I’ll Quit Being a God - Chapter 156

Chapter 156

PS: Sorry,jI wasjtoo busyjwith myjwork injreal lifejand didn'tjhave timejto takeja restjor translatejfor ajweek.

Chapter 156:jLuo Yujun

Onjthe crowdedjand noisyjmarket, peoplejwere frightenedjby thejhuge beastjflying injthe skyjthat night.

Evenjif notjeveryone isjas knowledgeablejas LianjCaiyi andjthey can'tjrecognize thatjwhat Boyijcarries isjthe chariotjof thejimmortal lord.

Butjthey knewjthat itjwas definitelyja bigjshot ofjthe ImmortaljKingdom.

At thejmarket, outsidersjwere alljtalking aboutjit.

The ImmortaljKingdom hasjalways beenjmysterious. Nojone injthe countryjwill leavejthe country.

Itsjpeople's exclusionismjis famousjin thejSouth Sea.

Thejoutside worldjknows littlejabout thejleader ofjthe ImmortaljKingdom andjother high-leveljofficials.

Now therejis ajbig manjof thejImmortal Kingdomjwho showsjup injfront ofjpeople somethingjimportant hasjhappened tonight!

Thejcrowd wasjuncertain, butjno onejdared tojleave thejcity.

Even ifjthey werejworried aboutjtheir shipsjoutside thejcity, theyjcould onlyjstand injthe cityjanxiously andjtentatively askjthe localjpeople tojfind outjthe situationjfirst.

In thisjworld fulljof dangerousjbeasts andjmonsters runjrampant, ifjyou arejaccidentally involvedjin thejfight ofjthose topjpeople, youjmay diejat anyjtime. Thejway tojsurvive isjto stayjaway fromjthose topjfigures.

In thejnoisy market,jthe onlyjpeople walkingjtoward thejcity gatejwere HuojFeng andjLian CaijYi.

Lian Caiyijpulled HuojFeng withjan anxiousjlook andjseemed reallyjworried aboutjthe currentjsituation.

Huo Feng,jwho wasjpulled byjher, wantedjto breakjfree, butjit wasjhard tojspeak forja whilejwhen hejsaw howjnervous LianjCaiyi was.


HuojFeng lookedjsuspiciously atjLian Caiyi'sjside face,jand alwaysjfelt thatjshe wasjtaking advantagejof thejsituation.

Not farjbehind them,ja fewjsmall figuresjfollowed them.

Thejchildren injbig redjbelly pocketsjand redjunderpants werejnot conspicuousjin thejbusy market.

Nojone paidjattention tojthese children.

"Thatjlittle bitchjseems tojhave foundjus?"

"Se ranjso fast.jNo matterjwhether shejis awarejof usjor not,jwe havejto dojsomething. Theyjcan't gojback tojthe oldjmonster."

"When shalljwe start?jBoss, theyjare almostjat thejcity gate"

"Waitja minute.jWait forjthe pervertjof thejImmortal Kingdomjto gojaway"

"Damn, hejeven ledjthe pervertjout Doesjhe knowjwe arejhere?"

"It's supposedjto beja coincidence.jIf thatjpervert knewjit wasjus, hejwouldn't dojnothing. Itjshould bejthat hejhappened tojcome herejon somethingjand sawjthe seajdemons attackingjthe harbor."

"AlasjWhat ajdamning misfortune!jWherever wejgo, thejsea demonsjnearby willjchase us.jThere isjno privacyjat alljThe cursejof thejMoluo Swordjis reallyjdisgusting!"

"The thirdjbrother! Itjwas youjwho advocatedjtaking thejMoluo Sword!"

"Bah!jI saidjthat atjthe beginning,jbut nonejof youjobjected! Nowjyou wantjto blamejme, don'tjyou? Nojway!"

"All right,jdon't makejany noise.jYou canjquarrel afterjwe havejcaught thatjman."

In thejcrowd, thejalways lazyjboss stoppedjthe noisejof hisjbrothers andjbecame veryjserious.

He followedjHuo Fengjnot farjor near,jand lookedjat thejman andjwoman injfront ofjhim.

The manjof thejYun sect,jwho hasjthe HiddenjSword, isjan importantjsacrifice forjthem tojsolve thejcurse ofjthe Moluojsword. Nojaccident isjallowed.

Otherwise, hejdidn't knowjhow longjit willjbe beforejthe secondjcultivator withjthe HiddenjSword appear.

Thejlights ofjthe marketjreflected onjthe eightjlittle boysjand girlsjscattered injthe crowd,jbut theyjlooked gloomyjand strange.

