Having vented on the wall, Shen Jiang sat down on a suitably comfortable recliner chair and put his gaming headset before logging into the game. For now, he needed to get a start on his new a.s.signment, but he definitely wasn't happy about it.
The last thought that he had before he lost consciousness and entered the game was, 'Don't think this is over by a long shot, Yin Jia Rong. As soon as I manage to stabilize this, I will get you back for this. You as well, cousin.'
The reason for Shen Jiang's anger could be traced back to the meeting that just ended between the boss and the higher-ups for each of the Sanming Studio's Branch Guild Leaders. Apparently, his little stunt over the weekend has come back to bite him and he wasn't the type to swallow a loss with humility.
It was now one o'clock and a meeting for the studio's branch guild leaders and the higher-ups was now being started. This is the usual weekly meeting between the few branch leaders reporting the various activities that took place within their respective guilds for the previous week. It was also here that said leaders reported on any tasks they were given the previous week to see if the task was completed or if an extension was needed.
There were only nine people in the room but these nine people were the ones who controlled the entirety of the Sanming Sect that was developing in Immortal Era. These nine people were split into two groups; five being the branch leaders while the other four were the studio's CEO, Financial Advisor, Public Relations Specialist and the Chairman of the studio. Naturally, both Shen Jiang and Secretary Yin were sitting in the room as they were branch leaders for the a.s.sa.s.sin Branch and Alchemist Branch respectively.
The meeting started off quite simple with each branch leader going over the growth of their respective guilds, discussing any problems they came across within the previous week, any information they would like to share with the others, the usual stuff. Like that, the meeting carried on for over forty minutes until a certain issue was finally brought up.
On the side of the room where the branch leaders sat, a woman within her late twenties stood up and addressed the entire room. Just like all female employees that work on the higher floors of the studio, she was dressed within a light blue pants suit that hugged her figure but still managed to remain tasteful for the corporate setting. She had long black hair that went down to the middle of her back, chestnut brown eyes and gave off the impression of a fiery woman. This woman was Li Mu Wan, the branch head for the Sanming Crafting Guild.
Now that she had everyone's attention, Branch Head Li took a glance at Secretary Yin from the corner of her eye before speaking, "Chairman and fellow members of this meeting, I would like to ask about the piece of information brought to us by Branch Head Yin last week. We are currently still in the negotiating progress with other guilds over rights to hunt 'that' creature and I would like to know when it's best for us to tackle this issue, along with how many days we would need to fight for."
When Branch Head Li said this, the other members of the room turned their sights towards Secretary Yin who has maintained her neutral expression from the moment had entered the room until now. Seeing their stares, Secretary Yin turned towards the Chairman who gave her a nod before she stood up to speak, "I've reported this matter to the Chairman already but since you've asked, I'll fill everyone in now. I've already discussed the issue with that player and he has agreed to give us a demonstration of his abilities tonight. While I do believe it is enough for us to just fight for only three days with that issue, I'll wait for everyone here to a.s.sess his abilities and leave the final judgment to you." Following those words, Secretary Yin gave a polite bow to the room before settling back down into her seat.
Still standing up and looking at her, Branch Head Li turned towards the others and spoke, "Since it's like this, I'll do my best to delay talks with the others guilds for another two days to give us plenty of time to a.s.sess this crafter of yours. I have no further concerns at this time." Having said her piece, Li Mu Wan took her seat. After sitting down, she gave Shen Jiang a subtle look, signalling that it was his turn to speak.
Prompted by her stare, Shen Jiant cleared his throat, attracting everyone's attention as he stood up to speak, "I'd also like to report something to the group. Recently I have come into possession of a certain blueprint that I feel that would benefit our guild."
Having said those words, the few members of the group started to stare at Shen Jiang with differing gazes; some with interest and some with indifference. There were gazes with mirth in the room, but for completely different reasons. Li Mu Wan stared at Secretary Yin with mirth in her eyes, thinking that what Shen Jiang did would trip her up, only to discover that Secretary Yin had mirth in her eyes as well, prompting Li Mu Wan frown at the ominous premonition she was receiving.
Not seeing the expressions on either of the two women's faces, Shen Jiang spoke up with a simple smile on his face, "I'm sure you all remember the task given to the Alchemist Branch last week pertaining to the
, right?" Shen Jiang received a few nods, prompting him to continue. "Over the weekend, a member of my guild doing quests within the area of Thousand Wood Village had obtained the crafting blueprint for said item," lied Shen Jiang while taking in the looks of all those in the room. "At first, I was quite shocked since I never expected he would turn it over to the guild for guild points but seeing the blueprint myself made me believe, especially since it just so happened to be an intermediate blueprint for the kit in question. With that in mind, I would like to donate this blueprint to the guild."
A few members of the room nodded at Shen Jiang's actions while a few remained unchanged. One of those just so happened to be the Chairman of the gaming studio, Shen MuFang, Shen Jiang's cousin. As someone with the inside story, Shen MuFang was quite angry at how Shen Jiang was showing off an item obtained through the hard work of someone else but he didn't let it show as he was the one who originally came up with the idea of using in-fighting amongst the branch leaders in order to push the studio forward.
Releasing a sigh, Chairman Shen stared at Shen Jiang with a neutral expression as he spoke, "Very good, Gamer Shen. Since the blueprint was obtained from your branch, as opposed to the Alchemist Branch which I initially gave the task to, I believe it is best that I allow your branch to take advantage of this resource." When Chairman Shen said this, while it sounded like he was rewarding Shen Jiang for his hard work, a few people instantly picked up on something.
Shen Jiang, while he's an arrogant and egotistical playboy, doesn't mean that he was stupid. He immediately noticed something was wrong with those words and hesitantly asked, "Chairman Shen, what do you mean by those words?"
