I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 61: Of Course I Would

Chapter 61: Of Course I Would

Chapter 61: Of Course I Would

Translator: _Min_

Cui Song, emotionally overwhelmed, exclaimed with fervor, This painting incorporates an array of superior techniques. Even many painting masters have overlooked these details, yet this young girl has identified them instantly!

This time, it was Song Yu who stood there, flabbergasted. Then she stuttered out, Did Gu Dai correctly interpret the painting just now?

w.a.n.g Lan grew anxious, shaking her head furiously and adamantly denying, Impossible, absolutely impossible. How could Gu Dai be correct?

Facing the relentless skepticism, an agitated Cui Song stroked his beard gently. His voice revealed hints of frustration as he argued, Whats so impossible? This masterpiece was the final one my master created before he pa.s.sed away. Its level of achievement is something Im yet to match!

As Cui Song finished, an uproar broke out among the audience and their gaze converged on Gu Dai.

Who is she to spot the uniqueness of a painting in a single glance?

The Song family just made fun of her ignorance, only to get slapped in the face. 1 must say, its quite satisfying to watch.

This lady doesnt seem to come from a lowly background. The aura she exudes, 1 feel 1 cant compete!

At that moment, Gu Dai also regained her composure. Glancing at w.a.n.g Lan and Song Yu, she declared icily, I, Gu Dai, never play the fool!

Song Lings face turned ashen. He hadnt antic.i.p.ated enduring several bouts of humiliation in a single afternoon.

He looked at Gu Dai, questioning her with fury, When did you learn painting, and how did 1 not know?

Jiang Yue wasnt faring any better. She could acutely sense the surrounding spectators mocking gazes.

She also promptly followed Song Lings outburst with, Daidai, why didnt you mention you were knowledgeable in painting?

Daidai? It was then Gu Dai took note of Jiang Yues chosen moniker for her. She scrutinized Jiang Yue disdainfully, 1 didnt antic.i.p.ate you to pretend you are close with me. I just told you to stop calling me sister and now you address me as Daidai.

Jiang Yue felt an intense wave of embarra.s.sment from Gu Dais words.

Gu Dai proceeded to answer, 1 didnt express my familiarity in this domain as 1 a.s.sumed that after 1 explained the paintings features, you all should comprehend. As for when 1 garnered my painting knowledge, I dont know either, after all, 1 merely examined a few paintings earlier.

Song Ling, his gaze fixed on the ground, was deep in thought. True, there were several paintings in the villa initially, and Gu Dai indeed took a look at them. But could she grasp so much just from fleeting glances?

Gu Dai caught on to Song Lings expression, swiftly organized her thought process, and gently said, I believe this could be a form of talent.

This caused Cui Song to burst into hearty laughter.

Upon hearing the laugh, Gu Dai turned to him and spoke nervously, Greetings, Master Cui Song, 1 am Gu Dai, and 1 hold profound admiration for your masters painting. Would he be open to selling it?

In reality, not only Gu Dais father but Gu Dai herself had been enamored with Cui Songs paintings when she saw them. Thus, Cui Song had risen to hero-status in her eyes. Meeting him in person now, she was inevitably anxious.

Cui Song responded swiftly, Young lady, theres no need for nerves. You certainly possess a knack for painting. However, this painting isnt up for sale as it was the last one my master created before his demise. He wanted it exhibited forever in the gallery.

Gu Dai was startled. She hadnt expected the old man to have pa.s.sed.

Cui Song couldnt suppress a twinge of empathy when he saw her reaction. After all, since her arrival at the exhibit, hed kept an eye on her and had a vague understanding of her predicament she hadnt acquired either of the paintings she liked.

One wasnt for sale, and the other had been sold by the owner prior to the auction.

And he was powerless to alter the fate of the painting that the owner had auctioned off already.

Cui Song mulled over it briefly, then said to Gu Dai, 1 recently completed a piece. 1 dont know if youd appreciate it, but if you do, Ill gift it to you.

Gu Dai looked up at Cui Song in astonishment, declaring excitedly, I would, 1 would, of course, I would!