on for another ten or so minutes before Kirou finally stopped and went to his room to change into a set of jogging gear.
Following this, Kirou left his apartment and went running around his neighborhood. Since this was a popular time for the activity for people who missed it in the morning, Kirou ran into a few persons jogging as well. From kids to adults, men, and women, Kirou pa.s.sed by all. A few of the more mature women would call out to Kirou every time he does this, which in turn causes him to turn towards them, giving them a greeting before jogging away.
While most of them did it for the fun of talking with a young man, there were a select few...(cough cough) all of them were looking at Kirou with hungry cougar eyes but only a few of them were willing to take the next step. There were times Kirou would stop and talk to them for longer periods of time, giving these cougars a chance to make their moves. Alas, this usually fails as the women kept getting in each other's way and whenever he saw things going south, Kirou would always bid farewell before fleeing the scene quickly, leaving the women behind arguing with each other that they scared him off, all the while he's in the distance chuckling to himself over their actions.
Kirou didn't face such troubles(fortunes) today as he actively made it a point to avoid areas where he would meet such issues. After doing a total run of ten kilometers, taking up a total time of fifty minutes to complete it, Kirou rushed back home. Now that he was back, he would do his stretches once again, eliciting those popping sounds from his body and then hitting showers, spending the next twenty to twenty-five minutes in the bathroom before walking out.
For the hour following that, Kirou made a simple meal using the ingredients he had left, a simple curry chicken dish with rice and vegetables on the side. After he finished his meal, Kirou did a quick clean up before checking to make sure that the apartment was completely sealed. Having made his checks and not being satisfied with the results, Kirou set up a few things for extra security before making his way back to his bedroom, where he took out his phone to check the time. Seeing that it was now twenty minutes past eight, Kirou immediately jumped on his bed and put on his gaming helmet.
Since he had a meeting at nine, it's best that he logs in now and makes his way towards SC Pier City, otherwise, he would be late. Just as he was about to log in, however, Kirou sat up and repositioned his body. Since his body was normally in a state of rest when he plays, Kirou decided to try doing it in a meditative pose this time. There was something he wanted to try and he needed to be sitting up to do it. After getting into position and having his back to the point where the two walls meet, Kirou turned on the gaming helmet, logging into the game.
Having logged in, Kirou was now in the large underground cavern, the underground pier for his secret base. Checking the time once again, Kirou nodded before making his way to the surface using the cave system, since it was faster. After getting to the cave entrance, Kirou summoned out his Blood Shadow Wolf, mounted it and rushed towards SC Pier City. Along the way, Kirou made sure to remove the effects of
, turning his body back from its werewolf form to that of its human form with tribal tattoos.
Twenty minutes later, roughly ten minutes to nine, Kirou walked over to the entrance of SC Pier City on foot. He made sure his movements wouldn't attract any attention amongst the crowd of players constantly seen entering and leaving the city. As he was entering the city, Kirou came across a group of players standing by the entrance that stood out. From where Kirou was and his actions, he was able to pa.s.s by the group without them noticing him while he was able to look at them without fear of discovery.
The main reason for this is that among the group of a dozen players, half of them were women and these women were all gorgeous. Regardless of the race, each of the six women managed to attract the attention of the pa.s.sersby. Another reason for the attention that the group was receiving had to do with the guild tag currently hovering above their heads.
While the other parts of the tags were mixed, just the fact that they had
within their guild tags proved that this group of a dozen players were all members of the elite Sanming Guild. Due to this, many players currently had their eyes on this group of people.
As the time for the meeting approached, a few of the members in the group started grumbling. It seems that these players were used to people waiting on them and not the other way around. While grumbling, they kept taking hidden glances towards the only dark elf female of the group, Navi. Even with her in-game character, she was still capable of showing off her frosty expression but at the moment, she was looking at those impatient players with an impa.s.sive gaze. She had already received word from Kirou more than ten minutes ago that he was already nearby and had them in his sights, so she cared not for what these impatient people wanted.
As soon as the clock struck nine, a majority of the group turned towards Navi and their grumbles turned into complaints. Among the group, an unimpressive looking male player dressed in plate armor and had short brown hair, identifying him as a warrior, turned his gaze towards Navi. Apparently he too was questioning why the person they were to meet hadn't arrived yet even though he had set the time.
Navi saw his gaze and could only release a sigh before speaking, "Let's go." Following this, Navi started walking in a seemingly random direction, confusing most of the group.
The man looked at Navi with a peculiar gaze before following her. Seeing that both Navi and the boss were walking away the rest of the group silenced their complaints and followed suit. And like that, the group walked into the forest for roughly five minutes before Navi stopped.
Now that the group wasn't under the eyes of the crowd, Navi looked around the area for a bit, as if trying to find something. After a few seconds of doing this and failing to get the result she wanted, she could only release a helpless sigh before speaking out loud, "You can come out now, Mr. Wolf."
A few members of the group were confused by her earlier actions. After hearing her words, the others started looking around as well, only to not see anyone appearing. Seeing this, the bunch from earlier that had stifled their complaints were ready to speak up. Alas, they never got the chance as the figure of something walked out from the shadows of a tree. The figure was covered in a black coat with a hood over his head, preventing anyone from seeing his facial features.
Taking a glance at the group before, the figure's eyes eventually rested on Navi before the figure spoke up, "The next time you guys decide to do something like this, you should just meet up here instead of the entrance of the city. You guys stand out way too much, especially with those guild tags over your heads."
Hearing his words caused the group to look at the player for a few seconds before they picked up on the importance of his words. Even the slowest person in the group had realized that it would have been hard for any random person to walk up to this group, while in such an area without something being up.
Seeing that they now understood the crux of the issue, the figure removed the hood of his coat, allowing the one dozen players to see his appearance as he spoke, "I'm sure Navi already told you guys something but allow me to introduce myself. My name is Kirou and I'll be doing the demonstration for you guys today."