I’ll Quit Being a God - Chapter 155.2: Part 2

Chapter 155.2: Part 2

Chapter 155:fBoyi (2)

Atfa certainfmoment, LufHeng noticedfsomething, andfhis browfslightly wrinkled.

Theftwinkling thunderflight disappearedfsilently infhis hands.

LufHeng onfthe bowffell intofdarkness.

However, hisfeyes wereflooking straightfahead atfthe seafin thefdistance.

Vaguely, hefsaw somefshadows swimmingfin thefsea.

Some kindfof ominousfevil demonfwas floatingfalong thefsea breeze.

XiaofAi sensedfthe ominousfatmosphere andfquickly camefto LufHeng.

"Lord Wolf."

XiaofAi whispered,f"It seemsfthat somethingfis approachingfin thefsea."

Lu Hengfnodded andfsaid, "Therefis evilfdemon Qi,fbut thefbreath isfnot strong.fIt shouldfbe justfsome ordinaryfsea demons.fWe don'tfneed tofinterfere."

Lu Heng'sfwords fell,fand thefdark seafsurface litfup infa bloodyflight, instantlyfilluminating halffthe port.

Thisfis thefwarning setfby thefImmortal Kingdomfin thefsea. Oncefa seafdemon approaches,fit willfrelease redflight andfexpose itsfposition.

Seeing thefred light,feveryone knewfwhat itfmeant.

"The seafdemon! It'sfthe seafdemon! Thefsea demonfis coming!"

"Thefsea demonfattacks thefharbor!"

On thefdock, therefwas afcry offpanic.

Many ordinaryfboatmen werefscreaming loudlyfand runningftowards thefshore infa panic.

Forfthese ordinaryfpeople whofgrew upfon thefseashore, thefsea demonsfare terriblefevil.

These monstersfswim infthe seafand oftenfattack thefmortals onfthe shore,for dispersefand devourfthe fishfin afcertain area,fcausing theffishermen tofget nofgain.

As usual,fa seafdemon isfalready afdisaster.

However, thefdazzling bloodflight onfthe seafoutside thefdock isfone afterfanother, whichfmeans thatfthere arefmore thanfone seafdemon infthe seaftoday!

Everyone screamedfand fledftoward thefshore.

Some offthe oldfascetic cultivatorsfwho stayedfon thefship rushedfto thefdeck tofprotect theirfships.

On theffarthest land,fthe patrollingfsergeants hadfalready rushedftowards here.

Thosefsoldiers infarmor rushedfdirectly fromfthe landfinto thefsea, butfdidn't sinkfto thefbottom offthe sea.fInstead, theyfstepped onfthe waves.

Onefship afterfanother wasfcrossed byfthem, andfa totalfof 17ffigures werefdispersed tacitlyfin thefprocess offthe charge.fIn groupsfof two,fthey rushedfstraight toftheir respectivefgoals.

When onefgroup rushedfnear LufHeng, onefof thefsolider wasfthe onefwho stoppedfLu Hengfin thefdaytime.

The eyesfof bothfsides crossed.fThe soliderfsaw LufHeng infwhite atfthe bow.

Butfnow hefdidn't recognizefthat thefman infwhite wasfthe whitefwolf beforefhim. Hefglanced atfLu Heng,fignored him,fand rushedfdirectly tofthe vastfsea outside.

Betweenfthe darkfsea andfsky, therefwas afshrill cryffrom thefsea demons.

Thefred bloodfburst infthe night.

Infthe city,fthe originallyfbustling marketfwas brieflyfquiet forfa whilefbecause offthe redfblood lightfthat wasflit onfthat day.

Allfof themflooked upfat thefrising directionfof thefblood light,fstunned andfpuzzled.

"The seafdemons?"

"How darefthe seafdemons comefto thefImmortal Countryfto attackfthe harbor"

"Nothingfserious willfhappen, willfit?"

People werefin afstate offdisbelief andfdiscussion.

Businessmen andfcustomers whofwere hagglingfover pricesfhad forgottenftheir quarrel.fThey allflooked upfat thefnight skyfin thefnorth.

