I Was Trapped On The Same Day For 100,000 Years - Chapter 1900

Chapter 1900

Chapter 1900 Decision

The next moment, everyone's expressions changed.

The various means they displayed actually began to dissipate.

Even on the huge flag formation, black traces gradually penetrated, as if eroded.


So Zhundi, who took out the sacrificial flag, turned pale and spat out a mouthful of blood.

The flag of sacrificing the sky is his natal treasure, and it is also a quasi-emperor artifact, and its power is extremely tyrannical!

Who would have thought that not only could he not be able to stop the monster, but he would be attacked!

Even quasi-emperor artifacts can't resist the invasion of that strange substance...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling chills all over his body.

Unable to take back the sacrificial flag, he hurriedly fled downwards.

The sacrificial flag has already shown signs of being invaded, even the quasi-emperor artifacts are not as precious as his life!

The rest of the people followed, and the scene just now made them panic.


Wu Hai's expression was gloomy and uncertain, but he didn't expect that with the strength of everyone, he could not stop a monster.

But where can they escape?

After returning to the ground, the speed of everyone will be greatly reduced.

How to get rid of that terrifying tentacle monster then?

Thinking of the three people who stayed on the ground before, Wu Hai shook his head.

According to his guess, even if there are three more people, they are still not the opponents of the monster.

Unless they can find Gu Siyuan.

But that war beast and dragon cannot be solved in a short time.

In other words, they can only rely on themselves now!

Before they left for too long, a loud cracking sound suddenly came from above.

Everyone looked low, they knew that the magic circles and means that trapped the monsters had been destroyed, and the monsters were already on their way to chase them.

Time was running out, and everyone had no time to discuss anything, and continued to fall rapidly downward.

at the same time.

on the barren ground.

Lin Yue stood with Emperor Xian Lin Zhun and the black-robed man, guessing the current situation of Wu Hai and others.

"It's been so long, they won't really escape the gray fog, will they?"

The black-robed man frowned and said slowly.

Xianlin Zhundi shook his head, "It shouldn't be, the marks they left before have not been activated. If the edge of the gray fog is really found, we will definitely be notified."

"Oh, that's impossible to say!"

The black-robed man sneered.

Hearing the meaning of his words, Emperor Xianlin frowned slightly but didn't say anything more.

After all, a period of time has passed, but Wu Hai and the others have not sent back even a little bit of news, which is inevitably disturbing.

Lin Yue, on the other hand, stood aside, listening to the conversation between the two without expressing any opinion.

First of all, he didn't think that Wu Hai and others could leave the fog so easily. Second, Xianlin Zhundi and the black-robed man were both strong Zhundi emperors, so it was not suitable for him to speak at his current state.

What's more, the old man and the old woman are not here, and the rest of the Emperor Zhun may also regard him as a burden.

Suddenly, the black-robed man's expression changed.

"There is a situation, the mark has been activated!"

He quickly looked at the slightly hot jade in his hand.

"Could it be that Wu Hai and the others really escaped from the gray fog?"

Xian Lin Zhundi's beautiful eyes were startled, but he quickly saw the situation of the jade.

"No! They are in danger..."

Today's jade is slightly reddish, as if it is burning.

They had made an appointment before that once they found the exit of the mist, the jade would turn green, and red would mean they were in danger and needed help from the other party.

"what to do?"

The black-robed man glanced at Lin Yue, and then asked Emperor Xian Lin Zhun.

Although the two were in the same position as the quasi emperor at the enlightenment stage, from the time when Xian Lin Zhun emperor sacrificed the quasi emperor utensils before, his strength was not as good as Xian Lin Zhun emperor, so he took the initiative to ask Xian Lin Zhun emperor's attitude.

As for what Lin Yue thought, he didn't care at all.


Xian Lin Zhundi pondered for a moment and looked at Lin Yue.

"Human God Lord, what do you think we should do?"

This scene made the black-robed man's expression change for a while, and Emperor Xianlin Zhun actually asked a half-step Immortal Venerable what he thought.

"They must be on their way back. Let's go to the neighborhood first and wait and see."

Lin Yue said lightly.

They didn't stay here because they didn't know anything about the dangers Wu Hai and others faced, and the risk of standing there foolishly and waiting was too high.

If you hide nearby, you can wait until Wu Hai and the others appear, and choose whether to shoot or not according to the situation.

If it wasn't a problem that they could solve together, rashly taking action would just be a death sentence.

"Okay, let's do that."

Hearing Lin Yue's idea, Emperor Xianlin readily agreed.

The black-robed man on the side didn't say a word, apparently agreeing with Lin Yue's idea.

The three moved hundreds of feet to one side and waited patiently.

After a while, Lin Yue stared slightly.

He seemed to hear some noises in the distance.

And Xianlin Zhundi and the black-robed man also noticed this abnormality, and they looked at each other to see the meaning of the inquiry in each other's eyes.

"Now go and see...?"

Emperor Xianlin Zhun asked Lin Yue and the others.

"it is good."

So the three approached in the direction from which the voice came.

The rustling sound became louder and louder, and the expressions of Lin Yue and the others also changed.

So far, they've only heard the sounds that are clearly monsters.

I haven't heard the voices of Wu Hai and others, and I haven't even heard the voice of magic.

Could it be that they have all been wiped out?

A look of panic flashed in the black-robed man's eyes, and he was frightened by this guess.

However, when he saw that Lin Yue and Xian Lin Zhundi were still slowly advancing, he gritted his teeth and followed.

Not even a half-step Immortal Venerable, what is he still afraid of?

When the three of them approached the place where the sound came from, they could see the scene clearly.

A pitch-black monster with countless tentacles was wriggling on the ground, while Wu Hai and the others were standing in a barrier.

The tentacles kept flinging towards the barrier, and every blow dimmed the barrier's brightness.

boom boom-

The continuous attacks made Wu Hai and others miserable.

They had planned to set up a barrier and then rest for a while before fighting the monster.

Unexpectedly, the monster chased them all the way without any consumption, and launched an offensive as soon as they landed.

"This is how to do?"

The quasi emperor who had sacrificed the sacrificial banner before asked with a pale face.

Losing the supreme treasure of the flag of sacrificing the sky has had a very negative impact on him.

Although he adjusted his breath for a while after landing, it did not ease much at all.

Wu Hai continued to continue the luminous energy into the barrier, and there were also beads of sweat on his forehead.

Although several people output Yaoqi together to maintain the barrier, the pressure that can be spread out is still very high.

The monsters outside the barrier seemed to never be exhausted, and the attack never stopped for a moment.