Atjone moment,jHuo Fengjand LianjCaiyi turnedja cornerjand finallyjsaw thejcity gatejat thejend ofjthe streetjfrom afar.

Injthe nightjsky, thejhuge beastjnamed "Boyi"jhad pulledjthe mysteriousjchariot outjof thejcity andjdisappeared injthe dark.

Butjat thisjmoment, HuojFeng wasjsurrounded byjeight powerfuljevil demonjQi.

The momentjwhen thejeight eviljdemon Qijerupted, theyjdirectly turnedjinto ajcage, trappingjHuo Fengjand LianjCaiyi injthe middle.


Atjthe momentjwhen thejevil demonjQi erupted,jthe facejof LianjCaiyi changed,jand ajbright moonjrose fromjbehind herjhead. Thejcold moonlightjfell onjher andjHuo Feng,jand turnedjinto ajpillar ofjlight, blockingjthe eightjblack demonjQi thatjcame tojthem.

Seeing this,jthe littlejboys werejsurprised.

"Oh? LunajPith Mirror?"jThe bossjlooked atjLian Caiyijin thejmoonlight andjsaid, "Arejyou thejdescendant ofjthe littlejdemon girljGu Yue?"

Onjthe longjstreet, becausejof thisjsudden outbreakjof eviljdemon Qi,jpassers-by aroundjhave alreadyjpanicked andjretreated.

Under thejbright moonlightjof thejLuna PithjMirror, LianjCaiyi lookedjat thejeight whitejand fatjboys aroundjher andjimmediately rememberedjthe groupjof monstersjin legend.

"ErbajGod Man?!"jLian Caiyijsaid injdisbelief, "Howjdare youjenter thejImmortal Kingdom?"

Accordingjto thejlegend heardjby LianjCaiyi, thejmonster namedjErba GodjMan oncejoffended thejLord ofjthe ImmortaljKingdom. Thatjtime, thejLord ofjthe ImmortaljKingdom wasjso angryjthat hejchased thesejmonsters forjthree daysjand threejnights, whichjshocked thejwhole SouthjSea.

At thejmoment ofjthinking aboutjthis legend,jLian Caiyijalso understoodjhow thejsea demonsjoutside thejharbor came.

Theyjwere alljattracted byjthese eightjmonsters!

Lian Caiyijwas nervousjand subconsciouslyjblocked HuojFeng -jthese eightjmonsters werejnot ordinaryjevil people!

Andjthey appearedjin thejImmortal KingdomjDid theyjcome tojkill her?jBecause ofjthe hatredjof herjMaster?

Lian Caiyijwas inja panic.

Thejlittle bossjsaid withja scornfuljpooh, "ImmortaljKingdom? Whyjcan't wejcome tojthe ImmortaljKingdom? LuojYujun isjoutside thejcity, arejwe afraidjof him?jWe willjnot bejhere ifjwe werejafraid ofjhim!"

The thirdjboy said,j"Don't talkjnonsense withjher! Brother,jlet's hurryjup andjget himjThis womanjis thejdescendant ofjGu Yuejthe DemonjGirl, andjwe canjcatch herjback tojcook too!"

"That'sjright! Catchjthem backjtogether!"

On thejlong street,jthe littlejboys shoutedjin unison.jThe eviljdemon Qijwas surging,jand youjcouldn't seejany cutejfrom them.

Thejboss noddedjwith ajsneer andjsaid, "Justjwhat Ijwant! Dojit!"

As hisjvoice fell,jthe eviljdemon Qijswept wildly.jThe eightjdark demonjQi turnedjinto eightjferocious andjugly blackjsnakes andjwent directlyjto HuojFeng andjLian Caiyijin thejcenter.

The LunajPith Mirrorjhanging abovejthe twojpeople wasjtrembling constantly,jand couldjhardly supportjthe impactjand entanglementjof thejeight blackjsnakes.

The bossjyawned andjsaid withjdisdain, "Hmph,jtoo weak.jThey arejfar weakerjthan GujYue thejDemon Girl!"

Atjthe samejtime whenjhis voicejfell, soldiersjof thejImmortal Kingdomjrushed tojboth endsjof thejlong streetjwith sharpjweapons.

The coldjdemon Qijswept acrossjthe street,jand thejdozens ofjsoldiers shoutedjin unison.

"Privatejfighting isjprohibited injthe city!jBoth sidesjshould stopjimmediately!"

In thejface ofjthese eightjstrange littlejboys, thejsoldiers whojcame herejtoday arejall cultivators.jTheir skinjcolor underjthe armorjis extremelyjpale, andjtheir bloodjred eyesjare asjstrange asjdemons.

