I Refused To Be A Substitute, And Shot To Fame On A Variety Show With My Mother-In-Law - Chapter 99

Chapter 99

Chapter 99 The wife is the sweetheart

At first, Pei Jingzhou didn't even frown.

It was He Wan standing beside him, grinning and his expression twitching.

Especially when the doctor treated the wound just now, it seemed that the 20cm-long wound was scratched not on Pei Jingzhou's arm, but on his arm, hissing, it hurt even just looking at it.

"Fourth brother."


"..." He Wan closed his mouth.

Pei Jingzhou was annoyed and asked He Huang to leave.

He Wang twittered and posted photos in the group: [Come and appreciate the battle damage of the fourth brother, describe it in four words, I will come first, it is terrible. ]

Qin Zhuoning: [There is no way to recover. ]

Wen Ye: [Affects the appearance of the city@]

He Wang was still laughing for the last second: "Hahaha, he has no way to turn back the sky, affecting the appearance of the city...affecting... what the **** does it mean to me?!"

Wen Ye: [Take time out of the connotation. ]

Pei Jingzhou raised his eyes, looked at He Wang: "You can get away smoothly."

He Wan smiled wildly: "Don't tell me, fourth brother, I thoughtfully posted the matter of your injury to the group just now, and everyone is very concerned about your injury."

Pei Jingzhou thought He was making too much noise, he was already injured, and his complexion was really not good.

It wasn't until Li Xiwu called suddenly that Pei Jingzhou looked much better.

While acting like a normal person, chatting and laughing with his wife, while also saying that he was auditing the company's reports, He Wan couldn't help but want to take off his hat and bow to him: You are really good!

But it seems that Li Xiwu probably believed it.

Otherwise, the fourth brother wouldn't hang up the phone with a smile on his face.

Sister-in-law said sweet words?

Seeing that the phone call was over, He Wang moved over and teased: "Fourth brother, sister-in-law must have poured honey on you just now, right?"

Pei Jingzhou's lips curled up, and it was obvious that he was in a much better mood.

He Wang started to fan the flames, tsk tsk said: "Although the wound is not deep, but the fourth brother must have the elements for half a month."

Pei Jingzhou looked up at He Wang.

He Wang smiled maliciously: "Can you support it with one hand?"

Pei Jingzhou withdrew his gaze: "You can't."

He Wang:?

Pei Jingzhou pulled his lips: "I can do without hands."

He Wang: "..."

The doctor's bag has **** the wound.

Nagging and talking about some precautions, Pei Jingzhou listened absent-mindedly, He Wang pulled the chair beside him and sat down: "Fourth brother is full of his wife now, write it down, I will hand it over to my sister-in-law to read to him, The fourth brother who my sister-in-law reads can listen to it."

The doctor responded with a smile: "It's a good idea."

Pei Jingzhou looked at He Wang: "Are you free?"

He Wang looked serious: "When I learned that my fourth brother was injured, I came to take care of him as soon as possible, but my fourth brother actually said that I was free? Sure enough, brothers are not even siblings, and women are the sweethearts."

Pei Jingzhou reminded He Wang: "Recently, be strict with your mouth."

He laughed wildly: "I'm keeping my mouth shut. I'm sure my sister-in-law can hide it? Unless you've been vegetarian for half a month, my sister-in-law will definitely not be able to find the injury on your arm."

Pei Jingzhou: "..."

It's true that which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted.

Pei Jingzhou put down his rolled up cuffs, covered the gauze on his arms, and changed the topic: "Is everything arranged at the hospital?"

Back to the topic, He Juan's unrestrained expression immediately subsided, and he became a little more serious: "I put two Yu Ji in, and assisted him in calling the police. In short, I will arrange it according to what you say, fourth brother."

Pei Jingzhou narrowed his eyes: "Three o'clock in the afternoon."

He made a salute gesture: "Sure."

After finishing speaking, He Wang put down his hand: "Sister-in-law should be very worried, right? You don't plan to tell her, if sister-in-law also takes some action, won't it be a collision?"

Pei Jingzhou pursed his lips and smiled: "My wife and I have a good understanding."

He Huang wiped the dog food that was sprinkled on his face: "All right, all right, you have a wife, and I'll find one another day."

Pei Jingzhou: "Blessings."

He Wang: "..." This blessing is not distracting at all.

Come out of Pei Jingzhou's office.

When He Wang received a call from Wen Ye, he laughed foolishly: "So fast?"

Wen Ye: "The little girl is very defensive and doesn't cooperate."

He Wang frowned.

Wen Ye asked, "Why don't you come here yourself?"

He Juan snorted lightly, and pressed his tongue against his cheek: "Wait for me for twenty minutes."

Hearing this, he was not very angry: "It's only a ten-minute drive to the No. 4 Middle School, and you need twenty minutes? Why, do you want to change your clothes, make a hairstyle, and then make a grand appearance?"

He Wang: "You don't care about me."

Wen Ye: "..."

He Wang is very punctual. He said twenty minutes was really twenty minutes, no more, no less, just right, and he was on time.

A low-key Volvo arrived outside the gate of No.4 Middle School.

After He Wang arrived, he sent a message to Wen Ye.

Within half a minute, the school gate opened.

He Wang drove the car in.

Wen also came out to pick up people.

Seeing that the car door opened, a young man came down, Wen Ye was stunned at first, but didn't recognize that this young man turned out to be that flamboyant He Wan.

"Looking at your eyes, I can tell that today's thoughts were not in vain." He Huang strode over.

Wen Ye's eyes were like a ruler, he measured the greatly changed He Wang up and down, and clicked his tongue: "Anyway, he's a man of his age, dressed like this, you can see for yourself, can you?"

He Wan raised his hand: "Aren't you watching with your eyes open?"

Wen was also speechless.

"Let's talk about it again," He Wan smiled meaningfully, passing by Wen Ye: "A man is a teenager until he dies, you know nothing."

Wen Ye raised his forehead: "..."

The psychological counseling room set up by No. 4 Middle School.

Chi Xia'an sat there quietly.

She put one hand on the table, and turned the pen with the other.

She turns the pen very quickly, but she can only turn it simply, not tricks. Pei Youan knows how to turn pens in a fancy way. She learned from Pei Youan, but she is not very good at it, mainly because her fingers are not so flexible.

Turning and turning, she wanted to try again.

The pen falls off the fingertip and falls to the ground.

She was about to bend down to pick it up.

A slender and beautiful hand stretched out in front of her, picking up the pen she had just dropped.

She thought it was the counselor who came back.

He raised his head, and bumped into a pair of peach blossom eyes with a sparkling smile.

What a handsome face! !

Looking at each other briefly for a few seconds, Chi Xia slowly sat up straight.

She stared blankly at the handsome stranger in front of her, and asked, "Who are you?"

He Wan deliberately changed into a loose white shirt and paired it with light blue jeans. He also let down his hairstyle that he usually likes to stick up to the back, and it hangs loosely on his forehead, looking full of youthfulness.

It's not surprising that when I saw He Wan just now, I said that He Wan was too flamboyantly dressed.

The main reason is that He Wang in this attire is really tender enough to squeeze out water.

Just put it on the campus casually, which little girl doesn't bump into it like a deer? !

Proper girl killer!

(end of this chapter)