I Was Trapped On The Same Day For 100,000 Years - Chapter 1901

Chapter 1901

Chapter 1901 Desperate!

"Hold on a little longer, and soon Brother Sa will prepare his secret technique!"

Wu Hai looked at the young man sitting with his eyes closed, and shouted loudly.

This young man is a quasi-imperial elder of the Wind Clan, and he has a secret technique that can move people thousands of miles in an instant.

It just takes a little preparation time.

The reason why Wu Hai and the others have been maintaining the barrier is that they are waiting for him.

As long as the secret technique is completed, they instantly move thousands of miles away.

No matter how strong this monster is, it cannot threaten them.

As for where to teleport, everyone has not cared about it. Now they are all dying at the hands of monsters. As long as they can leave here, the situation will not be worse than now.

But Wu Hai's voice just fell, and a dazzling light suddenly overflowed from the barrier!


Wu Hai secretly thought that it was not good.

Although everyone has been transporting Yaoqi to maintain the barrier, it is not permanent after all, and it also has a certain durability, and it will automatically break after being attacked too much.

After seeing the pitch-black tentacles breaking the barrier, they fiercely photographed them, and everyone hurriedly dodged.

But after they escaped by chance, their faces changed.

They avoided it, but the quasi emperor of the wind clan did not release his spiritual sense to pay attention to the situation in the vicinity in order to display the secret method as soon as possible, relying on everyone to rely on the barrier to protect the law.

When the barrier shattered, everyone just ran for their lives.

And he died directly under the attack of the pitch-black tentacle monster!

When the tentacles were raised, everyone saw only a blur of flesh and blood, and not even a human figure could be seen.

And the fall of the Zhun Emperor of the Wind Clan also means that their hope of escaping has been ruined...

At the same time, Lin Yue and the others also saw this scene.

With no other choice, they approached Wu Hai and others one after another.

They didn't reveal their figures before because Wu Hai and the others were in a barrier. Once they appeared at that time, they would likely attract monsters to attack.

Wu Hai is a monster that five of them can't do anything about.

Of the three of them, one of them is only half-step Immortal Venerable, isn't he courting death?

When Wu Hai saw them appear, his face still did not improve.

After all, the strength of this monster is tyrannical. Although it does not exude any aura, it is already close to the strength of the quasi emperor in the bone forging period. Even if Lin Yue and the others are included, everyone is still not its opponent.

"You don't move."

Lin Yue's figure flickered and came to the side of one of the quasi emperors.

"what are you going to do?"

The quasi emperor looked at Lin Yue vigilantly and asked suspiciously.

Lin Yue ignored him, but secretly used the Divine King Ling to display the power of time and space reversal.


The breath of the law of time and space flashed, and the wound on the quasi emperor healed instantly.

Not only that, even his breath has returned to its previous state, and his strength once returned to its peak state!


The quasi emperor looked surprised, it was so stupid that he didn't understand what happened now.

Lin Yue actually used the law of time and space to call back his state back to its heyday!

"Thank you..." He said to Lin Yue with a complicated expression.

Others also looked at Lin Yue with disbelief, although they already knew that Lin Yue had a very rare time-space law when Gu Siyuan was testing Lin Yue.

But after all, Lin Yue is only a half-step Immortal Venerable, and his realm is there.

They thought that the simple recovery of some minor injuries on the quasi-emperor level powerhouse at that time was already the limit of Lin Yue's use of the law of time and space.

But he didn't expect that Lin Yue could directly call back the status of a quasi-emperor to his heyday!

Lin Yue smiled lightly, and went directly to the next emperor without saying a word.

Without waiting for that person to speak, the time and space reversal will be performed again!


one, two...

Soon, the injuries of the four Wu Hai have recovered, and their breath has reached its peak.

As for the puddle of blood and flesh on the ground, Lin Yue expressed his incompetence.

The first is because that quasi-emperor has mostly lost its vitality, even though a strong person who has reached the quasi-emperor level can regenerate his limbs, it is difficult to be wiped out.

But it also depends on who his opponent is.

Obviously, the pitch-black tentacle monster did not leave a chance for the Emperor of the Wind Clan.

What's more, the strange substances in the gray mist are everywhere, maybe they have invaded the pool of flesh and blood at this moment.

For strangers, Lin Yue naturally wouldn't joke about his safety.

Of course, Wu Hai and the others were not dissatisfied. In their eyes, the Zhundi of the Fengzhi Clan had already been slapped into flesh by monsters, and he couldn't die any longer...

"Okay, now that everyone has recovered, it's time to think about how to deal with it."

Xianlin Zhundi stepped forward and said to Wu Hai and others.

"Let's talk about how you encountered it first, what ability does it have?"

At this time, the pitch-black tentacled monster stayed not far away for the time being, and there was no change, so everyone began to discuss.

Hearing Xian Lin Zhundi's words, Wu Hai said with an embarrassed expression.

"We don't know what it's capable of...because he just popped out of the air and we ran all the way back."

Xianlin Zhundi frowned and was a little speechless about what Wu Hai said.

Obviously you want to say that you have been chased by this monster for so long, and you don't even know what attack methods the other party has?


Lin Yue on the side suddenly spoke up.

Wu Hai hurriedly nodded. Although he had secretly targeted Lin Yue before, he had no personal grudges.

But because Lin Yue's realm was low, he had to follow them out of the city. He felt that Lin Yue was a burden and would drag everyone down.

But when he saw the means of Lin Yue's time and space reversal, his attitude also changed in an instant!


Wu Hai recalled the previous situation.

"At that time, we were flying upwards and suddenly noticed some strange noises, so we decided to stay away, but it caught up with it before we passed it."

"We used a lot of means to trap it, but it didn't last long, so it followed us all the way back here."

Just when Wu Hai was about to talk about the secret technique that the Zhun Emperor of the Wind Clan was going to use, a sound suddenly interrupted him not far away.


A strange voice sounded, attracting everyone's attention.

Then, in their terrified eyes.

The puddle of meat on the ground actually started to squirm.

"Could it be... Brother Sa, he didn't die?"

Wu Hai said incredulously.

The injury just now, if it were him, he would definitely not survive!

But that beach is wriggling flesh and blood is a fact.

Lin Yue shook his head and said coldly.

"It's those weird substances that are doing the trick."

From the angle he was standing, he could clearly see strands of strange substances gushing out from the body of the pitch-black tentacle monster, drifting toward the pool of flesh and blood.