I Refused To Be A Substitute, And Shot To Fame On A Variety Show With My Mother-In-Law - Chapter 212

Chapter 212

Chapter 212 The DNA paternity test results are out!

On the table.

Bite obediently sat next to Li Xiwu, while Pei Jingzhou sat opposite.

The atmosphere was a little strangely quiet, except for Li Xiwu who occasionally bit the cloth, Pei Jingzhou and Biting seemed to hate each other!

Finally, Pei Jingzhou couldn't stand it anymore: "There is almost no room in his bowl."

Unconvinced: "I can still eat a lot!"

Pei Jingzhou's tone became a bit colder; "Are you a pig?"

Biting her head and looking at Li Xiwu, she asked in a waxy voice, "Are pigs cute?"

Li Xiwu pressed the corners of her raised lips: "Cute."

Biting and saying immediately: "Then I am a cute pig."

Pei Jingzhou: "..."

Li Xiwu couldn't help laughing, seeing Pei Jingzhou's uncomfortable expression, suppressed a smile: "What about it, fourth brother."

Pei Jingzhou: "No way, but I didn't see you serving me food."

As soon as the voice fell, a piece of pork belly arrived in Pei Jingzhou's bowl: "Eat it."

Pei Jingzhou picks and chooses: "The attitude is different."

Li Xiwu sighed and laughed: "Pei is three years old, eat quickly."

The smile on the corners of Pei Jingzhou's lips spread to the corners of his brows and eyes, like a spring breeze.

Li Xiwu couldn't help thinking about it, if Pei Jingzhou had a child in the future, would he look like this?

It's already half past seven after dinner.

Li Xiwu had to deal with some work, so he asked Pei Jingzhou to accompany him. Pei Jingzhou was obviously not happy, and he preferred to watch TV by himself.

It was almost eight o'clock when Li Xiwu finished his work.

However, during this period, I did not receive any calls or messages from Mrs. Desing.

As soon as it was eight o'clock, Li Xiwu took the initiative to call Mrs. Di Xin, first to check on Mrs. Di Xin's physical condition, and then cut into the matter of when to pick up the bite.

Call the phone.

It was Mrs. Di Xin who picked up: "Miss Li."

Li Xiwu asked: "Is Mrs. Di Xin better?"

Mrs. De Xin's voice sounded a little weak: "Thank you, Ms. Li, for your concern. I feel better. I was talking to the doctor about my physical condition just now. The doctor suggested that I be hospitalized, but I refused to be hospitalized. I will come after half an hour. Take a bite."

Hearing this, Li Xiwu felt uncomfortable, and suggested: "Mrs. Dessin's most important thing is to take care of your health."

Mrs. Dessing sighed: "That won't work, I still have to come to pick you up, but I have to be wronged and stay with me in the hospital tonight."

Although Mrs. Dessing lives in a VIP ward.

But it is a hospital after all.

Children don't like that place very much.

Li Xiwu hesitated for a moment: "Otherwise, Bite will stay with me tonight."

Mrs. Dessing worried: "But you want to record a program tomorrow?"

Li Xiwu smiled slightly: "My husband has time to watch Biting, but when the time comes, Mrs. Di Xin will just contact my husband."

She used "my husband" to make Mrs. Dessing feel more at ease.

Mrs. Di Xin was very grateful: "Then I will trouble you, Miss Li."

Li Xiwu: "No trouble, take care of yourself."

End the call.

Li Xiwu turned around, and saw Pei Jingzhou standing there, looking at her with a happy face: "My husband."

Li Xiwu: "..."

It could be seen that Pei Jingzhou was in a good mood, and he didn't even mind staying for the whole night, he just said, "That kid can stay here tonight, but you can't carry him into the master bedroom."

Li Xiwu bent her lips: "Okay, don't carry her into the master bedroom."

Pei Jingzhou reacted quickly: "Are you going to the guest bedroom?"

Li Xiwu raised his eyebrows: "It's the fourth brother who said that you can't take Biting to the master bedroom, and he didn't say that I can't take Biting to the guest bedroom."

Pei Jingzhou: "..."

Li Xiwu went to communicate with Bite about staying here tonight.

Biting seems to be looking forward to it, but it is also very cautious when asking: "Can I sleep with you?"

Li Xiwu said happily, "Of course."

Then Pei Jingzhou watched helplessly as his wife hugged someone else's son and went to the guest bedroom.

Beds are made.

There are no daily necessities for children at home. Although he only stayed for one night, Li Xiwu ordered children's daily necessities from a supermarket and delivered them quickly.

At this time, there were only Li Xiwu and Bite in the bathroom.

Because I haven't seen Pei Jingzhou's figure for a long time, I felt nervous, afraid of being kicked out suddenly, so I pulled Li Xiwu's clothes with his small hand.

Li Xiwu squeezed the toothpaste and handed it to him: "What's wrong?"

The word 'Ya' was unconsciously used when speaking, but Li Xiwu himself didn't notice it.

bitingly asked: "What about him?"

As soon as Li Xiwu heard it, he knew that the "he" in the question was referring to Pei Jingzhou, so he said casually, "He fell into the toilet."

Bite and bite instantly stunned.

Li Xiwu sneered: "Are we going to save him?"

Biting and turning around, looking at the toilet behind him, he pondered for a while and said, "If we don't save it, is it just the two of us?"

Li Xiwu: "Yes."

Biting and pressing the flush button, the sound of splashing water sounded: "Okay, I flushed him away."

But just after finishing speaking, Biting regretted it again.

Turned back and pulled Li Xiwu's clothes: "He's not here, no one will protect you."

Li Xiwu couldn't help laughing: "It's okay, biting can protect me."

Biting sadly: "How about we take him out of the toilet?"

Li Xiwu was overjoyed.

All the recent negative energy seems to have disappeared at this moment.

At this moment, Pei Jingzhou walked in.

Noticing the little guy next to him, his eyes widened and he looked at him in disbelief.

Pei Jingzhou asked: "Little devil, what's wrong?"

Biting and asking in shock: "Did you just climb out of the toilet?"

Pei Jingzhou: "..."

At the same time, Pei Zhai.

Han Qianye held today's candid photo of Bite in one hand, and the flipped photo album in the other. After repeated comparisons, Han Qianye gasped: "This is too similar!"

Pei Qingji walked over curiously and asked, "What does it look like?"

Han Qianye hurriedly showed the photos and album to Pei Qingji who came over: "Look, do you look like it?"

After reading it, Pei Qingji hissed, "Who is this?"

Han Qianye: "Your son and your grandson."

Pei Qingji's mouth twitched: "What's the situation, my grandson is so old, why don't I know?"

Han Qianye was upset: "I just found out, too."

Next, Han Qianye told Pei Qingji what happened.

Pei Qingji said after listening: "It should just look alike."

Han Qianye: "My intuition told me that it was not that simple, so I did a paternity test."

Pei Qingji didn't take it seriously.

After all, this is too outrageous.

His son had such a big son, and the whole family didn't know it.

Who will believe it?

'buzz buzz-'

The phone is vibrating.

"What are you talking about? The hospital is calling." Han Qianye quickly picked up the phone.

Pei Qingji still didn't take it seriously.

Anyway, no matter how he looked at it, he thought it was outrageous.

Pei Qingji even felt that his wife probably wanted a grandson too much! Recently, I have been talking about it from time to time, if my son and daughter-in-law have a baby, the relationship will be more stable or something.

It is estimated that the thought of grandson is almost bewildered.

Han Qianye picked up the phone and asked, "Is the result out?"

The doctor said: "Yes, Mrs. Pei, the DNA test results you asked for came out."

(end of this chapter)