I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 179: Possessive

Chapter 179: Possessive

Chapter 179: Possessive

Translator: _Min_

Reflecting on the harrowing scene that had just unfolded, Su Ting finally exhaled, but he couldnt help but express his concern: Sis, what you did was incredibly risky. What if something had gone wrong, like it did years ago? Youve only just come back

As he spoke, Su Tings eyes reddened, barely holding back tears.

Seeing Su Tings emotional state, Gu Dai quickly rea.s.sured him, Dont worry, I wont do anything like that again. And if 1 do, it will only be after ensuring my own safety.

Upon hearing Gu Dais promise, the tears that had been circling Su Tings eyes retreated. However, his heart continued to pound uncontrollably.

He couldnt bear to think what might have happened had he not arrived in time.

Noticing Su Tings lingering apprehension, Gu Dai took it upon herself to offer further comfort.

Song Ling watched Gu Dai intently, his expression growing colder with each pa.s.sing moment.

Noticing Song Lings demeanor, Zhou Ci leaned in and whispered, Jealous?

With a disdainful snort, Song Ling retorted, Why would I be jealous?

Zhou Ci grinned and said, Well, if youre not jealous, thats good news for me. It means 1 can pursue Gu Dai without any reservations. Even if you were, my resolve wouldnt change just because of your thoughts.

Song Lings hands involuntarily clenched at his sides. He glared at Zhou Ci, gritting his teeth as he said, 1 dont see whats so special about Gu Dai.

Unfazed by Song Lings evident hostility, Zhou Ci didnt immediately answer his question. Instead, he tilted his head and remarked, You didnt try to stop the cart earlier. You must have thought Gu Dai would dodge it, so you rushed out to try and sweep her aside. But you didnt expect her to actually push the cart, did you?

Song Ling was stunned, caught off guard by Zhou Cis insight.

Observing Song Lings stunned expression, Zhou Ci coolly added, See? You really dont understand Gu Dai at all.

A pang of discomfort settled in Song Lings heart. He couldnt quite grasp why he had instinctively wanted to save Gu Dai earlier. Trying to deflect Zhou Cis a.s.sertion, he retorted, Thats just your speculation!

Undeterred, Zhou Ci simply smiled and said, Alright, alright, its all my speculation.

Annoyed by Zhou Cis demeanor, Song Ling snapped back, You may like Gu Dai, but you cant compare to Su Ting, the model. After all, hes willing to cry and put on a vulnerable act, calling her sis like some manipulative charmer.

Zhou Ci glanced over at Su Ting and Gu Dai, then grinned as he replied, Now, I think 1 can answer your earlier question. You asked me what I saw in Gu Dai. The answer is, 1 see something special in every part of her. You may find her ordinary, but to me, shes extraordinary.

Zhou Ci elaborated, What 1 mean is, my affection for her is quite accommodating. Even if she loves someone else, 1 will respect her choices. If she doesnt end up loving me, thats alright too, as long as shes happy.

Scoffing, Song Ling found Zhou Cis reasons absurd. To him, love was about possession; willingness to let go merely indicated a lack of true affection.


As he pondered the word, Song Ling froze, recalling his own possessive behavior towards Gu Dai. A nagging thought crept in: could it be that Ive falling for her?

Shaking off the notion, Song Ling vehemently denied it in his mind.

No, its impossible. How could he be attracted to a woman like Gu Dai?

His possessive tendencies were simply a temporary adjustment period, a reaction to seeing his former spouse in the arms of another. With time, he believed that such scenes would no longer stir any emotional upheaval within him.

Having sorted out his thoughts, Song Ling put his internal debate to rest. Noticing that Gu Dai and Su Ting were still engrossed in each other, he finally broke the silence, Is all this fuss really necessary when shes not even hurt?

Upon hearing Song Lings comment, Su Ting turned his gaze toward him.

The warmth hed shown Gu Dai was gone, replaced by icy detachment. I saw it with my own eyes; it was your sister, Song Yu, who knocked over the waiter, causing the cart to roll away.. Shouldnt you be bringing her here to apologize?