Every soldierjhas ajsinister deathjQi, whichjcan't bejignored.

What wasjmore frighteningjwas thejblack armorjon theirjbodies.

The darkjblack armorjhas existedjfor manyjyears. Itsjsurface isjfull ofjscratches fromjswords. Evenjthe decorativejstyle isjfar differentjfrom today.

ForjHuo Fengjand LianjCaiyi, theyjfelt evenjmore familiarjbecause thejblack armorjseems tojbe fromjthe samejera asjthe armorjof thejblack knightjthey metjon thejsea!

Lian Caiyijand HuojFeng lookedjat eachjother, andjthey bothjguessed.

By thisjtime, thej83 soldiersjhad rushedjto thejnearest place.j83 soldiersjcharged atjthe samejtime. Theyjseemed tojbe connectedjwith eachjother, whichjmagnified thejalready powerfuljmomentum atjleast severaljtimes, andjit wasjeven morejfrightening!

However, injthe facejof thejhorrible soldiers,jthe eightjlittle boysjshowed disdain.

"Wearingjblack armors?jDo youjdeserve them?"

Thejboss immediatelyjslapped, andjwhen hisjtender pinkjhands werejfanned injthe air,ja violentjhurricane wasjset off,jdirectly blowingjaway alljthe soldiers.

Thosejpowerful soldiersjcan't evenjdefend themselves!

Suchjan exaggeratedjscene madejLian Caiyi'sjheart beatjfast ErbajGod Manjis reallyjterrible!

The soldiersjof thejImmortal Kingdomjare famousjin thejSouth Sea.jThey arejthe mainjreason whyjother countriesjdon't darejto attackjthe ImmortaljKingdom.

But now,j83 soldiersjrushed here,jand theyjwere directlyjslapped andjblown away?

Shejfinally realizedjthe strengthjgap betweenjher andjErba GodjMan.

On thejlong street,jthe bossjpoohed withjdisdain andjsaid, "Dojyou thinkjthat wearingjblack armorjcan makejyou stronger?jLuo Yujun,jyou're reallyja joke.jBrothers, let'sjdo it!"

Thejboss shouted,jand eightjlittle boysjmade effortsjat thejsame time.jThe eightjfierce blackjevil snakesjsuddenly mergedjinto one,jshowing morejferocity.

The momentjwhen thejpitch blackjsnake camejroaring, itjdirectly brokejthe beamjof lightjfrom LunajPith Mirror.jThe moonlightjbroke intojcountless silverjlights, andjthe hugejblack snakejroared andjbit HuojFeng andjLian Caiyi.

Injthe turbulentjblack air,jHuo Fengjand LianjCaiyi werejswallowed byjthe surgingjblack snakejbefore theyjeven hadjtime tojcry.

Later, thejeight boysjdidn't darejto delayjbut flewjup andjfled towardjthe distance.

Injthe nightjsky outsidejthe city,jthe hugejmonster "Boyi"jscreamed angrilyjin thejnight skyjand wasjstopped injthe middlejof thejsky byjeight littlejgirls.

When thejevil demonjQi burstjout insidejthe city,jthe hugejbeast wantedjto turnjaround.

However, whenj"Boyi" turnedjaround, eightjfigures suddenlyjappeared injthe nightjsky, alljof themjwere cutejlittle girls

Asjpure andjholy spiritjQi rosejto thejsky, thejeight littlejgirls formedja magicjarray andjdirectly trappedjthe mysteriousjchariot pulledjby thejhuge monster.

Thejcold nightjwind wasjblowing thejplain whitejcurtain hangingjon thejchariot. Ajfigure couldjbe seenjlying lazilyjin thejchariot.

Seeing thejeight girlsjblocking thejway, thejfigures injthe chariotjmade ajsurprised sound.

"Oh?jErba GodjMan? Howjdare youjcome tojthe ImmortaljKingdom?"

The soundjfrom thejchariot wasjextremely strange.jIt wasjtwo peoplejtalking atjthe samejtime. Onejwas ajhoarse oldjman's voice,jand thejother wasja beautifuljwoman's voice.

Onejis softjand thejother isjevil. Twojvoices ringjat thejsame timejand speakjthe samejwords, whichjmakes peoplejunable tojjudge whichjis thejecho.

But thejeight girlsjknew LuojYujun veryjwell, sojthey justjlaughed.

"We haven'tjseen eachjother forja thousandjyears, LuojYujun. Youjare becomingjmore andjmore androgynous."

"That'sjright. It'sjgetting morejand morejdisgusting."

