I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 180: Apologize For her

Chapter 180: Apologize For her

Chapter 180: Apologize For her

Translator: _Min_

Su Tings words made Song Lings brows furrow slightly, he coldly retorted, How can you be so sure you didnt see it wrong? Maybe it was just a coincidence.

Su Ting a.s.serted with conviction, I couldnt have seen it wrong.

Who can guarantee that Song Ling began to argue.

Intervening, Gu Dai firmly believed Su Ting wouldnt make such a claim lightly. She turned her cold gaze towards Song Ling and said, The facts can be easily confirmed by asking the people involved.

As soon as Gu Dai finished speaking, Zhou Ci immediately stepped forward, Ill bring the waiter over and arrange for someone to find Song Yu.

The waiter was nearby and arrived within minutes, his face flushed with nervousness. Bowing apologetically, he stammered, Im sorry, it was my fault for not holding onto the cart tightly, causing this incident.

Gu Dai noticed that the mans trousers were stained with blood around the calf area, indicating a rather severe injury. She shook her head gently and softly a.s.sured him, Its alright.

She then asked, Did anyone b.u.mp into you just now?

The waiter, relieved by Gu Dais forgiveness and kindness, thought back to the event. I apologize, 1 was too fl.u.s.tered to notice who b.u.mped into me. However, it seemed to be a lady wearing a light purple dress.

Song Lings expression tightened. His sister, Song Yu, had wore a light purple dress today. He had seen her b.u.mp into the waiter but had hoped to explain the situation. Now that Su Ting had pointed it out, he suddenly became reluctant to admit it.

Keeping his eyes lowered, Song Ling responded coolly, There are so many people at the party. Shes not the only one wearing a light purple dress. Besides, Song Yu hasnt returned yet.

Zhou Ci couldnt take it anymore. He interrupted, Wasnt Song Yu the only one who ran in that direction? If it wasnt her, then who else could it be?

Remaining unfazed, Song Ling met Gu Dais gaze and said, Proof is required to make such claims.

Su Ting moved to stand in front of Gu Dai, blocking Song Lings view. The hotel has security cameras. Well soon find out whether it was Song Yu or not. Song Lings expression s.h.i.+fted slightly.

Following Su Tings instructions, the waiter made a call. Shortly thereafter, a man arrived, carrying a laptop.

The man arrived, visibly out of breath. After wiping the sweat from his face, he quickly played the security footage on his laptop.

The surveillance video was crystal clear, vividly capturing the moment when Song Yu collided with the waiter as she ran off.

Gu Dai turned to Song Ling and said, The evidence is now in front of us. Is it time for an apology?

Su Ting didnt speak, but upon hearing Gu Dais words, he nodded in agreement.

Song Ling, observing the intimacy between Gu Dai and Su Ting, felt a surge of resentment. Deep down, he thought that Gu Dai being hit by the cart would have been a fitting retribution for her flirtatious behavior.

His eyes as dark as ink, Song Ling turned to Zhou Ci and coldly asked, Have you found Song Yu yet?

Zhou Ci, irritated by Song Lings tone, responded in kind, No.

Receiving this answer only added to Song Lings irritation.

After staring at Gu Dai for a moment, he stiffly said, Song Yu didnt do it on purpose. Since you insist on an apology, then Ill apologize on her behalf. Sorry.

The apology clearly cost him; it was the first time in his life he had ever had to apologize to someone.

Gu Dai frowned, watching as he made to leave. She called out, Wait, dont go yet.

Instinctively, Song Ling halted and turned to look at her.

Gu Dai posed her question, Are you saying that this incident has nothing to do with Song Yu?

Of course, Song Ling responded curtly.

Gu Dai almost laughed out of incredulity, but she quickly composed herself, her expression becoming stone-like. She asked Song Ling, If 1 were to accidentally kill you, would the court find me innocent?

Stunned, Song Ling opened his mouth to say something but ended up saying nothing at all. He quickly turned and walked away.

The waiter once again expressed his apologies profusely. When Gu Dai a.s.sured him it was fine, he prepared to return to work.

However, Gu Dai stopped him. Seeing his anxious expression, she spoke softly, Wait. Ill speak to your manager. You should go to the hospital and get your leg checked out..