I Refused To Be A Substitute, And Shot To Fame On A Variety Show With My Mother-In-Law - Chapter 529

Chapter 529

Chapter 529 Nosebleed scene

Seeing Secretary Dou turn around, Qiao Qiao immediately withdrew her gaze, concealed her eavesdropping posture, and pretended to be serious about reading the document.

Until Secretary Dou came, stood beside her and said, "Don't look at it for now, just give me the file."

Qiao Qiao returned the document to Dou Ying without any hesitation. After Dou Ying took the document, she asked, "Should I not read it now, or not in the future."

Dou Ying put away the documents and put them in a yellow paper bag. Hearing Qiao Qiao's question, she raised her eyelids and glanced at her.

This look was particularly intimidating to Qiao Qiao, and she immediately said, "Look, I'll keep watching."

Dou Ying squeezed out a trace of tenderness from her blunt face: "Don't read it for now, I will teach you how to read it later."

Qiao Qiao nodded: "That's good."

"Sit down for a while, I'll take you to change clothes after checking the content of the press conference." Dou Ying turned around and said.

What Qiao Qiao meant by hearing this, is that she can be blatantly empty-handed?

That's great.

She leaned back on the sofa comfortably. If the location and scene didn't allow it, she would just lie down and take out her phone to play a game.

In the end, I can only maintain a ladylike sitting posture, take out my mobile phone and browse Weibo casually, to see which female celebrity or which male celebrity is on the top search...

About seven or eight minutes passed.

Dou Ying had already checked the content of the press conference, she came over and called Qiao Qiao: "Okay, come with me."

Qiao Qiao obediently put away her phone, and followed Dou Ying out of the office.

Jingcheng was ordered by Shao Jingmo to follow Qiao Qiao all the time. Qiao Qiao used to hate such an inseparable follower, but now she doesn't.

Going down two flights of stairs, Dou Ying took Qiao Qiao to a company employee's locker room.

Then she took out a set of clothes and handed it to Qiao Qiao: "Change this one."

Qiao Qiao didn't look at it carefully after taking it, she nodded first and said: "Okay."

Dou Ying glanced at her meaningfully before turning around and going out.

Now Qiao Qiao was the only one in the dressing room. She hugged the clothes Dou Ying gave her and sat down upset. Suddenly I wanted to be a deserter, and I was too uncomfortable here. I was restrained in speaking and doing things, for fear of offending Secretary Dou.

She frowned and continued to sigh, from Shao Jingmo's office above to the dressing room below, all the sighs of her life were over today!

Suddenly realized that there was a mirror in front of her. She forced a smile on the mirror, tsk tsk, uglier than crying!

Afraid that Secretary Dou would come in and urge her, she didn't dare to delay for too long, so she got up and changed her clothes.

Just now, I didn't pay attention to see what style of clothes Dou Ying gave her.

It was only when I opened it that I realized that it was an OL black and white professional suit. The difference from Dou Ying's professional suit was that her suit was covered with a hip skirt, while Dou Ying's professional suit was underwear.

Moreover, her set also comes with a black silk.

Qiao Qiao: "..."!

You remember that when she went out, she was still thinking, Shao Jingmo said that she was not dressed properly, could it be that she should wear professional attire + black silk?

No, what do you think, Dou Ying really prepared a professional suit + black silk for her!

She didn't go to be Shao Jingmo's secretary. Is it really okay to dress like this in the company?

Knock Knock-

There was a knock on the door for a reminder outside, followed by Dou Ying's voice: "Have you changed it yet?"

Qiao Qiao stretched her neck and responded, "It will be ready soon!"

After answering, she couldn't care less, so she quickly changed into this suit.

In just two minutes, Qiao Qiao put on this set of OL professional suits. Professional suits are usually black and white, with white shirts inside.

Qiao Qiao's **** are neither too big nor too small. This white shirt barely fits her, but it's stretched a little...sexy!

There is also the hip skirt below, which is a bit too short.

She pulled it down, but it still felt short.

It stands to reason that if she is working at the bottom, she should wear a professional top and pants, just like Dou Ying's professional attire.

But her shirt is so tight, and there is still a hip-covering skirt underneath. The key point is that she is so tight, showing the curves of her figure.

Just, just... It doesn't feel like I'm here for work, but rather like I'm here to seduce the boss.

very! No! just! through!

And even if the suit is not serious, there are even more serious black silk.

Qiao Qiao raised her forehead, she might as well put the black silk on her head!

But if you really want to go out with a hood on, don't wait for tomorrow, she will be famous in the company today!

After struggling for a few seconds, Qiao Qiao put on the black silk neatly. Her legs were well-proportioned and slender. After putting on the stockings, her legs were **** and alluring.

Looking up, it is business attire, and it has become unscrupulous and sexy.

Did Secretary Dou really pick up the wrong clothes?

Qiao Qiao was ashamed.

A few minutes later, Qiao Qiao came out of the dressing room timidly. She put her original coat on her body, trying to make herself look more serious.

Seeing Qiao Qiao coming out, Dou Ying walked around Qiao Qiao to look her up.

Qiao Qiao said: "Secretary Dou, I don't think this suit suits me very well."

"Who says it's not suitable." Dou Ying was very satisfied, and directly took off the coat on Qiao Qiao's shoulders, and put it on the crook of her arm: "I think it suits you very well, no, it suits you very well."

Qiao Qiao: "..."

She turned her head to ask Jing Cheng.

It turned out that Jing Cheng had turned his head away when she came out of the dressing room.

Who dares to look at this!

Obviously only the third master can see it.

Finally, Qiao Qiao followed Dou Ying to an office with an aggrieved expression on her face.

Of course, this office cannot be compared with Shao Jingmo's huge office that occupies an entire floor, but it is still very bright, clean and tidy.

Qiao Qiao walked slowly in the office while pulling the hem of her skirt down.

Dou Ying, who was walking behind, stretched her hand against her lower back: "Keep your head up, don't bend your back, and don't keep pulling your skirt with your hands."

Qiao Qiao was reminded by Dou Ying and immediately stood up straight, but she still said a few words: "I'm not used to this kind of dress."

Dou Ying said: "Get used to it slowly."

Qiao Qiao pursed her lips.

Dou Ying reminded Qiao Qiao: "This is where you will work in the future. First, get familiar with the environment. I have something to deal with. Come here later."

Qiao Qiao replied sullenly: "Okay."

As soon as Dou Ying left, Qiao Qiao didn't want to pretend for a moment, so she quickly unbuttoned a few buttons on her chest to relax. At first, the shirt felt barely suitable, only a little tight.

After such a long time, she felt that she was already too tight, and her chest was constricted a little out of breath.

As soon as the button was unbuttoned, a ravine appeared, with a large white patch, which was very dazzling.

Meanwhile, outside the door.

Shao Jingmo just came down, met Dou Ying who came out, and asked, "Is she inside?"

Dou Ying nodded: "Yes."

Shao Jingmo didn't know about Dou Ying asking Qiao Qiao to change her clothes at the moment, and when she was about to go there, Dou Ying suddenly said: "Mr. Qiao, I have already dealt with everything this afternoon. I have something to do at home, so I will go back first. "

Shao Jingmo nodded: "Go back."

Dou Ying immediately said: "Thank you, Mr. Qiao."

After saying thank you, I will leave immediately.

Shao Jingmo put one hand in his trouser pocket and walked towards the office.

When he opened the door and came in, he saw a scene that made people feel extremely excited...

(end of this chapter)