I Was Trapped On The Same Day For 100,000 Years - Chapter 313

Chapter 313

Lin Yue bowed his head, while listening, reading the piles of memorials by the way.

His eyes were flat, but Nan Ru, who was secretly looking up, felt the imperial spirit of imperial power.


Nan Ru Hongyi nodded nervously, "There are also those guards, because they offended the Sect Master at the beginning, a few have been killed, and the rest have regretted in Yang Zuoji's punishment palace."

"Also... Everyone is very grateful that the suzerain did not have a slaughter, and the tax was reduced."

Lin Yue nodded, without the slightest emotional fluctuations in his expression, "Then what about you, are you still used to it?"

Nan Ru's red dress tightened his heart, and at the moment Lin Yue looked at it, there was a sudden illusion.


Nan Ru red blurted out.

At the next moment, he immediately knelt down, "Sect Master forgive me, and the subordinates mistakenly recognized you as my father."

After listening, Lin Yue put down the memorial in his hand, "This is also the reason I let you come to see me."

Lin Yue respected the deceased, and still told Nan Ru Hongyi about the process of integrating Bodhi's ancestor's combat body with himself.

"So, I thought I had hallucinations."

Nan Ru Hongyi felt that he had gotten closer to Lin Yue. Even though Lin Yue had absorbed the body of the Bodhi ancestor, after Lin Yue told the truth, Nan Ru Hongyi felt Lin Yue's sincerity.

The battle body is forcibly possessed, this is no longer what Lin Yue and Nan Ru Hongyi can control.

She knew that this matter was, to some extent, the Bodhi Patriarch's own choice.

"Well, nothing goes on."

Lin Yue let Nan Ru red go back.

On the other hand, facing the memorial like a mountain, he couldn't help stretching his waist, "Send Qiu Lingshan here."

In his interest, Lin Yue summoned Qiu Lingshan, the little beauty.

After Qiu Lingshan arrived, without Lin Yue saying anything, she already came up on her own and knelt in front of Lin Yue.

Looking at the well-behaved beauty, Lin Yue smiled faintly, and concentrated on reading the accumulated memorials.

Three hours later, Qiu Lingshan left with a flushed face.

Yaoge etc. also happened to be outside the hall.

"Lingshan, what's wrong with you?"

"No, cough!"

Because of this opening, I swallowed what was in my mouth unconsciously, "It's okay."

Qiu Lingshan bowed her head and left, shyly unable to do so.

"This girl, did the Sect Master do something bad?"

Yaoge thought about it, stepped into the hall, leaning forward to greet Lin Yue.

"Meet the lord."

Yaoge respectfully said: "The egg in the Tianchi has changed."

Lin Yue, who had just finished happy, was still bored, and immediately disappeared when he heard these words.

Yaoge only felt that a gust of wind passed by her, blowing her beautiful hair.

In the next moment, Lin Yue was no longer in the Sect Master's Hall.

This scene caused Ruoge to swallow, and it was also in the upper realm, but she was shocked in her heart at this moment.

"Unexpectedly, I can't even see the master's body skills."

She suddenly felt that the gap between herself and Lin Yue was getting bigger and bigger.

"Don't blame yourself."

Behind him, Dong Huang Feiyu's voice was heard at this moment, "Sect Master's strength is naturally the strongest.

His avenue is not simply distinguishable by Tai Shang Jing. "

Yaoge turned around and saw Dong Huang Feiyu still following Qin Ji.

The beautiful eyes of the two were also shocked because of Lin Yue's fastness, but they could only suppress the shock.

"Only by trying hard to chase, can we not be thrown too far away by the Sect Master."

Qin Ji was comforting Yaoge, but she was actually comforting herself.

At this moment, on the low-key Zong Tianchi, Lin Yue's figure appeared, looking down below.

Sure enough, I saw the nine-colored egg shaking.

This nine-colored egg was even bigger than when Lin Yue saw it for the first time.

The size at this time almost made it impossible for the mist of Tianchi to cover it.

The little monkey and the demon emperor python paced worriedly in front of the nine-colored egg.

Lin Yue smiled faintly. When they arrived, the little monkey and the demon emperor python immediately stepped forward to pay him respect, as if they had seen a savior.

"no need to worry."

Lin Yue left a sentence, his figure appeared outside the nine-colored egg, pressed a palm on the egg body, closed his eyes, and looked inside.

Amidst his spiritual thoughts, Lin Yue saw a group of illusory scenes, like the inside of the nine-colored egg itself, blocking most of his spiritual thoughts.

After a long time, Lin Yue withdrew his spiritual thoughts, "It turned out to be hungry."

Everything in the nine-colored egg is normal, except that the previously saturated power of Yaozhu has now disappeared.

When Lin Yue passed out, he ordered him to bring 200 billion baht.

Before the change, I am afraid that the assets of the entire low-key sect were no more than 200 billion.

But now, since the battle of Xuanmen, the low-key sect has become the biggest winner.

The current 200 billion is nothing to Lin Yue.

Three days later, Lin Yue refined all the Yaobaht and broke them all into the nine-colored egg.

The original shock has long since disappeared.

The entire nine-colored egg seemed to fall asleep.

"Sect Master, the contents have already consumed 300 billion baht before they were born, and this appetite is too big."

Qin Ji and others also arrived. After seeing the 200 billion baht being refined by Lin Yue, plus the first 100 billion, the cost of training these nine-colored eggs has exceeded their cognition.

"The more powerful the monster, the greater the demand before it is born."

Lin Yue didn't care about the baht. Of course, if it were given to others, even if it was a thousand baht, he would feel distressed.

But now it's different, he is investing.

I always feel that something extraordinary will appear in the nine-colored egg.

After leaving Tianchi, Lin Yue returned to the Sect Master Hall.

Dong Huang Feiyu and others came to see you again.

"Sect Master, Tang Xin's different blood battle body is about to break through."

Lin Yue smiled, his body shape disappeared again.

Dong Huang Feiyu was used to this.

Outside the Gongfa Hall, after Lin Yue appeared, he was immediately recognized by his disciples.

"See Sovereign."

Lin Yue went straight in, scared that these disciples didn't dare to move, and didn't dare to get up at all.

This is the gathering place for all the techniques of the low-key sect, and it is also the elder hall of Dong Huang Feiyu.

At this moment, Lin Yue's Supreme Realm spirit spread, and he immediately locked a position.

When he appeared, he was in a relatively secret hall.

It was obviously arranged by Dong Huang Feiyu deliberately, so that Tang Xin had an extremely safe place to deliberately cultivate the battle body.


A shock came from the hall, and Lin Yue narrowed his eyes slightly and stepped into the hall.

She saw Tang Xin meditating cross-legged, and a ray of blood burst into the sky in her body.

But on the outer layer of the light of blood, Lin Yue also saw dozens of chains, which locked Tang Xin like shackles.

The chain is constantly twisting, seeming to suppress this blood energy.

"Giving up the past cultivation base, your previous things are useless."

Lin Yue's voice came.

Tang Xin, who was still closing his eyes and entangled, suddenly realized that as soon as he gritted his teeth, countless Dao Qi burst out from his body, and she was scattered outside her body.

At this moment, the chains that trapped her qi and blood were shattered at the same time!

A terrible impact burst out, surging directly towards Lin Yue.

"Alright, let me see what you really look like."