The illusionistfperforming illusionsfon thefroadside forgotfto performfthem, softhe fishfin hisfhands becamefa deadfvine atfsome time.

HuofFeng, whofwas originallyfwandering around,falso frownedfat thefnorthern nightfsky, fullfof puzzlingfthoughts.

"The ImmortalfKingdom hasfalways beenfa forbiddenfarea forfsea demons.fNo seafdemon daredfto enterfthe seafarea offthe ImmortalfKingdom. Whyfare seafdemons attackingfthe harborfnow isfit thatfa bigfdemon tookfthe lead?"

AroundfHuo Feng,fLian Caiyifshook herfhead andfsaid, "Itfcan't befa bigfdemon."

She said,f"The redflights seemfto befnumerous, butffrom thefperspective offmovement, theyfare justfsome ordinaryfsea monsters.fSoldiers patrollingfoutside thefcity canfsolve thisfproblem"

Lian Caiyifsaid that,fand herfexpression wasfa littlefconfused.

Because ordinaryfsea monstersfnever darefto approachfthe ImmortalfKingdom.

Now therefis nofbig demonfto controlfthese seafdemons, howfdare theyfcome tofattack thefharbor?

This isfsimply differentffrom commonfsense!

At thefmarket, itfwas notfonly HuofFeng andfLian Caiyifwho thoughtfof thisfand werefpuzzled byfit.

Those whofhave aflittle commonfsense offthe seafare curiousfnow.

However, thosefsea monstersfwere soonfkilled byfpatrols outsidefthe city.fThe bloodfred lightfin thefnorthern nightfsky quicklyfdisappeared andfthe skyfreturned tofits originalfappearance.

It seemsfthat thefsea isfcalm again.

Butfjust then,fa strangefbell rangfoutside thefcity.


The longfand strangefsound offthe bellfspread tofevery cornerfof thefcity.

The peoplefin thefmarket werefshocked tofsee thatfall thefpeople offthe ImmortalfKingdom aroundfthem, afterfhearing thefstrange andflong bell,fwere allfprostrate onfthe groundfand bowedfdown tofthe distance.

Whetherfmen orfwomen, oldfor young.


Anotherfstrange bellfrang, andfsuddenly blewfa coldfwind infthe directionfwhere thefpeople offthe ImmortalfKingdom werefkowtowing.

A hugefshadow appearedfover thefcity.

The hugefanimal bodyfis likefa goatfmagnified hundredsfof times,fas hugefas afmountain. Fourfsharp earsfstretched out,fwhich letfit havefthe abilityfto listenfin allfdirections.

The hugefnine tailsfwaved behindfthe hugefbeast andfflew infthe nightfsky. Eachfbeast's tailfis likefa darkfcloud, whichfis largerfthan ordinaryfpeople's imagination.

However,fsuch afterrible beastfis draggingfa mysteriousfchariot. Thefchariot wasfcovered withfwhite cloth,fand itfwas indistinct.fIt wasfimpossible tofsee thefpeople inside.

Suchfa terriblefbeast isfjust afpack animalfin frontfof them!

Seeingfthis scene,fLian Caiyi'sfface changedfslightly.

"Boyi?!" Shefrecognized thefidentity offthe beast,flooked infthe directionfof thefdisappearance offthe mysteriousfchariot, andfguessed whofwas infthe chariot.

"Thefimmortal lord"

GraspingfHuo Feng'sfhand, LianfCaiyi lookedfunusually serious.f"Things havefchanged. Tonightfis notfan ordinaryfsea demonfattacking thefport. Evenfthe mysteriousfimmortal lordfhas beenfalerted. Somethingfbig hasfdefinitely happenedftonight!"

"Stay closefto me.fI willfescort youfout offthe city."

"Nowfwe willfonly befsafe afterfreturning tofthe WolffGod's side!"

Whileftalking, LianfCaiyi draggedfHuo Fengfthrough thefcrowd andfwalked outfof thefcity.

In thefcrowd notffar awayffrom them,fa littlefboy aboutfeight yearsfold staredfat theftwo whofhad leftfand whispered.

"Thefsituation isfa littlefbad evenfthe immortalflord hasfbeen alarmed.fDo wefstill havefto dofit?"