I Was Trapped On The Same Day For 100,000 Years - Chapter 518

Chapter 518

Zhang Qingxue lay down.

This was originally her own bed, but this time, she was extremely entangled in her heart.

After all, lying on the same bed with the man, she had never tried it in her life.

"No, I have to think of a solution tomorrow."

Zhang Qingxue turned her head to observe Lin Yue who had fallen asleep.

Although she is handsome, she is not a casual woman.

"My son and I live in the same room every day. After all, it's not the best way."

As Zhang Qingxue thought, she slowly closed her eyes.

After one night.

When I woke up again, Lin Yue met her eyes.

"That one."

Lin Yue's eyes were still blind, and he said blankly, "Is there something pressing on me, it's so uncomfortable."

Just listen.

Zhang Qingxue realized that she slept last night and didn't know what she had done.

Now the whole person is lying on Lin Yue's body, one leg is still pressed on Lin Yue's leg!

What a decent posture!

"My son, cough, sorry."

Zhang Qingxue immediately sat up, ran out of bed, and sat down on the chair without stopping.

"Princess, am I being held down by something?"

Lin Yue's relieved expression made Zhang Qingxue relieved.

I don't know what happened.

"No, it's the pillow, it's pressed against you."

Zhang Qingxue had an idea and thought of an excuse.

But how could Lin Yue let her go.

After pressing himself all night, this girl bear hugged him, not knowing if it was lacking fatherly love and motherly love, but he didn't let it go after he hugged Lin Yue.

"That's not right, princess, I don't feel like I've been crushed by a pillow."

He muttered, "That thing is softer than a pillow, but it is much heavier than a pillow."

Zhang Qingxue blushed, patted her face, and was speechless for a long time.

Fortunately, she took a peek at Lin Yue, and the other party couldn't see how embarrassed she was now, which was a great fortune in misfortune.

Zhang Qingxue thought, at this moment, the voice of a court lady came from outside the palace.

"Princess, the fourth princess has brought people here, she asked the princess to go out to see you."

"Got it."

Zhang Qingxue sighed for a long time and glanced with resentment in her eyes.

This woman is determined to kill herself. She came this early, for fear that she would have time to find a rescuer?

She glanced at Lin Yue.

"Yesterday, I praised Haikou, Zhang Sa Sa will definitely let me hand over the candidate of Tai Fu."

When Lin Yue was at the bedside, Zhang Qingxue's hand was suddenly taken.

"What happened to the princess?"

"You'll know when you come over."

Zhang Qingxue burst into flames, "Undress."


Lin Yue took a breath, could it be that her early reaction made her unable to bear it?

Although he and Zhang Qingxue had a happy past.

Therefore, Lin Yue was not too surprised by her behavior of hugging herself in the morning.

But where is it now?

Zhang Qingxue on the bright side is still a good princess.

"The identity and appearance of the son, once revealed, is destined to cause an uproar."

Zhang Qingxue was rummaging through boxes and cabinets earnestly.

The maid outside also looked at each other, wondering why there was a crackling sound inside.

But Zhang Qingxue did not give an order, and they did not dare to go in.

for a long time.

"This one should work."

Immediately, Zhang Qingxue took out a white gauze.

"The son wants to hide from the eyes and ears of the Haoyue Dynasty, so he can't hide in my bedroom all day long."

Zhang Qingxue looked serious.

Lin Yue suddenly had a bad feeling.


This is revenge for his occupation of the bed yesterday.

Or revenge him for taking Zhang Qingxue a lot of advantage in these two days?

"A man disguising himself as a woman is the best way. In this way, no one will doubt that the son is the most wanted criminal in the Nine Realms, Lin Yue."

"The solution is a good solution."

Lin Yue wanted to be polite and refused.

However, the next moment, Zhang Qingxue started to take off her clothes.

"I will do it myself."

"Don't worry, son, I only take off my coat, you put on my clothes first."

Subsequent effort.

Lin Yue changed into Zhang Qingxue's clothes.

The clothes are made of the above-mentioned good materials, even though Lin Yue's figure is much taller than Zhang Qingxue.

But the toughness of the clothes is enough to change into a fit state.


Zhang Qingxue got Lin Yue's hairstyle again.

He was originally long black hair.

At this moment, he made a bang, and his face was immediately beautiful.


Zhang Qingxue took out what she used to dress up and painted Lin Yue's face white.

The original sharp outline of him is now whiter and more exquisite.

"Ok... so beautiful!"

After Zhang Qingxue looked at Lin Yue after finishing it, her eyes were full of surprise.

"Unexpectedly, the son dressed up as a woman, he has such a beautiful appearance, he can be said to be the first beauty of my Haoyue Dynasty!"

Zhang Qingxue grabbed Lin Yue's hand, "In this way, it's absolutely impossible to be discovered, son, how about my approach?"

"it is good."

Lin Yue's face was black.

It looks like this, but I haven't dressed up for a long time.

That's it.

During a hundred thousand years, he also tried such a look.

At that time, he remembered that it caused a frenzy that was sought after by men.

Thinking of this, Lin Yue suddenly felt a greasy feeling in his heart.

"The expedient measure, the expedient measure."

Seeing his embarrassed appearance, Zhang Qingxue immediately comforted a few words.

"Sister, I brought Immortal Qingsong to you, come out quickly."

Outside the door, Zhang Sa Sa's urging voice has been heard.

Obviously Zhang Sa Sa was also extremely anxious, and did not intend to give Zhang Qingxue any retreat.

"Let's go out, your eyes are not good yet, I will hold you, don't be afraid."

Zhang Qingxue took Lin Yue's hand, and the latter followed.

Opened the door.

Zhang Sa Sa and the other court ladies were all taken aback.

"Why is there an extra woman?"

The maids secretly thought.

Last night they remembered that when they left, only the princess was left in the palace.

And this woman is so beautiful!

They were guarding outside early this morning, and they have never seen anyone enter the palace?

And the princess has always been alone, how could she share a room with other people?

The maids were confused, but Zhang Qingxue's eyes came over, and they immediately understood. They closed their mouths and bowed their heads.

"Sister is here."

Zhang Qingxue leaned back and smiled.

Lin Yue behind him naturally leaned forward.

I remember that he used women's clothing at the beginning, and I don't know how many times he went in and out of the female bathhouse.

Today this scene is nothing.

Zhang Qingxue's enthusiastic appearance made Zhang Sasa something wrong.

This girl was cold to herself yesterday, so why is she becoming enthusiastic today?

"This is the Taifu that Brother Dawang found for me, right?"

Zhang Qingxue kept in mind what Lin Yue said, and wanted to make him mad first.

She took the initiative to ask.

Zhang Sa Sa froze there.

A simple old man behind him looked like a human in his fifties, but his hair was blue and his face was wrinkled, but he was full of energy.

At this moment, the old man bowed to Zhang Qingxue, "The immortal Qingsong of the impoverished Ziyun dynasty, specially invited by the prince to be the master of the Seventh Princess for several years."