I Refused To Be A Substitute, And Shot To Fame On A Variety Show With My Mother-In-Law - Chapter 528

Chapter 528

Chapter 528 I want to spoil her

As soon as Qiao Qiao asked Jing Cheng about this person, the door of the office opened.

A woman in business attire came in with a document in her arms. The woman's face was expressionless, she looked very imposing, and she had an aura that could not be ignored. Qiao Qiao just glanced at her and subconsciously stood up from her seat.

"Miss Qiao, are you talking about me?"

The woman walked to the desk, put the documents on the table, and greeted Qiao Qiao with a blank expression.

Qiao Qiao looked a little uncomfortable. She didn't know this woman, but the other party called her name directly after she came in. She was a little confused, but she didn't directly ask who the other party was, but looked at the bodyguard Jing Cheng next to her for help. .

Jingcheng understood Qiao Qiao's eyes, stepped forward, and was about to introduce the woman's identity to Qiao Qiao.

At that time, the woman had already introduced herself: "I'm really sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am the secretary of the board of directors, Dou Ying."

After finishing speaking, Dou Ying stretched out her hand to Qiao Qiao: "Nice meeting, Ms. Qiao, hello."

Qiao Qiao was a little restrained at the beginning, but she didn't show too much timidity at this time. She generously reached out and shook Dou Ying's hand: "Hello, Secretary Dou."

Dou Ying smiled slightly: "During the period when Ms. Qiao joined the company, I will guide you to familiarize yourself with the company's affairs. Don't worry, Ms. Qiao, I will take good care of you."

Qiao Qiao felt extremely uncomfortable hearing this.

Does Secretary Dou feel that she is a relative, so she looks down on her?

Just as she was thinking this way, she saw Dou Ying looking her up and down with a scrutinizing gaze. This kind of gaze made Qiao Qiao even more uncomfortable, as if she was a commodity for sale in the window.

She straightened her face and asked, "Secretary Dou, will you also arrange my next work?"

"Of course." Dou Ying withdrew her scrutiny: "But before you arrange work, you have to change your clothes. It's not inappropriate to dress like this. On the contrary, it's very decent. It's too ostentatious to be a clerk."

The corners of Qiao Qiao's mouth twitched.

Dressing up again!

Recalling that before going out, Shao Jingmo said that she needs to change her clothes, although he didn't insist on her changing at that time, but said to let her, but now Secretary Dou said that she would change.

I knew it earlier and changed it at home.

She asked, "So what should I wear?"

Dou Ying opened the document in front of her and handed it to Qiao Qiao: "Read these first, and I will bring you the changed clothes later."

"Oh, good." Qiao Qiao took the document, sat down and opened it to read.

Just a few seconds after sitting down, she suddenly stood up in a startled manner, and explained to Dou Ying with a nervous expression: "Sorry, I forgot to be Xiao... in Mr. Qiao's position, and I will come out right away."

There was no sign of anger on Dou Ying's face, she just said: "Read it soon."

Then I went to the next table and took another document.

Qiao Qiao looked at Secretary Dou's back and breathed a sigh of relief.

When she sat down just now, Secretary Dou didn't remind her, she reacted by herself.

The moment she stood up in a hurry, her mind was filled with Secretary Dou's extremely serious and mean face, which made her breathe hard, but when she was explaining, she found that Secretary Dou's face was not as bad as she imagined.

She guessed it was the first time she committed a crime, and Secretary Dou gave her some face.

It is estimated that if she commits this kind of stupidity again later, she will definitely be scolded bloody. She didn't know why, although Secretary Dou had never scolded her a word until now, but she always felt that Secretary Dou must be very fierce when he scolded others.

This Shao Jingmo must have done it on purpose for handing her over to someone as strict as Secretary Dou.

Perhaps this Secretary Dou was ordered by Shao Jingmo to show her off, to give her some flair.

But even if this is the case, what can we do?

Since you want to stay in the company, you have to accept your fate. !

Thinking of this, Qiao Qiao sighed silently, and suddenly felt that her life was very miserable. She came out from behind the desk with the document in her arms, went to the sofa and sat down to read it slowly.

She is always easily distracted, especially because she can't read these documents, so she has to ask, but she doesn't want to take the initiative to ask Secretary Dou, mainly because she is afraid of her...

Don't dare to ask, and don't understand, so I can only stare at the document in a daze.


This is her seventh sigh.

Jing Cheng, who was standing by the side, was a little worried when he saw the eldest lady sighing frequently. Just then his cell phone rang. Jing Cheng took out his cell phone and saw that it was a text message from the third master.

Shao Jingmo: [How is she? ]

Jingcheng replied by typing: [Third Master, the eldest lady is looking at the account book that Secretary Dou gave her, but the eldest lady couldn't read it, and sat on the sofa holding the account book and sighed frequently. ]

For Qiao Qiao, what she held in her hand was an incomprehensible document.

For the entire Deep Blue Group, what she holds in her hands is the lifeline.

Shao Jingmo showed Qiao Qiao such an important thing as soon as he came up, fearing that no one would be able to guess his true thoughts.


Shao Jingmo sent a short message: [Remind her, ask Dou Ying if you don't understand. ]

After Jingcheng came to a conclusion through his own observation for so long, he typed and replied: [Missy is a little afraid of Secretary Dou. ]

Shao Jingmo did not send any more text messages.

At the same time, Dou Ying was checking the content of the recent Deep Blue Group press conference. The check was not yet completed, and she received a call from Shao Jingmo.

Dou Ying picked up the phone and deliberately raised her voice: "Mr. Qiao."

Qiao Qiao, who was distracted, immediately came back to her senses when she heard Dou Ying calling Mr. Qiao, and hurriedly pretended to read the document seriously, but actually pricked up her ears to secretly listen to Dou Ying's call .

With a certain distance, she naturally couldn't hear Shao Jingmo's voice on the other end of the phone, but she could hear everything Dou Ying said clearly.

Shao Jingmo asked Dou Ying: "Did you kill her?"

Dou Ying replied: "How dare you."

Shao Jingmo said: "She is timid, so she can't help but scare her. Don't always keep a straight face, it will scare her."

Dou Ying smiled wryly and said, "I know, you have told me this sentence no less than five times."

This is not an exaggeration, it was Shao Jingmo who really asked him no less than five times, and only Qiao Qiao's matter would make him particularly concerned, and he asked him repeatedly and repeatedly.

At this moment, there was a short seven or eight seconds of silence on the other end of the phone, and Dou Ying didn't speak any more, waiting for the person on the other end of the phone to order.

After waiting for a while, Shao Jingmo's voice came: "My meeting is almost over, so don't tell her, let her rest for a while."

Dou Ying convinces people with reasoning: "Diligence can make up for stupidity."

Shao Jingmo still said: "Let her rest."

Dou Ying simply stopped persuading her and responded, "Okay, I got it."

Ending the phone call, Dou Ying looked at the screen of the mobile phone, smiled wryly and shook her head, put the phone aside, and then turned around.

(end of this chapter)