I Refused To Be A Substitute, And Shot To Fame On A Variety Show With My Mother-In-Law - Chapter 100

Chapter 100

Chapter 100 Routine! The first step to exposure!

He Wan's twinkling peach blossom eyes are bent, making the whole picture very soft: "My surname is He, and I am a colleague of Dr. Wen who gave you psychological counseling just now."

"Are you a psychiatrist too?"

"Yes." He Wang smiled.

When Chi Xia heard that the other party was a psychiatrist, the little affection he had for the other party's good looks quickly disappeared.

She took the pen back from He Wang's hand, with a cold face: "I have a stable mentality, no pressure to study, no limitations in self-awareness, and a harmonious and beautiful family relationship. I don't need to do a psychological evaluation. Now I have to go back to class."

The psychological evaluation arranged by the school cannot be completed in one day. After all, each student's psychological evaluation time is different, and some psychological conditions are difficult, and the psychological counselor will spend more time.

And the teacher will not inform everyone in advance.

Only bring one student to the school counseling room at a time.

When Chi Xia came with the teacher, he didn't even know that it was a psychological evaluation arranged by the school. But when the teacher was around, she was very obedient and cooperative.

As soon as the teacher left, she was not so cooperative, and she was very firm and said that she would not do psychological evaluation.

At this moment, Chi Xia stood up and was about to leave.

He Wang didn't stop her from leaving, but suddenly mentioned a sentence: "That pen..."

Chi Xia paused, then turned to look at He Wang.

When He Wan laughed, his beautiful peach eyes gradually turned into charming eyes: "What brand is that pen? It seems to be getting better, and I want to buy one too."

Chi Xia looked at that pretty face, hesitated for a moment: "Can you turn the pen?"

He smiled wildly: "Yes, and I can turn the pen in a fancy way, do you want to appreciate it?"

Chi Xia had an expression of disbelief on his face.

He Wang took the initiative to step forward, took the pen from Chi Xia's hand, and said politely: "Borrow it."

Then in front of Chi Xia, he adjusted a gesture casually, and the pen seemed to have a soul suddenly, turning back and forth between He Wan's five fingers.

At the beginning, it was just a simple transfer method, that is, Chi Xiahui's pen transfer method.

But turning and turning, it became a fancy pen. Each of his fingers was very flexible, and the pen was flipping and jumping at his fingertips.

Whenever Chi Xia thought the pen would fall, the pen was always firmly in his hand.

Chi Xia was almost dumbfounded.

The last time she was so stunned was Pei Youan.

It's just that Pei Youan didn't come to school recently. The teacher said that he was sick and asked for leave to go home and rest.

He Wan deliberately played cool in front of Chi Xia, Chi Xia subconsciously wanted to dodge, but He Wan grabbed the nib of the pen with his hand still hanging in the air.

The corners of He Wan's lips twitched into a smile: "Scared?"

Chi Xia's heart beat fast: "Yes, a little."

The smile on the corners of He Zhu's lips faded, and he said sincerely, "I'm sorry."

Chi Xia shook her head: "It's okay."

Paused, then pointed to the pen in He Wan's hand: "I'll give you this pen."

He smiled wildly, his peachy eyes became more attractive: "Then I will not be polite, thank you, if you want to learn fancy pen turning, I can teach you."

Wen Ye standing quietly outside the door: Sin!

"Are you really willing to teach me?" Chi Xia was dubious.

He Wang: "If you give me a pen, I will teach you in return."

Chi Xia became interested: "Then teach me."

He Wang hooked his lips: "Okay."

He Huang taught seriously, and Chi Xia also studied seriously, and the two gradually established a preliminary relationship of trust.

When she had almost finished her studies, Chi Xia was obviously in a good mood, so she casually picked up topics and asked, "Is that Dr. Wen just now a colleague of yours?"


He Huang pulled a chair over gentlemanly: "Please sit down."

Chi Xia sat down, and at the age of sixteen or seventeen, she spoke without restraint: "But that Doctor Wen looks much older than you."

He Wang kept the smile on his lips, sat down opposite Chi Xia, and replied calmly: "He may be more anxious."

Wen Ye outside the door: "..."

You are so anxious to grow up!

Your whole family is growing anxious!

Dead show bag!

Chi Xia expressed his understanding, and then asked: "Does every student have to do a psychological evaluation?"

He Huang raised his eyebrows: "Now the Ministry of Education is very concerned about the mental health of every student, and carrying out mental health screening is not only responsible for every student, but also for teachers and parents."

These words are very official.

Chi Xia didn't like to hear these things.

At this time, He Wang suddenly said: "Actually, I think this is quite troublesome."

Chi Xia cheered up all of a sudden: "Trouble?"

He Wang smiled, and deliberately said: "Actually, people who are really unhealthy will take the initiative to find a psychologist, and the school's arrangement is superfluous."

Chi Xia suddenly found a resonance: "Yes, that's what I think."

He Wang followed the topic and asked: "How do you feel about your mental state?"

Chi Xia: "I have good academic performance, my mother is very relaxed about my control, and the teacher is also very concerned about my grades. I hardly have any physical and mental pressure."

He Wang clasped his hands together: "This is a good thing."

Chi Xia smiled shallowly: "Yes, I also feel that my body and mind are very healthy, so there is no need for a psychological evaluation."

The smile on He Wan's face became more and more gentle: "It's a good thing to have no pressure, so, do you have any other worries?"

Chi Xia doesn't have any precautions against He Wang now: "No, I don't have any worries at all."

He Wang: "Do you usually look forward to home leave?"

Chi Xia didn't hesitate: "I look forward to it. My mother used to prepare a big table of food every time I went back. Now that I have a sister-in-law, my sister-in-law will prepare a big table of food for me every time I go back."

He Wan raised his eyebrows: "Your sister-in-law is fine."

"It's okay, I think my brother disciplined him well." Once Chi Xia trusted the other party, he would speak freely.

He Huang raised his eyebrows: "Disciplinary?"

Chi Xia raised her hand and rested her chin: "My sister-in-law used to be a high-ranking person, no one could catch her, but my brother chased her, and even disciplined her submissively. I think my brother is very good."

He Wang: "..."

Chi Xia looked forward to it: "I just hope that I can be as powerful as my brother, and fall in love when I grow up, and be the one who controls in love."

He Wang touched his cheek with the tip of his tongue: "So, you adore your brother?"

Chi Xia nodded: "Yes, my brother is very powerful, so I admire him very much. There is nothing he can't control, so I have to learn to be like him."

He Wang's forehead twitched faintly.

I really answered that sentence: the son is bad, and the mother is bad.

Can't talk for too long, He Wan casually cut to the point: "Can you share with me how your brother controls your sister-in-law and makes your sister-in-law follow him wholeheartedly?"

Please recommend Piaobaozi~

Brother Keng's will always be his younger sister!

(end of this chapter)