I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 64: Fruit Knife

Chapter 64: Fruit Knife

Chapter 64: Fruit Knife

Translator: _Min_

Gu Ming ended his call with a grin. Overjoyed, he exclaimed, Hahaha, its all set, Gu Dai has finally fallen into my hands!

Hearing Gu Mings words, Liu Min and Gu Zhi immediately flocked around him, What happened, did Sun Hai or Sun Yang call?

In his eagerness, Gu Ming grasped the money he had already prepared and replied impatiently, Exactly, Im going to get the video with this money. Then we can use it to threaten Gu Dai. The Gu family fortune is within our reach! Amazing! We can return to a luxurious life, afford stylish clothes and bags, and enjoy lavish meals! Liu Min and Gu Zhi chuckled together, allowing themselves to daydream about their future life of abundance, especially after enduring a period of poverty that had almost driven them to madness.

Caught up in his excitement, Gu Ming promptly drove to the agreed-upon location. Upon seeing Sun Hai and Sun Yang, he questioned without delay, Where is the camera?

Sun Hai produced the camera, then asked Gu Ming, Did you bring the money? Gu Ming affirmed, Of course, I brought it!

Sun Hai nodded, Alright, since you brought it, lets make the trade.

Sun Hai pa.s.sed the camera to Gu Ming, and simultaneously seized Gu Mings box of money. After verifying it was indeed real money, he nodded in satisfaction.

Upon receiving the camera, Gu Ming was keen to examine it, muttering, Niece, niece, if you hadnt cut off my overseas funding, how could I resort to this? This is all your fault!

What Gu Ming didnt expect, however, was to find a chubby, white pig on the camera!

The joyous smile on Gu Mings face froze, he was in disbelief as his eyes widened. As he regained his senses, he glared at Sun Hai and Sun Yang, and roared in anger, You dare to fool me!

To Gu Mings enraged outcry, Sun Hai was completely indifferent as he retorted, So what if we fooled you? What are you going to do, beat us up?

Before Gu Ming could respond to Sun Hais words, he was bagged by Sun Yang, who had been standing nearby.

While they were unable to deal with Gu Dai, Gu Ming was an easy catch, considering he had become lazy and slothful over the past few years.

Gu Ming hadnt initially mentioned how difficult Gu Dai would be when he first posted the task. Since he got them beat up, he shouldnt blame them for retaliating with a bit of rough handling!

Thrown into the bag and kicked several times, Gu Ming could only feel his ears ringing, his vision blurring, and each breath was painful.

After a few minutes of being beaten, he began to plead, I didnt mean to start a fight, please let me go. You can keep the money as a gift from me, please spare me!

As Gu Ming finished shouting, he felt the blows cease.

He breathed a sigh of relief, thinking Sun Hai and Sun Yang were ready to let him go. His eyes were venomous, filled with resentment. He resolved to send someone to deal with them the moment he returned home!

Gu Ming was somewhat correct, Sun Hai and Sun Yang did let him go, but not because of his pleading. It was because Gu Dai had arrived.

Upon seeing Gu Dai, Sun Hai immediately handed over the money, whispering, Its all here.

Gu Dai glanced at the money, took it, and nodded to indicate they could leave.

Without a moments hesitation, Sun Hai and Sun Yang fleeted away.

Gu Dais gaze turned menacing. She looked at the fruit knife in her right hand, bent down to study the acupuncture points on Gu Mings body in the bag.

Unaware of the impending danger, Gu Ming shouted from inside, Since youve agreed, 111 come out now Ah! My arm!

Before Gu Ming could finish speaking, he felt a stabbing pain.

The corners of Gu Dais lips curled up slightly and a mad grin appeared on her face.

In the next second, she swiftly, accurately, and ruthlessly pulled the knife from Gu Mings arm. Blood immediately gushed out, quickly soaking and reddening the bag.

Unsatisfied, Gu Dai picked up the fruit knife again and plunged it into Gu Ming several more times.

Gu Ming cried out, Help, help me!

His voice was already hoa.r.s.e, growing quieter and quieter.

Yet, n.o.body came, for this was the secluded area he had specifically designated!

Eventually, Gu Ming lost consciousness and collapsed..