I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 119: Hand was never injured

Chapter 119: Hand was never injured

Chapter 119: Hand was never injured

Translator: _Min_

Upon hearing the mention of the family patriarch, Gu Dai immediately sat upright, her eyes fixed intently on the screen.

Meng Zhi looked puzzled. The Song family sent just a butler for this occasion. What could he possibly have to say now? Is he here to offer his blessings for Song Ling and Jiang Yues marriage?

Gu Dai shook her head firmly. No, she said.

Scratching his head in confusion, Meng Zhi asked, Daidai, how can you be so sure?

Softly, Gu Dai replied, Because Grandpa Song has been very kind to me these past three years.

Memories of Song An floated through Gu Dais mind. She wondered how he had been doing since her divorce from Song Ling.

Meng Zhi looked somewhat surprised upon hearing Gu Dais response. He had initially thought poorly of everyone in the Song family but now realized that the patriarch was different. Perhaps age had bestowed upon him the wisdom to discern right from wrong.

As soon as the crowd at the wedding venue heard Song Zhis announcement, they grew excited. Their eyes gleamed as they focused on him, waiting for him to reveal the matter at hand.

However, a sense of foreboding crept into Jiang Yues heart.

w.a.n.g Lan also sensed that something was off. She quickly gestured to her subordinates, ordering, Turn off the live stream now! And get these guests to leave immediately!

The person in charge didnt dare question her and quickly went to carry out her orders.

Although the guests were unsure what was happening, they didnt want to risk offending the Song family and quickly left. As they reached the doorway, they covertly sent videos they had secretly recorded to their friends and family, igniting spirited discussions.

Though the live stream had been paused, it proved no obstacle for Gu Dai. With a minutes work on her computer, the paused footage resumed.

Meng Zhi couldnt help but exclaim, Daidai, youre incredible! A couple of clicks and everythings back to normal!

Gu Dai smiled modestly, Its basic stuff, really. Ive only restored our ability to view it.

Meng Zhi could only think how modest she was being. In his opinion, Gu Dai could have restored the global live stream if shed wanted to.

With that in mind, a question arose in Meng Zhis heart. If we can watch it from here, wont Song Ling find out?

Shaking her head, Gu Dai candidly replied, No, he wont. My skills far exceed those on Song Lings end; he wont be able to detect me.

Meng Zhi chuckled, If Song Ling had hired you as a programmer, the Song Corporation would have been even stronger. But now that chance is gone.

Gu Dai didnt speak, but she nodded inwardly in agreement. After all, Song Ling had extended numerous invitations to her, all of which she had declined.

Song Zhi took a file from his folder and handed it to Song Ling, saying, This is Jiang Yues medical report from the hospital. All the indicators here clearly show that Miss Jiang Yues hand was not injured in the car accident. The claim about her hand injury is nothing more than a fabrication designed to win your sympathy.

As Song Zhis words settled in the air, before Song Ling could even react, w.a.n.g Lan was already stunned. She looked at Jiang Yue incredulously. You were never injured? If thats the case, why did I have to prepare bone broth for you every day? Why did 1 take you to the most expensive ma.s.sage parlor in the capital?

Song Yu also grew anxious. She s.n.a.t.c.hed the report from Song Lings hands and, upon seeing the clear black-and-white text stating no injuries, glared at Jiang Yue. If youre not injured, why did you always pretend to have hand pain and struggle with lifting things? To think that I willingly helped you carry things because 1 felt sorry for you1 feel like a fool!

Jiang Yues face drained of color. She had given the doctor a considerable sum of money to fabricate a fake medical report. How could the family patriarch have found out that she was faking?

Waving her hands, Jiang Yue defended herself, No, 1 did not lie. This report must be false!

Unruffled by Jiang Yues denial, Song Zhi calmly responded, The patriarch suspected you might argue this way. So, if you feel youve been wrongfully accused, youre welcome to go to the hospital and have the doctors verify it.

w.a.n.g Lans eyes lit up upon hearing this. Exactly. A quick check-up will reveal the truth.

Jiang Yue, of course, couldnt go for a check-up; the truth would be immediately exposed. Struggling to keep her composure, she retorted, I wont go.. Grandpa must have bribed the doctors at the hospital!