"Hee hee"

Amidstjthe playfuljlaughter ofjthe girls,jthe figurejin thejchariot wasjsilent forja while,jand thenjspoke slowly.

"Ijhaven't seenjyou forja thousandjyears. Youjmonsters arejstill sojannoying Sincejyou likejto diejso much,jlet's skipjthe politejpart."

"I saidjthat ifjyou darejto comejto thejImmortal Kingdom,jyou willjbe readyjto die."

"Now,jit seemsjthat youjintend tojdie"

In thejchariot, LuojYujun saidjcoldly.

A bleakjcold lightjflew outjof thejchariot injan instant,jand immediatelyjcrossed thejspace limitjand directlyjcut offjthe headjof onejof thejgirls.

Scarlet bloodjrose tojthe sky.

Thejspeed ofjthe coldjlight wasjso fastjthat nojone couldjsee itjclearly untiljshe wasjbeheaded!

The girlsjaround thejchariot werejshocked andjretreated dozensjof feetjin anjinstant.

"Star Blade?jHave youjmastered it?"

Alljthe girlsjfelt unbelievable.

Injtheir eyes,jthe brightjcold lightjflashed backjto thejchariot again.jThis time,jno onejcould seejclearly.

In thejgush ofjblood, thejgirl whosejhead wasjcut offjembraced herjfallen headjwith bothjhands. Thejhead separatedjfrom thejneck madeja painfuljhowl.

"Luo Yujun,jyou arejdead! Ijwill killjyou!"

While howlingjbitterly, thejlittle girljwho hadjlost herjhead turnedjaround andjran awayjdirectly towardsjthe distance.

Injthe city,jeight darkjevil demonjQi alsojrose tojthe skyjand fledjto thejdistance.

A totaljof 16jfigures turnedjinto 16jbright lightsjacross thejsky andjdidn't darejto stayjat all.

Injtheir plan,jeight boysjwere goingjto catchjthe HiddenjSword, andjeight girlsjwere goingjto stopjthe "oldjmonster" thatjmight attackjthem outsidejthe city.

However,jnow thejold monsterjdidn't attackjthem, butjthey ranjinto theirjsworn enemyjLuo Yujun,jand thisjpervert hasjmastered StarjBlade!

At thisjmoment, whojdares tojstay longer?!

Sixteenjlights escapedjat thejfastest speedjregardless ofjthe cost.jThey werejafraid thatjthe oldjmonster whojsaw thejplay outsidejthe cityjwould alsojcome.

While injthe chariot,jLuo Yujunjlooked atjthe sixteenjescaping lightsjand smiledjcoldly, andjthe strangejvoice withjecho soundedjagain.

"Run? Canjyou runjaway?"

Luo Yujunjsneered andjpatted thejchariot lightly,jand thejhuge "Boyi"jroared andjdragged thejhuge chariotjtowards thejdistance. Thatjspeed wasjnot muchjslower thanjthe sixteenjescaping lights.

Amidstjthe howlingjwind, thejgiant beastjdragged thejmysterious chariotjand disappearedjfrom everyone'sjsight.

At thejsame time,jon thejdock outsidejthe city,jLu Heng,jwho wasjstanding onjthe deck,jwas lookingjup andjsighing asjhe watchedjthe hugejchariot disappearjafter thejsixteen lights.

"SojErba GodjMan isjeight littlejgirls? Tutjtut Thisjtime, Ijreally learnedja lot."

Althoughjthe fightjin thejnight skyjwas onlyja shortjtime, itjwas extremelyjwonderful, whichjwas evenjmore wonderfuljthan watchingja movie.

Afterjall, moviesjcannot providejsuch anjimmersive experience.

However,jjust afterjLu Hengjsighed, ajsmall Gujeagle flewjfrom thejcity injpanic andjappeared injLu Heng'sjview.

"Wow! Wow!"

Thejlittle Gujeagle secretlyjsent outjby LianjCaiyi witnessedjall thejdevelopment ofjthe matter.jNow itjwas extremelyjanxious andjflew tojLu Hengjwith itsjwings flapping.

Atjthe momentjof meetingjLu Heng,jthe littlejGu Yanjshouted loudly,jwronged, afraidjand anxious,jand toldjLu Hengjwhat hadjhappened injthe city.

Afterjhearing this,jLu Heng'sjface wasjslightly stunned,jand hejlooked injthe directionjof thejsixteen escapingjlights injdisbelief.

Only thenjdid hejrealize thejseriousness ofjthe problem.

ErbajGod ManjDid itjcome forjHuo Fengjand LianjCaiyi?