Shen MuFang stared in Shen Jiang's eyes as he spoke in a clear voice for the whole room to hear, "It is exactly how it sounds, Gamer Shen. I originally gave this a.s.signment to the Alchemist Guild as a means for them to be able to secure their own personal operation funds with their own members. That being said, seeing as the a.s.signment was completed by your branch, I feel it would be unfair for you to donate the blueprint to that branch, allow them to profit from it. So I am now revoking the Alchemist Branch's right to secure, manufacture and supply those kits to the other guilds and am instead handing the task over to you and your branch, Gamer Shen. I hope you don't disappoint me, Gamer Shen. I'll be expecting a kit for each member of the main raid team and backup team by the end of the week."
Following those words, Shen Jiang's back broke out in cold sweat. While it would sound like a reward to a normal person, everyone in the room is acutely aware of the problem with this reward. Unlike both the Crafting and Alchemist Branches which retained a large stockpile of materials at all times, the a.s.sa.s.sin Branch wasn't known for this. In fact, practically all members of this branch either ignores or throws away such materials when they are found in the wild or just give them away when teaming with other people.
If this 'reward' was given to either of the two branches responsible for crafting, they would be able to make a steady profit from this job but the a.s.sa.s.sin guild with no material stores would now be forced to suffer a loss as they would need to procure all the required materials to create over fifty of these kits within a week and some of the required materials can be considered as rare drops.
Having been given the task, Shen Jiang could only bitterly curse his cousin within his heart as he spoke up, "Understood Chairman Shen. I'll be sure to work hard in order to achieve your wish." Having said that with the best smile he could produce at the moment, Shen Jiang 'calmly' took a seat while staring in Secretary Yin's direction while the meeting continued.
As he looked over, he saw the neutral expression on Secretary Yin's face fade away and was replaced with the same sweet smile that she had given him earlier that day. Unlike the morning, however, he could now see the mirth and disdain those eyes held for him and he had to do his best to swallow down the rage that was boiling inside of him.
Li Mu Wan also saw Secretary Yin's smile and knew that she had played them both. Unlike Shen Jiang who was currently stomaching his rage, Li Mu Wan was instead trying to think of ways to counter-attack, along with acknowledging Secretary Yin's ruthlessness. It is for reasons like this why Li Mu Wan was competing with Secretary Yin, as she was a difficult opponent to deal with and Li Mu Wan was always up for a challenge.
After the meeting went on for a few more minutes to discuss some last-minute details, Chairman Shen adjourned the meeting and everyone went their separate ways. As Secretary Yin was walking out of the room, she happened to pa.s.s by Li Mu Wan. As she got close, Secretary Yin heard her speak, "Nicely done, using the guise of a reward to punish Shen Jiang. Well played, Jia Rong."
Secretary Yin stopped for a moment and leaned in close to Li Mu Wan, giving onlookers the impression that they were close as she spoke with a small smile on her face, "Don't worry, Mu Wan. As long as you keep this up, your turn won't be too far away." Following her words, Secretary Yin stepped back and adopted her neutral expression before walking away.
Li Mu Wan only stared at her retreating figure for a few moments before she turned around and left as well. She had to catch up to Shen Jiang and discuss the plan that she came up with to curb the situation that he was now in.
*******Flashback End*******
While Shen Jiang had already logged in and was moving to try and sort out his problems, on another side floor of the building, Secretary Yin was currently in an office with two other persons. The trio was sitting on a couch having a discussion.
The only male in the group, Shen MuFang spoke up, "I know I've probably asked this a hundred times by now but I feel the need to ask again; are you two absolutely positive that this Lycan player of yours would be able to help out the studio with that matter? I've already punished Shen Jiang for his actions but if this guy of your's flops, you two won't be able to escape punishment as well, you know?"
Both women stared at each other for a moment before they started giggling like a bunch of high schoolers. Having had their laugh, Secretary Yin was the one who spoke first, "it's alright, Sir. Even on his worst day, he would still be able to harvest more materials from creatures than any crafter in our guild. In fact, I doubt even the other guilds could compete with him on this."
Shen Yuna spoke up next, "It's completely fine to put our trust in him, Big Brother. With his skill, it's more likely for the system to directly interfere and remove the body after he takes too many materials from it as opposed to him not harvesting enough. In fact, I'm actually willing to bet that is what will happen."
Hearing those words prompted Shen MuFang to speak up, "You're that confident, huh? How about we make a little wager then?"
Both women looked at each other before Shen Yuna spoke up, "What are the terms, Big Brother."
Shen MuFang pretended to think for a moment before he spoke, "If I win, you have to join the main guild's team AND send me a friend request in-game." Shen MuFang had a cheeky smile on his face as he said this, prompting Shen Yuna to scowl for a few seconds.
"And if we win, Chairman?" asked Secretary Yin with a raised eyebrow.
Shen MuFang paused for a moment to think before speaking, "How about I get you both new weapons. Rare-grade of course?"
The two women simultaneously answered, "No deal."
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This prompted Shen MuFang to look at them with peculiar gazes and ask, "Why no deal? Isn't that condition heavily in your favor?"
Secretary Yin was the one who spoke next, "Weapons and armor are the things we'll never lack since our guest for tonight has already promised to make us a set. And with his skill, it would probably turn out better than whatever you can manage to find, Chairman."
Hearing this caused Shen MuFang to narrow his eyes into slits before speaking, "Good. Very good. Now I'm even more interested in meeting this Lycan friend of yours. How about this, if you guys win, I'll let you decide on the condition, no questions asked as long as it doesn't affect the guild?"
Both women turned to each other and started communicating via eye contact for a few moments before they turned back to face Shen MuFang and spoke together, "Deal!"