I Refused To Be A Substitute, And Shot To Fame On A Variety Show With My Mother-In-Law - Chapter 164

Chapter 164

Chapter 164 Li Xiwu doubts: Is she really that substitute?

The single ward was deserted all night. In the early morning, the silence was broken by Li Xiwu's cry of waking up from a dream!

The moment tears fell from the corners of her eyes, she didn't know.

Fuzzy ceiling, bad disinfectant smell.

The scenes I saw in the dream are still so clearly presented in my mind after waking up.

There is also that calm and refined gentleman who kindly calls herXiaoyou.

Li Xiwu's breathing was so tight that he felt a little suffocated.

She had a splitting headache and subconsciously raised her hand to touch her forehead.

When her fingertips touched a layer of gauze, she looked around the entire ward with blank eyes. At that moment, she experienced short-term amnesia. For a moment, she even forgot what she had experienced, why she was in the ward, and how her head was injured.

Until a few seconds later, Ayo's surprised voice came

"Sister! Are you awake?"

Li Xiwu turned his head when he heard the sound.

Looking at the pure and simple face of Ayo in front of him, the memory quickly recalled, flooding into his mind like a flood.

Ayo was very excited when she saw Li Xiwu woke up, she got up and approached the bedside and asked, "Sister, are you hungry? Oh no, I just woke up to drink water, sister, wait, I'll get you some water. "

At this time Ding Wei also heard the sound and walked in.

When he saw Li Xiwu who had woken up supporting the bed and was about to get up, he quickly stepped forward to help her: "Ms. Li, you just woke up, lie down first."

The first sentence Li Xiwu raised his eyes and asked was: "Where's Han Qianye?"

She even forgot to use the title, and asked for the name directly.

Ding Wei replied: "Your mother-in-law is fine."

Seeing Li Xiwu's unconvincing expression, Ding Wei said solemnly: "Your mother-in-law is really fine. Not only is she fine, but she is still able to dance well."

After finishing speaking, Ding Wei added: "In comparison, Mr. Li, your situation is more serious."

Li Xiwu asked again: "What about the others?"

Ding Wei replied: "Only Miss Tao had a slight concussion, and she woke up when she was sent to the hospital last night. It's fine. Everyone else is fine, too."

Li Xiwu closed his eyes: "It's fine."

Ding Wei was very distressed: "You only think about others, why don't you ask yourself?"

Li Xiwu rolled her pale lips: "I can wake up and talk to you well, which means I'm fine."

After finishing speaking, Li Xiwu raised his hand to touch his forehead again, trying to determine the exact location of the wound.

Ding Wei immediately blocked Li Xiwu's hand: "Try not to touch your forehead. This is where you bumped into last night. Although it has been sutured and bandaged, it will definitely hurt when you touch that spot."

In fact, it hurts more than just touching it.

Don't touch it with your hands, just talking will hurt.

She listened to Ding Wei's words and temporarily put her hand down.

Ayo poured water for her, and Ding Wei adjusted the elevation of the hospital bed so that Li Xiwu could sit back.

She took small sips of water while holding the water glass. When she was silent, her mind was not empty, but she was thinking about the scenes that happened in that dream. She wondered why she had such a dream.

Everything that happened in the dream seemed to have nothing to do with her.

But if the person in the dream was really her father, why did he call her Xiaoyou?

Mrs. Dessing recognized her as Xiaoyou.

Yu Hewei recognized her as Xiaoyou.

Everyone in the Pei family knows that she is the substitute named Xiaoyou...

After a while, Li Xiwu put down the water glass and took a breath. At this moment, a terrible idea popped up in her mind

Is she really a stand-in?

Is it a stand-in for the person everyone thinks it is?

To convert everything that happened in the dream into reality, it must be another misunderstanding of admitting the wrong person. But this time it happened in her dream, which means that there was no misunderstanding, otherwise all this would not make sense.

"elder sister?"

"elder sister?"

Ayo raised his hand and waved it in front of Li Xiwu who was absent-minded.

Li Xiwu recovered and looked at Ayo: "What's wrong, Ayo?"

Ayo said: "Those two directors came in."

Li Xiwu raised his eyes, and when he saw Director Yu and Director Gao who were standing at the end of the bed with concerned faces, he realized how distracted he was just now, and he didn't even hear the sound of the two coming in.

Gao Yueban asked with concern: "Mr. Li, besides the head, do you feel any discomfort in the body?"

Li Xiwu pursed her lips: "Thank you Director Gao for your concern. There is nothing uncomfortable in my body. I am fine."

How could Gao Yueban afford Li Xiwu's thanks.

After all, such a big thing happened, and the program team is still suppressing it.

As for Li Xiwu's injury, apart from him, Yu Jing, and Ding Wei who was next to him, there are a few other photographers who know about it. None of the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law guests know about it.

Everyone knows that it is impossible to keep this matter hidden.

Just wait for Li Xiwu to wake up, so that he can put his attitude on and explain it, so that when everyone learns that Li Xiwu is injured, they will all rush into the ward to make her rest.

Gao Yueban took a few steps towards the head of the bed, his slight nervousness was reflected in his constant rubbing of his hands: "Ms. Li..."

Li Xiwu's gaze slowly moved from Gao Yueban's hand to his face.

Yu Jing looked at Gao Yue and hesitated for a long while without a complete sentence, so he took the initiative to speak: "Mr. Li, it's like this. At present, the other guests, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, don't know about your injury."

The words fall.

Li Xiwu frowned.

Yu Jing thought that Li Xiwu was angry, and hurriedly said: "You were in an emergency last night, and Han Qianye also needed to be checked at that time, so I didn't tell her about your situation. I thought I would tell everyone this morning, and everyone would guess will come to see you."

Yu Jing finished speaking in one breath.

Looking nervously at Li Xiwu's expression.

Li Xiwu didn't say anything, and turned to look for his phone.

Ayo hurriedly handed a mobile phone with a broken screen to Li Xiwu: "Sister, are you looking for this?"

Li Xiwu took the phone: "Thank you, Ayo."

Ayo scratched her head in embarrassment: "You're welcome, sister."

Li Xiwu looked down at the shattered phone screen, knowing that when she dropped it last night, the phone followed her.

Gao Yueban and Yu Jing looked nervously at Li Xiwu and turned on his phone, wondering if they wanted to call President Pei to complain?

It's over, it's over.

However, the two of them didn't complain. It was true that they didn't handle the matter well this time.

is thinking about the worst.

Li Xiwu saw Li Xiwu put down the phone after reading and said: "What happened last night, you can suppress it if you can. If other guests don't want to, follow their opinions."

Speaking of this, Li Xiwu paused, pursed his lips and continued: "However, the show may be delayed for a few days before the live broadcast, so everyone should rest first."

After finishing speaking, Li Xiwu noticed that the expressions of Director Yu and Director Gao had become unbelievable.

However, the more incredible thing is yet to come.

Li Xiwu endured the pain in his head and continued: "I hope everyone will keep my injury a secret. Since they don't know it yet, when they ask, they say that I have already gone back."

Gao Yueban first disagreed: "That won't work, Mr. Li, we have to talk about it."

If you don't say it, others will definitely think Li Xiwu is too selfish, and leave without caring about the other people who got into a car accident.

He can't see Li Xiwu being wronged like this!

(end of this chapter)