I Was Trapped On The Same Day For 100,000 Years - Chapter 517

Chapter 517

"Princess, are you okay?"

A court lady immediately asked outside the temple.

"It's okay, you can go down."

Zhang Qingxue let out a long sigh, "Tao Master Cangyuan is really shameless, Lin Yue, this princess has lost her attitude."

"It's okay, I can't see you either."

With an embarrassing smile, Lin Yue did not continue.

Instead, Zhang Qingxue patted him on the shoulder.

"Although I am not a member of the Fangyi Dao world, this princess believes in the justice of the world. You can rest assured that Dao Master Cangyuan killed you thousands of years ago, and now destroys your homeland in an attempt to seize your emperor treasure."

Zhang Qingxue pointed to herself, "When my mother was alive, she taught me to have a sense of justice as a human being. Although the strong in martial arts are respected, the righteous way of human heart is also a truth that must be practiced.

You can recuperate here, for the future. "

Zhang Qingxue also knew that her abilities could not protect Lin Yue for too long, "I will talk about things later."

"it is good."

Lin Yue worshipped fist again, "It's the matter of the prince, and I ask the princess to forgive me. Lin Yue had to tell a lie and framed the prince."

His frank appearance greatly increased Zhang Qingxue's favor.

"Even if you haven't framed him, this princess will hate him to death. Tomorrow I will still worry about where to find a master to compete with his people."

Zhang Qingxue explained the situation to Lin Yue.

"The prince is very ambitious, and the sage still has no plans to establish a prince, so he is naturally anxious."

Lin Yue smiled faintly. He used to understand the eldest prince in order to pass the boring time.

"Sitting and waiting for death is not his character, so he has to do something, such as controlling several of your competitors before establishing the crown prince."

Zhang Qingxue's face was a little surprised, "Lin Yue, you seem to know my brother Wang very well."

"I'm guessing too."

Lin Yue dealt with it casually, and then changed the subject, "If the princess tomorrow cannot find someone, or the person she finds is defeated, he will definitely take advantage of the topic.

With reason and emotion, and with the command of the queen in his hand, the princess will find it difficult for the princess to rebel against him to become your master. "

"This princess is not willing to let anyone control me."

Zhang Qingxue gritted her teeth, "It's a big deal, the fish die, the net is broken, I still don't believe that I don't want to, he can still kill me."

Lin Yue blinked, "In fact, it's not the first time the prince wants to control the princess, right?"

"you're so smart."

Zhang Qingxue had to admire Lin Yue's analytical ability, I've looked for several before, but those people are not skilled enough, and most of them are only a small level higher than me. After a little bit of sub-calculation, how can I be the opponent of this princess? ."

Speaking of this, she is guilty again, "But this time, Zhang Sa Sa is already the first to salute and then the soldier. This time, the man the King Brother found, but the Rule Realm Third Heaven, is definitely not comparable to the previous pussies."

"Not only is it difficult to deal with, but Zhang Sa Sa gave him a head start, and he also slapped me."

After that, Zhang Qingxue patted her own brain, "I blame me for being stupid, or else I won't be able to follow her way. I wanted to find out why she beat me, but now I think about it..."

"It's deliberately dividing your heart."

Lin Yue added the last sentence to her.

"It must be the two of them despicable and shameless!"

Upon seeing this.

Lin Yue smiled calmly, "This matter is simple, two ways."

Zhang Qingxue showed surprise in her eyes, and naturally took Lin Yue's hand, "Do you have a way?"

She sighed and said, "I really don't want to live under the control of the prince and queen."

Lin Yue doesn't sell Guanzi either.

"Either tomorrow, find a master who can beat the Rule of Three Heavens, and beat your Tai Fu away."

"Or, pretend to agree, accept it, and find a way to get it away."

Zhang Qingxue was a little helpless, thinking that Lin Yue would have some earth-shattering good way.

But neither of these two seemed to work to her, and she had thought about it.

"Is my solution bad?"

"It's true that I wanted you to be my master-in-chief before. In this capacity, Brother Da Wang didn't dare to move you casually."

Zhang Qingxue shook her head, "But now you are the main person caught by Cang Yuan Dao, so you can't show up rashly, plus the person I chose, now you have to deal with the rule of three heaven masters sent by the big king brother, you have injuries..."

She glanced at Lin Yue's stiff gaze all the way, "I blame me..."

"Actually, even if I am not injured, I can't beat the Rule of Three Heavens."

Lin Yue laughed at himself, spread his hands, got too close to Zhang Qingxue, and deliberately touched the other's body.

Zhang Qingxue shrank, but knowing that Lin Yue's mistake was caused by invisible eyes, she was naturally very tolerant.

"Yes, so the first method won't work, as for the second method."

Zhang Qingxue shook her head again, "I was able to directly knock out the people they sent, but this time, with my double heaven's skill, it is not his opponent at all."

Lin Yue smiled, he can't show up right now, otherwise he would just go straight through the process.

"To drive away a person, there is not only one solution by force. On the contrary, the solution by force is the lowest-end solution."

Zhang Qingxue's beautiful eyes flashed, "The son said, using tricks?"

"You can give it a try, and there is only one way now."

Lin Yue touched his chin, "Tomorrow the princess will recruit people first. Remember, you have to have a better attitude, not the same as before."

"Why, why?"

Zhang Qingxue was stunned, isn't it necessary to recruit all kinds of targets?

What about a better attitude?

However, the next moment, she had already seen Lin Yue climb up the chair, and said in a calm tone, "When people are most proud, and when they have the most flaws, kill the enemy first to attack the heart, and if you want to let it die, first make it crazy."

In just a few words, Zhang Qingxue's mind was shocked, and she gave her an enlightenment.

"You come down first."

Zhang Qingxue helped Lin Yue get off the table, and she talked while she was thinking. Why would she stand on a chair?

The two reached a consensus, and the night was already deep.

Zhang Qingxue couldn't ask the maid to come in and change her clothes, so she could only hide behind the screen by herself.

It's just that the screen is painted with transparent gauze, and Zhang Qingxue's hot outline can still be seen.

Fortunately, Lin Yue was not a lustful person either. He lightly sipped the tea that Zhang Qingxue poured him in his hand, with no frivolity in his eyes, but went to see Zhang Qingxue changing his clothes with a bit of appreciation.

"You go to bed tonight, I sleep on the table..."

Zhang Qingxue stepped out of the screen. She wanted to finish her sentence, but she glanced at the table on the ground that was broken by her...

Even the place to sleep on my stomach is gone.

"It's okay, Lin Yue is used to wandering."

Lin Yue bowed his fist to the air.

Zhang Qingxue thought he meant to go to sleep on the ground.

However, seeing Lin Yue lying on the bed, he continued: "I have been wandering for many years, and everything is simple. I have no mundane affairs between men and women in my heart. The princess is at ease, I will go to bed first.

It is impossible for him to make the bed, impossible for 100,000 years.

After speaking, Lin Yue's steady breathing sounded, and Zhang Qingxue was the only one who wore a thin sleeping gauze and froze there.

She glanced at the broken tables on the floor. She was always simple, with one pool, one bed and one table in the palace, and nothing else, it's not easy to go to sleep in the bath, right?

Thinking of this, Zhang Qingxue had to get close to her bed...