I Refused To Be A Substitute, And Shot To Fame On A Variety Show With My Mother-In-Law - Chapter 213

Chapter 213

Chapter 213 Establishment of father-son relationship

The doctor said: "Yes, Mrs. Pei, the DNA test results you asked for came out."

Han Qianye asked: "What was the result?"

The doctor on the phone is preparing to inform Han Qianye of the DNA results one by one.

At this time, Han Qianye suddenly stopped: "Wait a minute!"

The doctor waited silently.

Han Qianye felt a little uneasy, and took a deep breath to calm down: "Okay, let's talk about the result."

Doctor: "Examination material 1 and examination material 2 are in D3S1358, TH01..."

The time passed by about a minute, and Han Qianye was impatient: "Don't talk about these comparison data, you can just talk about the results, I just want the results."

The doctor quickly responded: "The probability that the test material 1 is the biological father of the test material 2 is greater than 99.99%. According to the results of the DNA genetic marker typing, it supports that the test material 1 is the biological father of the test material 2."

Han Qianyelong summed it up in one sentence: "So, it's a father-son relationship, right?"

The doctor replied: "Yes, Mrs. Pei, the result of the appraisal is a father-son relationship."

Words fall!

At the same time, the mobile phone in Han Qianye's hand fell on the carpet, making a crisp 'click' sound.

The whole person was dumbstruck.

Pei Qingji was picking up his wristwatch. Seeing this, he came over and bent down to pick up the cell phone on the carpet. Seeing his wife's dumbfounded expression, he asked, "What's the matter?"

Han Qianye slowly looked up at Pei Qingji.

Pei Qingji was flustered: "I haven't been fishing recently."

Han Qianye stretched out his hand towards Pei Qingji.

Pei Qingji said honestly: "There is no fishing rod."

Han Qianye was angry: "I know where your fishing rod is hidden, so give me your phone first."

Pei Qingji: "..."

Han Qianye took back the phone and saw that the call was over, probably when Pei Qingji picked up the phone just now, he accidentally pressed the hang up button.

Han Qianye dialed back again: "Doctor Luo."

The doctor picked up the phone immediately, and guessed that the movement just now was an accident.

Madam Pei may be...excited? Or maybe angry?

Paternity test relationship is a happy event for 91% of ordinary families.

But for a top wealthy family like the Pei family, 20% is a possibility of happy events, and the remaining 80% is a possibility of bad events. Either it's troubles like an illegitimate child, or a scandal like a green hat, it's quite complicated anyway.

The doctor spoke cautiously: "Mrs. Pei, tell me."

Han Qianye said in a steady tone, "Send the DNA test results to Pei Zhai."

The doctor was very nervous, for fear of being accidentally involved in some struggles of the wealthy family, but he couldn't refuse, so he had to answer first: "Madam Pei, wait a moment."

Han Qianye: "Okay."

After you end the call.

Han Qianye stared at the phone in a daze.

Just looking at the expression, it looks like he is very preoccupied.

Pei Qingji took off his watch and walked over, and sat down beside Han Qianye: "When you answer the phone, you become preoccupied. Did the appraisal result disappoint you?"

Han Qianye didn't say a word, and sighed with lowered eyes.

Pei Qingji came over and put his hand on his wife's shoulder: "It stands to reason that the result of disappointment is right. Could it be that you want to see Jingzhou hide an illegitimate child and be discovered in the end, and then the two of them will be found out because of this illegitimate child?" Divorce?"

Han Qianye pursed her lips tightly with a serious expression.

Because Pei Qingji knew exactly what she was thinking.

That's why she didn't show any signs of happiness after knowing the result, but became more preoccupied.

Pei Qingji gently persuaded him: "Now you are focusing on maintaining the relationship between the two of them. When they get better, it will be a matter of time before they have a grandson. This time, treat it as a false alarm. I also believe that my son is not the kind who For those who are promiscuous outside, I am the kind of love, and my son can't be a scumbag."

Han Qianye turned to look at Pei Qingji: "You reminded me."

Pei Qingji had a smile on his face: "Huh?"

Han Qianye: "Genes are indeed important. The father is a lover, and so is the son. If the son is a scumbag who loves women, the father probably won't be much better."

Pei Qingji nodded: "Correct answer."

At this time, Pei Qingji, who didn't know anything about the content of the call just now, had dug a big hole for himself without knowing it.

After a few minutes.

Dr. Luo personally sent the DNA test results to Pei's house.

Guided by the housekeeper, Uncle Dong, he came in with a yellow leather document bag.

Dr. Luo handed the yellow leather document bag to Han Qianye with both hands: "Mrs. Pei, this is the result of the DNA test."

Han Qianye took the yellow leather document bag: "Dr. Luo has worked hard, please sit down, Uncle Dong serves evening tea."

Dr. Luo quickly waved his hand: "No, no, I have to go back to the hospital to be on duty."

Uncle Dong asked curiously: "The director is still on duty?"

Dr. Luo laughed dryly: "The hospital is understaffed tonight, there is no way, I have to go back."

Han Qianye smiled: "Doctor Luo, walk slowly, Uncle Dong, give me a treat."

and others left.

Han Qianye returned to the upstairs bedroom with a yellow leather file bag.

Pei Qingji had finished washing, put on his nightgown and just went to bed, when he looked up and saw his wife came back, he patted the place next to him: "Wife, come and sleep."

Han Qianye said lightly, "Go to bed first."

After finishing speaking, Han Qianye sat down on the sofa at the end of the bed.

She opened the yellow leather document bag in her hand, and took out the identification results inside to read it carefully. Similar to what Dr. Luo said on the phone, the probability that Jingzhou is the biological father of the child is greater than 99.99%.

Heard it with my own ears, although it has been confirmed, but Han Qianye always wants to see it with his own eyes.

Now that I have seen it with my own eyes, my heart is even more blocked.

The document in his hand was taken away by Pei Qingji who got out of bed: "Let me see."

Han Qianye did not stop: "I suggest you be mentally prepared."

Pei Qingji scoffed lightly: "Is this the only thing you need to prepare yourself for? I'd like to see what turned out to make you so preoccupied and so ugly."

However, it didn't take long for the words to fall.

Pei Qingji's complexion is gradually becoming ugly.

Finally, three words from the soul: "Fuck me!???"

Han Qianye said unrequitedly: "Now do you know why I am so preoccupied?"

Pei Qingji: "..."

This document is a paternity test!

The names of both parties were not written on the appraisal, but there were inspection material 1 and inspection material 2 as the father and son respectively.

If he hadn't learned just now that his wife took the hair of the eldest son and a child for DNA testing, Pei Qingji would probably have read the test results calmly.

But now the situation is.

The identification results turned out to be: Jingzhou and that child have a biological father-son probability greater than 99.99%! !

Han Qianye took the time to ask: "Old Pei, what do you think of this matter?"

Pei Qingji coughed lightly: "I think this matter..."

Han Qianye: "Huh?"

Pei Qingji raised his hand and scratched his eyebrows: "This matter needs to be discussed in the long run."

Han Qianye mentioned: "I remember someone said just now that a son is promiscuous outside, and being a father is not much better."

Pei Qingji: "..."

(end of this chapter)