I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 60: Meet Him in Person

Chapter 60: Meet Him in Person

Chapter 60: Meet Him in Person

Translator: _Min_

Jiang Yue wilted under Gu Dais fierce gaze, her confident demeanor faltering. She awkwardly diverted her gaze to the painting hanging behind Gu Dai and opted to s.h.i.+ft the topic.

Wearing a facade of an understanding elder sister, she ventured, Daidai, youve taken a liking to painting recently? Having grown up surrounded by wealth, I had the privilege of being exposed to numerous renowned paintings. I have a bit of knowledge about them. If you need any help understanding them, feel free to ask me.

Gu Dai found Jiang Yues smugness amusing. Despite her urge to laugh, she restrained herself and queried, Do you also consider this painting Im admiring to be subpar?

Caught off guard by the question, Jiang Yue stuttered momentarily before she regained her composure. She nodded confidently, confirming, Absolutely!

Unable to contain herself any longer, Gu Dai burst into a hearty laugh.

Aggravated by Gu Dais response, Song Yu couldnt resist chiding her, Gu Dai, what sort of att.i.tude is this? Sister Jiang is generously imparting wisdom and this is how you respond? Your refusal to seek self-improvement guarantees your lifes stagnation!

Gu Dai glanced at Song Yu dismissively before she retorted coolly, 1 would be all ears if there was something worth learning. However, its apparent that Jiang Yues knowledge is insufficient to merit my attention.

Jiang Yues eyes hardened at Gu Dais response.

Infuriated, Song Yu snapped, Sister Jiang humbly stated that she only knows a little, yet you, an ignorant person, are audacious enough to criticize her. Its a laughable spectacle!

Gu Dai responded with a simple question, How are you certain of my ignorance?

w.a.n.g Lan joined and discussion and scoffed, How can you, who admires a painting that doesnt even bear the artists name, claim to understand art?

Unfazed, Gu Dai retorted, This painting defies traditional art conventions, specifically in its depiction of shadows and outlines. It lacks noticeable shadows and prominent or flattened outline lines. Moreover, the application of color is meticulous.

She continued, The technique employed in this painting is remarkable. I believe the artist chose anonymity to keep their ident.i.ty a secret. Despite Jiang Yues claim of this painting being mediocre, 1 firmly believe she lacks even the basic understanding of art.

As Song Ling made his way into the exhibition hall, after his exhausting business discussions with Zhou Ci, he noticed Gu Dai commending the painting.

Gu Dais demeanor momentarily stunned Song Ling, causing a strange sensation to ripple through his heart.

Both w.a.n.g Lan and Song Yu were taken aback by Gu Dais confidence. However, their reluctance to accept her expertise quickly revived their senses.

w.a.n.g Lan belittled Gu Dai, saying, Anyone can spout fancy terminology. If youre ignorant, admit it instead of pretending.

Recovering from her shock, Jiang Yue chimed in, Indeed, Daidai, theres no need to put up an act. Were aware of your humble upbringing. Your ignorance wont alter our opinion of you.

An elderly man who had been observing from the crowd stepped forward and bluntly retorted, It appears to me that youre looking down on this young lady.

Song Yu frowned at the elderly man and rudely fired back, Old man, is it your place to interject?

Recognizing the elderly man, Song Ling quickly interjected, Song Yu, show some respect!

He s.h.i.+elded Song Yu and respectfully addressed the elderly man, Master Cui Song, I apologize for my sisters insolence. Please forgive her.

Master Cui Song, however, ignored Song Ling and s.h.i.+fted his attention to Gu Dai.

The sight of Master Cui Song rendered Gu Dai speechless.

Gu Dai had viewed several of his works in the past and knew what he looked like from her fathers admiration of him. However, she had only ever seen him in photos.

Master Cui Song, a lover of travel and nature, was an elusive character whose whereabouts were rarely known. Gu Dais father had always lamented never having met him.

The chance to meet him in person was beyond Gu Dais wildest expectations!