I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 118: Wait

Chapter 118: Wait

Chapter 118: Wait

Translator: _Min_

As if adding fuel to the fire, w.a.n.g Lan exploded with indignation. Didnt you hear? Its a setup! Someone is targeting Jiang Yue, targeting the Song family. Why else would this video surface today of all days?

Song Yu chimed in, Exactly, my brother is such an exceptional man. Maybe someone who couldnt marry him is trying to sabotage the wedding.

As she spoke, her gaze drifted subtly toward Zhang Yue.

Incensed, Zhang Yue shot up from her seat, her voice rising to a shrill pitch. Song Yu, who are you insinuating with your veiled remarks? My infatuation with your brother is ancient history, at least three or four years old. Since learning of his marriage, Ive moved on. Unlike Miss Jiang here, who seamlessly slid into marriage with Song Ling right after his divorce. Who knows, maybe she started her affair while the previous marriage was still intact?

Caught off guard, Song Yu stammered before recovering, Zhang Yue, dont jump to conclusions just because you saw some fake video. Did I even name you? Why are you taking it personally?

Zhang Yue let out a cold chuckle, her gaze falling on the large screen that, despite having been hammered several times, still displayed Jiang Yues expression. I had a brief interest in video editing techniques a while back. Creating a fake video that seamlessly blends facial expressions and voice is nearly impossible, if not entirely so.

Her words unsettled even w.a.n.g Lan.

Could the person in the video actually be Jiang Yue?

No, no, it couldnt be. Jiang Yue was usually so innocent; she could never do something like that.

w.a.n.g Lan steeled her gaze, dismissing Zhang Yue disdainfully. Your inability to conceive of it only shows your lack of vision. Someone obviously managed to do it, didnt they?

Having said that, she directed her attention to the people trying to smash the large screen. Havent you people eaten? Cant you put some muscle into it? Hurry up!

Zhao Xuan, sweating profusely, promptly called over another ten people. After a strenuous five minutes of hammering, the screen finally shattered.

Satisfied at last, w.a.n.g Lan nodded and turned to Song Ling. Lets continue with the wedding.

This time, Song Ling didnt respond affirmatively. Instead, he said, Mom, how about we pause the wedding for now?

What? w.a.n.g Lan exclaimed, regaining her composure quickly. Are you influenced by what you saw in the video? Havent we clarified that it was all fake? Dont worry about it and marry Yueyue.

Song Yu nodded fervently, echoing her mothers sentiments. Exactly, big brother. Whoever is trying to frame Jiang Yue is clearly against your marriage. If you cancel the wedding now, youll fall right into their trap.

Song Ling was no fool. The flawless facial blending in the video was beyond even his capabilities. There could only be one person in the world who could pull it off, which was XY, and she had no reason to create such a video. This could only mean the video was genuine.

Jiang Yue, catching Song Lings gaze, felt a surge of panic. She mustered her most pitiable expression and said, Song Ling, dont you believe me? Have you forgotten how I saved you back then?

Closing his eyes briefly, Song Ling rubbed his temples and muttered, I havent forgotten.

He truly hadnt. What perplexed him was his inability to reconcile the Jiang Yue before him with the small figure who had saved him from a raging fire all those years ago.

Upon hearing his response, w.a.n.g Lan urged, Then proceed with the wedding ceremony. Once the host announces the end, you can go get your marriage certificate and become true husband and wife.

Song Ling hesitated, his inner turmoil peaking.

Nevertheless, he relented. Alright.

Just then, Song Zhi, who had been closely monitoring the situation, stood up abruptly. Wait a moment, I have something to say!

The unease in Song Lings heart deepened. He quickly intervened, Uncle Song, if theres something you want to discuss, can it wait until after the wedding?

Unfazed, Song Zhi flatly refused, No, Grandfather instructed me to inform you during the wedding, lest you spend your entire life living in deception..