I Was Trapped On The Same Day For 100,000 Years - Chapter 312

Chapter 312

A snow-white bright wrist took her hand, and it was Qin Ji who saw Nan Ru Hongyi's thoughts.

"Bodhi Sect has been battered under the scourge of Mrs. Bodhi. You should believe in the master, he can bring a better future here."

Qin Ji's gentle voice came.

Among the elders of the low-key sect, Nan Ru Hongyi is the only one who has the best affection for Qin Ji, because the latter always takes special care of her.

Nan Ru Hongyi didn't know, it was Lin Yue who told Qin Ji to do so.

"I believe in Sovereign, Elder Qin, thank you."

Nan Ru Hongyi nodded and smiled, her face improved a bit.

The land was close to Bodhi Sect, and the Nirvana Universe Cudgel stopped.

Nan Ru red walked out consciously and talked to the hundreds of thousands of Bodhi Sect mortals below.

This is also what she thinks consciously should do.

The identity of Nan Ru Hongyi is much gentler to Bodhi Sect than Qin Ji and others.

"Everyone understands."

When Nan Ru returned in red, his eyes were filled with joy.

"It seems that the mortals of the Bodhi Sect are practising truth in martial arts."

Liu Wuhen joked.

If Madam Bodhi and Zhang Lingyi had reasoned at first, they might not end up now.

Nan Ru smiled in red, "In fact, mortals just want to live and work in peace and contentment. Who will rule here, as long as he doesn't harm mortals, everyone doesn't care."

She emphasized again, "What's more, I have told them all the benefits of the lord, naturally everyone is willing."

After listening, Qin Ji and Zuo Shi and others all smiled with satisfaction.

But soon, they saw a lot of people gathered inside the main hall of Bodhi Sect.

"That's the location of the Treasure Pavilion."

Nan Ru Hongyi immediately recognized there.

In the next moment, they even saw Tang Xin and Mu Qingqing in front of the Treasure Pavilion, and in front of their two daughters, hundreds of people were rushing into the air wall in front of the two daughters.

"That breath."

"It can't be wrong, the sect master's gas wall."

Qin Wunian and Yang Kai spoke one after another.

Before he could speak, his figure had teleported to the outside of the treasure chest.

"Enemy, enemy!"

"The upper realm, the two upper realms, only the law protector can deal with."

People outside the Treasure Pavilion noticed the arrival of Yang Kai and they both stopped their movements in fright.

"Yang Zuo, Qin You."

Tang Xin smiled and called out immediately.

"Well, these two are from Lin Yue?"

"The guardians are not there, we can't deal with those who are too high."

Yang Kai and Qin Wunian looked at each other. The former asked Tang Xin, "Is the Sect Master already one step ahead of us?"

The two women nodded at the same time.

Qin Wunian smiled and looked down at the people below.

"Well, you can hit it. If you can't break the air wall of our suzerain, don't blame me for being polite."

Qin Wunian's eyes flashed with killing intent.

Behind him, Qin Ji and others saw that there were two people here, but they did not blend in, and successively occupied the various cities of Bodhi Sect!

"This, what if it breaks?"

When the group heard Qin Wunian's words, they swallowed, their expressions nervous.

Qin Wunian didn't speak, but Yang Kai first said, "If you break through our suzerain's gas wall, don't blame me for being polite."

He raised his right hand, and a terrifying Qi sword rose from the ground, which would be cut off at any time.

"This, this person seems to be more terrifying than the Supreme Realm."

"You guys, if you don't make sense, if you hit or break it, we will all die."

Many people knelt down in shock when they saw Yang Kai's qi sword.

"Mrs. Bodhi is dead, do you dare to disturb our suzerain?"

Qin Wunian stepped out, and his super aura exploded, and all the group of people spewed a mouthful of blood.

But at this time, an aura suddenly rose into the sky in the Treasure Treasure Pavilion.

The breath was like a sickle, slashing directly in the sky.

"what is that?"

"It's not like the Sect Master's technique. Could it be that there are traps in it, which is bad."

Qin Wunian and Yang Kai disappeared at the same time, and they were already above the sickle when they appeared.

The broken building below is like ruins, nothing can be seen.

As the dust flew away, Lin Yue felt Yang Kai's breath, smiled faintly, and suddenly became interested, raising his right hand and slashing towards Yang Kai's location.

Yasha's sickle once again appeared in front of Yang Kai and Qin Wunian like cutting through the sky.

The speed is faster than Jian Qi and Dao Feng!


Yang Kai pulled Qin Wunian away with one hand, and the sword energy in his right hand rose up from the sky, slashing directly toward the sickle!

At the moment when this sword collided, Yang Kai felt his blood surge, his feet kept backing in the air, and two waves of air were drawn!

He immediately used his left hand, and the two swords merged to make the sickle stop the offensive!

Immediately, the sickle dissipated in the air.



But Yang Kai and Qin Wunian were a little shocked!

"Fortunately, the harvest is fast."

Lin Yue retracted his hand casually, his expression relaxed and relaxed, obviously he didn't use his full strength just now.

But if he doesn't stop, I'm afraid this knife will directly hit Yang Kai's body!

He stepped out, and when Yang Kai and Yang Kai were alert, he saw Lin Yue emerge from the ruins without any haste.


"Um, is Yang Zuo okay?"

Lin Yue smiled shyly, and just started to play with his heart. He wanted to try the power of Yasha's sickle, and accidentally took Yang Kai as a test stone.

And in the entire low-key sect, he is the only one who may be qualified to be Lin Yue's test stone.

"Sect Master, did you just use the sickle?"

Yang Kai asked curiously, he had never seen such a weird technique.

Especially the aura of Yasha above, such as the **** of death desperately desperate, so that he could only use his hands to use all his strength at the moment of the match.

Later, Yang Kai estimated that his right hand would be chopped off.

"its mine."

Lin Yue knew that he couldn't hide it from the other party.

"Sect Master... that thing is so powerful, it seems to be above the sword aura and the sword seal."

Yang Kai couldn't bear to start discussing Kendo.

"That thing doesn't belong to this world."

After Lin Yue finished speaking, he suddenly realized that he had missed his words, "I'll talk about this later, and help me order a few things."

Seeing that Lin Yue stopped talking, Yang Kai had no choice but to give up.

The two of them stepped forward, and after hearing Lin Yue say a few words, they retired and left.

Qin Ji and others quickly prepared the Sect Master Hall for Lin Yue.

At this time, Nan Ru Hongyi came here at the call of Lin Yue.

Only her and Lin Yue were in the hall.

Nan Ru Hongyi first bowed respectfully to Lin Yue to show respect for the supreme existence of Bodhi Sect, low-key Sect, or even the entire inner realm.

"What happened to the Bodhi Sect?"

Lin Yue asked.

Nan Ru's red dress was taken aback, Lin Yue should have asked Qin Ji a question like this.

But why, is it asking her now?

After thinking for a while, Nan Ru Hongyi immediately understood.

This is also Lin Yue's respect for her.

After all, this is her home.

"Bodhi sect up and down, has accepted the news of Madame Bodhi's death, and successively re-registered as a low-key sect according to the arrangements of Elder Qin Ji."

"go on."