I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 63: Middle-aged Man

Chapter 63: Middle-aged Man

Chapter 63: Middle-aged Man

Translator: _Min_

Upon witnessing the scene unfold, Gu Dai felt a pang of helplessness. I have already extended an olive branch. If they choose to ignore it, its their own folly.

Gu Dais agility mirrored that of a swift bird, weaving effortlessly between the two men, leaving them spinning, their faces and bodies stained with blood.

Not once did Sun Hai or Sun Yang land a successful hit on her. Instead, their uncoordinated movements led them to crash into one another, collapsing in a heap.

Growing tired of this charade, Gu Dai took out her silver needles and pierced their skin.

With eyes wide in shock, Sun Yang exclaimed, Boss, I cant feel anything! Am I paralyzed?

Sun Hai retorted in frustration, Do you honestly believe I can move?

Even though paralyzed, the pain coursing through their veins was palpable. Their faces contorted in sheer agony.

Indifferent, Gu Dai probed, Once more, whos your employer?

Yet, despite their predicament, the duo refused to divulge. We abide by the street code. Never will we betray our employer.

She responded curtly, Very well. Prepare yourselves.

Whats your plan? Sun Yangs voice was thick with terror.

A cold, enigmatic smile danced on Gu Dais lips as she played with a silver needle. If words dont work, perhaps actions might encourage you.

The night was dense and silent except for the gleaming moonlight that highlighted the menacing sharpness of the needle.

When Sun Hai and Sun Hang met Gu Dais eyes, their abdominal clenched in fear, as they shouted in fear, Well say it, well say it, well say everything!

Their resolve breaking, Sun Hai began, A certain Mr. Gu approached us. He provided a camera, directed us to a secluded location, and then then

His voice wavered, words lost in fear, stammering and becoming quiet.

An icy edge to her tone, Gu Dai pressed with her gaze fierce and deadly, Continue.

Gulping down his hesitation, Sun Hai confessed, He commanded us to r*pe you.

Enraged, Gu Dai hurled a needle with such force it splintered a nearby tree.

The realization of the power she wielded left the two men aghast. In their immobilized state, fear was their sole emotion. If it wasnt for the fact they could not move, they would have collapsed more.

A particular figure flashed across Gu Dais mind, in her icy tone, Middle-aged man, surnamed Gu.

The very morning she informed Gu Ming about the financial constraints, he retaliated by evening.

His efficiency was commendable, if not alarming.

Ordering the two men, she said, Get Gu Ming on the phone. Tell him to come here.

Sun Yang was hesitant, as he said, its getting late, he wont

Sun Hai interrupted Sun Yang and a.s.sured Gu Dai in a sycophantic tone, Alright, miss, you can count on us!

Gu Dai removed the silver needles lodged in their bodies.

Once Sun Hai and Sun Yang felt they could move again, an idea instantly flickered in their minds.

However, before it fully formed, the next second Gu Dais cold words shattered their fleeting thought.

You cant defeat me, so dont even think of trying anything clever, Gu Dai stated.

Leaning against Sun Hai, Sun Yang frowned in confusion and asked, Boss, if we call out our employer, wont our reputation on the streets be ruined? Who would give us work in the future?

Idiot! Sun Hai cursed, Reputation or your life, which is more important?

Sun Hai finished his sentence and promptly dialed Gu Mings number.

h.e.l.lo, Ive already filmed the video, Sun Hai said, Bring the money to me now, and we can make a fair trade. What? I didnt send you the location? 111 send it to you shortly. And remember, come alone, or Ill immediately destroy the video!

After hanging up, Sun Hai quickly sent the location to Gu Ming. He then turned to Gu Dai, looking for approval, Miss Gu, the task is done.

Gu Dai nodded and sighed, Wouldnt it have been better if you had known this earlier? We wouldnt have wasted time. By the way, Ill need you to step in when Gu Ming arrives.

After Gu Dai explained her plan to them, Sun Hai and Sun Yang nodded repeatedly. After all, even without her saying it, they would have wanted to proceed in the same way..